Chapter Forty Six- Kisses

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(Y/n) yawned, stretching her arms by raising them above her head. Suddenly, she felt two arms snake around her torso, making her jump slightly.

  The girl was then pulled tightly into a hug. She instantly recognized the figure behind her, and smiled as she turned around in her boyfriend's arms.

  "Do I get a good luck kiss?" Tanaka asked pouting slightly, with puppy dog eyes. They were currently standing in front of Karasuno High School, packing up the bus to head to the gym.

(Y/n)'s smile widened as she leaned forward, giving the boy a peck on the lips. When she pulled away, Tanaka's face was slightly red. "You still get flustered when I kiss you huh?" (Y/n) asked, laughing.

Tanaka's face turned a darker shade of red, his lips curving into a nervous smile. (Y/n) laughed again, nuzzling her nose against his.

"(Y/n), y-you should really stop teasing me like that." Tanaka laughed awkwardly. "Sorry." (Y/n) said, giving the boy another kiss, before pulling him into an even tighter hug.

  Behind the girl, Noya was making kissy faces at Tanaka, Suga was watching them like a proud mother, and Tsukki just rolled his eyes. "All this affectionate shit is going to make me puke." The first year said.

  "TSUKISHIMA KEI YOU WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!" Sugawara yelled, making the couple, and a few people in earshot laugh.

  Everybody clambered onto the bus, sitting on the red seats in pairs. It was still relatively dark out side, the sun just barely peeking over the horizon.

  Though the trip was quite short, (Y/n) still felt her eyes getting heavy halfway through. She hadn't even realized that she dozed off, until Tanaka was shaking her awake.

  "(Y/N)!" Tanaka yelled shaking the girl violently. "YOU NEED TO WAKE UP!" (Y/n) shot up, her eyes wide awake, looking alert.

  "What?!" She yelled back, after she was sure she wasn't about to be murdered. The girl rubbed her eyes, the fatigue sinking in after the adrenaline rush dissolved.

  Tanaka laughed, even though the girl next to him, looked like she might hurt him. "Sorry, but you weren't waking up, and we're here.

"It's okay. You probably did the right thing by shaking me awake anyways." (Y/n) said, yawning as she stood up.

The two had to run to catch up to the team, Tanaka practically dragging the girl who was half asleep still. Walking into the gym, the team almost instantly began warming up, the sound of squeaking shoes echoing throughout the gym.

(Y/n) stood next to Yachi, throwing, or passing any stray balls back to the boys. A ball rolled under the net from the other side of the court landing near Yachi's feet.

"Yoohoo!" A brown haired boy from Aoba Johsai called. "Could you help me out, and pass that back?" Yachi nodded, crouching down to grab the ball.

Suddenly, a second ball came flying under the net, right towards Yachi. The first year girl froze, unable to move out of the way.

(Y/n)'s reflexes kicked in, and within a split second she was in front of Yachi, receiving the ball just good enough that it went over the net.

"Are you okay Yachi?" (Y/n) asked grabbing the girl by her shoulders, and shaking her lightly. Yachi looked as if her soul had left her body.

Tanaka picked up the ball that the brown haired boy from before had rolled over, carrying it over to him, and his onion haired friend.

"So hot." He heard them say in unison, which kind of pissed him off. "Yeah my girlfriend is pretty hot isn't she? Here's your ball by the way." Tanaka said, making himself seem as intimidating as possible.

The two boys jumped in fear. "T-thanks." The brown haired boy stammered, taking the ball from Tanaka's hands, before scurrying away.

Smirking to himself at his ability to make people cower in fear, Tanaka went back to warming up as it was almost time for the game to start.

(Y/n) walked over to the bench, speaking with Coach Ukai about a few things she noticed during the Aoba Johsai game the day before.

Coach Ukai smiled, thanking (Y/n) for the input. She nodded , before standing up, and heading back over to Yachi. Little did she know, there was a certain setter watching her.

"Oh (Y/n)-chan~!" Oikawa called, making is way over to the girl. "I haven't seen you in so long! Have you changed your mind? Are you finally going to date me?" The captain asked, flashing the fakest smile (Y/n) had ever seen.

The girl rolled her eyes. "No Oikawa, I haven't changed my mind, and I highly doubt it ever will." Oikawa's smile wavered, but only for a second.

"And why's that?" The boy asked, leaning closer to the (h/c) haired girl, than she would have liked, she put her hands out in front of her, not letting Oikawa come any closer. "Woah. Did you skip the day of Kindergarten where they taught you about personal space?" She asked.

Oikawa finally frowned, and slowly walked away as the whistle was blown, meaning that the game was about to begin.

Tanaka had seen Oikawa talking to (Y/n), and once again, he was really pissed off. He made his way over to his girlfriend, the team gathering around to hear the game plan.

"Hey, what was Oikawa talking to you about?" He whispered, only loud enough for (Y/n) to hear. "He was trying to ask me out again. Him, and his stupid flat ass."

An irk mark appeared on both (Y/n), and Tanaka's forehead's. Both of them hated Oikawa with a burning passion, and this just made it worse.

Once Coach Ukai, and Takeda-Sensei has finished their speeches, and informed the team of the game plan, (Y/n), and Yachi began to head towards the exit, wanting to get good seats for the game.

(Y/n) was walking across the court, when she felt a hand wrap around her wrist. She was suddenly pulled back hard, hitting someone's chest.

She looked up to see the face of her boyfriend. "Ryu what are you-" Tanaka smashed his mouth on to hers, cutting (Y/n) off mid-sentence. For some reason, this kiss was much more passionate than the others they had shared before.

  The boy placed on hand on (Y/n)'s lower back, the other one letting go of her wrist, and landing near her jawline, while both of the girl's hands were cupping his face.

Hesitantly pulling away, both of them couldn't help but smile. "What was that for?" (Y/n) asked, her face dusted with a light pink.

  "I had to show Oikawa that you're mine." Tanaka replied. Both of them looked over at Oikawa, who's jaw was practically hitting the floor.

  The two of them laughed at the reaction of some of the other people that witnessed their kiss as well. Suddenly, they heard Daichi yelling behind them.

  "GET OFF THE COURT! IT'S GAME TIME!" He yelled, making the couple laugh nervously. "Sorry Daichi!" The called back in unison.

  "Good luck." (Y/n) said, giving Tanaka once last, quick peck on the cheek. They parted ways, (Y/n) jogging towards the exit.

  "Don't fall up the stairs!" Tanaka called after her. "That was one time!" She yelled back.


    So I just got my best friend to name my five personalities. (Yes I have five personalities, get on my level 😎)

  Anyways, their names are: Dumbass, Shyan, Devin, Kassy, and Joy.

  That's is all I have to say.

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