Chapter Fifty One- More

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  "You guys are total badasses!" Saeko yelled as she ran with Yachi, Shimada, and Takinoue to where the team stood.

  Saeko ran up, and punched Tanaka in the stomach. "Hey bro! I can't believe you dug that last ball up! You're like totally awesome!" She exclaimed, a little too loud.

  "Thanks." Tanaka said, while grabbing his stomach where his sister had punched. "But could you dial it down a little bit? You're even louder than (Y/n), and she's my girlfriend!"

(Y/n) laughed as Saeko pulled Tanaka into a headlock, "Whatever! She probably likes me more than you anyways!" Saeko argued, while tightening her arm around the boys neck.

Both of them bickering about (Y/n), while the girl herself slipped away from the two, making her way over to Yachi.

"Yachi! Sorry I left you behind back there." (Y/n) said to her underclassmen, who just smiled. "It's alright! I understand. You wanted to celebrate the win as soon as possible!" She replied.

  The two girls continued to have a conversation, until (Y/n) looked over to see that the two siblings were no longer fighting.

  She bid her goodbyes to Yachi, before heading back over to Tanaka, and giving him a big hug. "You did great today Ryu. I'm so proud of you." She mumbled into the boy's chest.

"T-thanks (Y/n)!" Tanaka stuttered, making the girl laugh in the boy's arms. "And to be clear, I like you more than I like Saeko." She said.

Tanaka let out a dramatic sigh as the two broke the hug. "Oh thank god! I really thought you would choose my insane sister over me! Your boyfriend!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air dramatically as he walked away, Takeda calling a team meeting.

(Y/n) laughed, before following him, gathering around Takeda-sensei, and Coach Ukai as well.

"You all played well today. Everyone here has worked their hardest for this team, and in return, we are going on to the finals!" Takeda finished his speech, everyone bowing in thanks, flustering the teacher.

  "Take's right! Everyone had a part in this win. You should all be very proud of yourself." Coach Ukai said, making sure he was loud enough for everyone to hear. "Now let's go home. You all need rest for the game tomorrow."

Everyone agreed, and gathered their things, heading towards the main gym entrance. (Y/n) was making her way to where the bus was, her fingers interlocked with Tanaka's.

"Hey losers! We need to go!" Tanaka called over his shoulder to Hinata, and Kageyama. (Y/n) looked over his shoulder as well. She saw the two first years looking at a pin board near the door of the gym.

(Y/n) let go of Tanaka's hand, heading over to see what they were looking at. On a white piece of paper that was stuck to the board, the words "Spring High School National Volleyball Championship Finals: Shiratorizawa vs. Karasuno."

"We're going to win." Hinata said, Kageyama nodding in agreement. They both suddenly walked away, leaving (Y/n) behind.

She stood there for a few seconds, before chasing after the two. "Uhh... that's the spirit! Yeah!" The girl cheered, trying to be as inspirational as possible for her two underclassmen.

Tanaka laughed when he saw that the two boys barely gave (Y/n) a reaction. The girl grumbled, mumbling something about how they were being ungrateful, or something like that.

Once the girl was next to Tanaka, the two began walking towards the bus, that was now parked in front of the gym.

  "I hate to break it to you (Y/n), but you aren't the best at motivating people on the spot." Tanaka said, patting the girls head.

  (Y/n) looked up at the boy, "Like you're any better. I hear you practicing yours when you think no one is listening." She said, smirking when she saw the boy turn red.

  The two clambered onto the bus, Tanaka heading on first, with (Y/n) trailing behind him. "You can hear that?!" Tanaka exclaimed, clearly embarrassed.

  (Y/n) nodded as she sat down in the seat closest to the window. "I'm with you all the time Ryu. How could in not hear you?"

  Tanaka shrugged, before sitting down as well. "Besides," (Y/n) began, "some of them are really funny." The boy gave her a confused look.

  Sitting up straight, (Y/n) held up her index finger, and began to speak, changing her voice to sound similar to her boyfriend's.

  "Volleyball is like taking a shit. Everything has to work together to-" The girl was abruptly cut off by Tanaka's hand covering her mouth.

  The boy looked around frantically, making sure people hadn't heard their conversation. "I trashed that speech a long time ago. How the fuck do you remember it?" He asked, slowly removing his hand.

"My brain has a certain memory drive that remembers everything embarrassing, or funny. Like I have a mental video of Kenma falling off a trampoline when Kuroo double bounced him when all of us were younger." (Y/n) explained.

Suddenly the girl burst out laughing. "See? I just played the video in my head. Clear as day." She said through giggles.

Tanaka just stared at his girlfriend. "You're brain's a little messed up there love." He said, remembering that she also screams random things when she wakes up.

"Yeah, yeah, but yours isn't perfect either. Who compares volleyball yo taking a shit?" (Y/n) asked, loud enough for a few people to hear.

Noya turned around in his seat. "I'm sorry, but you said Ryu said what?!" He asked, Tanaka giving (Y/n) a pleading look.

'If she tells him, Noya will make fun of me for it, for the rest of my life!' Tanaka thought, watching as the girl looked at Noya, and back to him.

(Y/n) smiled. "It's nothing. You should probably turn around by the way. The bus is going to start moving soon." She said, pushing the libero to sit down.

  Tanaka sighed in relief as he pulled the girl close to his chest. "Thank you (Y/n)." He whispered into the girl's hair.

  The girl laughed. "Don't think you're off the hook. The only reason I didn't tell him is because I'm saving it for the future." She said, looking up, and kissing the boy's nose.

  Both of them laughed quietly as the bus began to move, heading back to Karasuno High School.

  About halfway through the trip, (Y/n) could feel get eyes growing heavier, and she slowly began drifting off to sleep.

  Once Tanaka was sure the girl was asleep, he kissed the top of her head. "I like you more than Saeko too."  He whispered, making sure wasn't too loud. "Honestly, I think I love you more than anyone in this world."

  What Tanaka didn't know, was that (Y/n) was still half conscious when he had said that. The girl feel asleep with a smile on her face, and the arm's of the boy she loves wrapped around her.

  'I love you more.' Was the last thing in her mind, before she fell into a comfortable slumber.


Uhhh... I don't know what to write here... how was your day?

  ALSO WHO THE FUCK PUTS PEAS ON TOAST?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! just gimme my chocolate milk an leave. 😔

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