Chapter Twenty Three- Sprint

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Tanaka was running down the street. As he was running, he pulled out his phone, and called Noya, who answered on the second ring.

  "Hello?" Tanaka heard Noya say through the phone.

  "Noya! I need your help! No time to explain, and I'm on my way!" He yelled while still running, hanging up the phone before getting his friends answer.

  By the time Tanaka made it to Noya's house, he was completely out of breath. He dragged himself up to the front door, and rang the door bell.

  "I GOT IT MOM!" The boy heard Noya yell on the other side, before the door flung open, revealing the short, spiky haired boy.

  "Jeez dude, did you run here?" Noya asked, pulling the tired boy inside. Tanaka nodded, still unable to talk.

  Noya just looked at him curiously. "Anyways, what did you need my help with?" Tanaka had finally caught his breath, and began explaining what was so important.

  "I asked (Y/n) on a date, but I didn't realize that I would have to plan it, so now I have two hours to plan the best date ever!" Tanaka said quickly, leaving Noya wide eyed.

  "Ryu, you fucking idiot!" Noya yelled, causing his mother to yell at him for his word choice. "How are you going to plan that in under two hours?! And what do you expect me to do?!" He yelled, slightly flabbergasted.

  Tanaka looked at him, a smirk growing on his face. "You did say that you're the love whisperer. Were you lying?" He knew that Noya would help him if he accused the boy of lying about one of his titles.

  Noya looked at him in disbelief, and offence. "Excuse you?! I AM THE BEST LOVE WHISPERER AND I'LL PROVE IT! I'll help you with that date!" He declared, smiling widely.

  "Alright let's get to work then! To my house!" Tanaka yelled, and ran out the door, sprinting once again.

  Before Noya realized what was happening, his friend was already halfway down the street. He tossed on his shoes as fast as possible and chased after Tanaka. "WAIT FOR ME!"
  It had taken (Y/n) almost a whole hour to decide what to wear for her and Tanaka's date. It's difficult to choose when you have no idea what you're going to be doing.

  She finally settled on a pair of black jeans, with a (f/c) knit sweater she had bought when she had been in Italy. (Wow you so cool)

  Once (Y/n) had gotten ready, she impatiently waited on the living room couch, hanging upside down, sprawling half on, and half off. She sat there watching the minutes slowly tick by.

  '1...2...3...4...5' She counted in her head. "UGH! I can't take this!" (Y/n) yelled.

  She was extremely excited considering this was her first date, which probably explained why she was so anxious. She didn't even have the mental capacity to be nervous.

  (Y/n) was in the middle of her fourth sprawling cycle on the couch, when there was a knock at the door.

  The girl sprung up, and literally sprinted to the front door, almost slipping, and running int a wall in the process. She fixed her hair quickly in the mirror, and swung the door open.

This do be a filler chapter though. It's kinda short because for some reason I am under STRESS.

  There is also a stupid fucking mosquito flying around me room, and I can't find it. 😭

I gotta get up early tomorrow to get some stupid fuckin braces. Gonna be a greeeat day 😑

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