Chapter Thirty Five- Sisters

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The winner of the match Karasuno had been watching was Kakugawa Highschool. To most people, it was no surprise, considering there was a really tall player on the team.

  Once the game began, Yachi, and (Y/n) making their way up to watch once again.  In the beginning, Karasuno was having trouble gaining momentum.

  It wasn't until Daichi, and Noya noticed that the guy who two metres, was relatively new to volleyball.

  Even though he had crazy strength, and was extremely tall, he lacked technique, and experience, making it easy for the opposing team to predict his moves.

  After that, the team was one roll, racking in point after point. Karasuno was at match point, and it Kageyama, and Hinata pulled out the new quick attack.

  "Yay!" (Y/n) cheered, along with the two younger boys from before, whereas Yachi was smiling mischievously.

  "Yachi, are you having an episode?" One of the boys asked, which made (Y/n) laugh. The boy then began talking about something called tempo with old coach Ukai, which the two girls took notes on.

  Hinata, and Kageyama scores the last point, winning the match for Karasuno. Old coach Ukai said the used something called minus tempo, which only those two could pull off.

  The second set began, one of the boys, the one that had asked (Y/n) to be his girlfriend, was asking many questions, directed at the old man, which the girl was wondering herself.

  "Coach, if I were to go up against a big tall guy like that, is using an attack like Hinata, and Kageyama the only way past?"

  Ukai laughed, "No, of course not. If you can't win with one, or two players, then increase your numbers." He said, patting the brown haired boy on the head.

  Just then, four of the Karasuno's members went running towards the net at once. "A synchronized attack!" Yachi yelled, (Y/n watching intently.

  Tsukishima jumped first, tricking the other team while Tanaka showed up behind the salt stick, spiking the ball, and scoring a point.

  "Woohoo! Go Ryu!" (Y/n) yelled, cheering her boyfriend on. The boy looked up at her from the court, sending her a thumbs-up before returning his attention back to the game.

  Points were being scored back, and forth for both teams, but soon enough, Karasuno was at match point.

  Kageyama set the ball, using his strong jump serve to make the ball fly quickly over the net. One of the members for Kakugawa received the ball, sending it to a boy with glasses, who set the ball to their ace.

  The tallest member of the team jumped up, and spiked the ball, only to be met with Hinata's hand, who had delayed his block along with Tanaka, and Daichi.

  "A soft block!" (Y/n), and Yachi yelled in unison. Asahi saved the ball with a one handed receive before hitting the floor, Tanaka hitting it next.

  Hinata then jumped up, hitting the ball so that it ricocheted off of the tall players hand. Hinata fell back, hitting the floor as two members from the other team raced to save the ball.

  The ball just made it in, ending the match with a win for Karasuno. Everyone cheered, including (Y/n), and Yachi, who were hugging each other.

  Over the past months that the two had known each other, they had become great friends, and would even go as far as to consider each other sisters.

  The two girls made their way down to where the team was already packing up, standing by Kiyoko.

  "(Y/n)! Kiyoko! We'll carry your bags for you!" Tanaka, and Noya exclaimed in unison. "Actually we already got it handled." (Y/n) said, bursting the two boys bubbles.

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