Chapter Fifty Five- Siblings

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Tanaka stood in at the sink of his bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. Today was his, and (Y/n)'s date, and the girl had told him to dress casually, but not trashy.

Nervously adjusting the strings on his hoodie, and fixing the collar on his jacket, Tanaka finally left the bathroom.

He made his way to the kitchen, Saeko standing at the counter, eating an apple. The older girl practically choked when she saw her brother walk into the room.

She walked up to Tanaka, examining him carefully, like he was some sort of exotic animal. Saeko finally finished by looking at his face, her eyes narrowing.

Suddenly, Saeko grabbed his head, moving it in different directions. Tanaka swatted her hands away, taking a few steps back.

  "What are you doing Saeko?" He exclaimed, his sister's eyes narrowing even more. She suddenly attacked him, locking him in her arms.

  "WHO ARE YOU, AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BROTHER?!" Saeko screamed, Tanaka moving his head out of the way so she wasn't yelling right into his ear.

  The boy managed to wriggle out of his sister's grasp. "What are you talking about?!" He asked, moving as far away from his sister as possible.

  Saeko laughed. "Surely my brother could never dress this nice, and..." she paused taking a whiff of the air around the two

  "Are you wearing deodorant?!" She yelled, making Tanaka jump back, an offended look on his face. " I wear deodorant regularly! Thank you very much!"

"Pfft. Yeah right. Anyways, what's the occasion? Date with (Y/n)?" Saeko asked, taking another bite out of her apple.

Tanaka nodded hesitantly, his face slightly dusted pink. Saeko looked at her brother, noticing the colour that had suddenly risen to his face. "Dude, why the fuck are you so nervous? You two have been dating for what? A year or some shit?"

  Tanaka shook his head. "Only six months." He said, to which Saeko shrugged of with a, "Whatever."

  The girl turned to Tanaka, resting her hand on his shoulder, even though he was significantly taller than her. "My point is, is that there's no need to be nervous. She's dealt with you for this long, if I were her, I would've left you already."

  Saeko watched as her brother's face paled, Tanaka's soul beginning to leave his body. "BUT! The point is that she hasn't. She fucking loves you Ryu."

  Smiling, Saeko slapped Tanaka in the head. "So don't fuck it up by being a nervous pussy bro!"

  Rubbing his head, Tanaka glared at the girl. "Jeez you could've been a little nicer about it!" He growled,  Saeko glaring back.

"I don't do "nice" Ryu. You should know this by now." The girl said, throwing her arms up in exasperation.

A few seconds later, the doorbell rang, the two siblings knowing that the only person it could be was (Y/n).

  The two of them looked each other in the eye for a split second, before they both bolted to the door.

  Unfortunately for Tanaka, Saeko made it to the door first, opening it only a crack so that the boy couldn't see his girlfriend on the other side.

  "Hey (Y/n)!" Saeko said, kicking Tanaka back with her left leg. "You look great!" She exclaimed, teasing her brother, who was curious as to what (Y/n) was wearing.

  Tanaka heard the girl on the other side of the door speak, making him even more anxious. He finally grabbed his sister by the shoulders, yanking her backwards, away from the door.

  He took the short opening as a chance to slip through the door quickly yelling, "Bye Saeko!" as he slammed the door shut behind him.

  "Hi!" Tanaka said through a heavy sigh. (Y/n) laughed, knowing how chaotic the two siblings can be at times.

  She said hi back, and the two began walking down the street. She was wearing a (whatever the fuck kind of shirt you want cause I'm lazy), and black jeans.

  Tanaka was awestruck by the fact that even though the girl wasn't even wearing fancy clothes, she still managed to look stunning.

  Smiling, Tanaka looked at (Y/n). "So where are we going?" He asked, the girl smiling back at him teasingly.

  "You're just going to have to wait, and see." She said, laughing.

  The two continued down the street. This is going to be one hell of a day.



  As you may have been able to guess, I do not want to go to school tomorrow. 😌

  Hey uhm, people with anxiety... does it ever get so bad that you can't eat, because you feel like you're going to throw up, so you're practically starving yourself unless you absolutely have to eat? Cause same.  🧍🏼‍♀️

  Anyways byyyye

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