Chapter Twenty One- Sleepover

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(D/n) = dad's name
When the couple arrived back at (Y/n)'s house, Tanaka let the girl off his back so she could unlock the door.

  (Y/n) opened the door, Tanaka following close behind her. "Dad! I'm home!" She yelled, taking off her shoes and tossing them to the side.

  (Y/n)'s father peeked around the corner from the kitchen, where he was preparing dinner. "Welcome home problem child!" He greeted, before noticing the boy behind (Y/n).

"Oh, and who's this?" He asked no one in particular.

"Dad..." (Y/n) began, pulling Tanaka's sleeve so he was now beside her. "This is Tanaka, Ryunosuke... my boyfriend." She said hesitantly, worried about how her father would react.

Though, what he said was not what she was expecting. Her father let out an exaggerated gasp before yelling, "Fucking finally! I thought you'd never get a boyfriend!"

"DAD!" (Y/n) yelled, causing her father to laugh. "I'm kidding, but is he staying for dinner, or what?" He asked.

  "He's going to stay the night if that's okay?" (Y/n) asked.

  Her father shrugged his shoulders as he turned back towards the kitchen. "Whatever, there just better not be any funny business taking place."

  "DAD STOP!" (Y/n) yelled again, while Tanaka turned bright red. "Sorry about him, that's just the way our relationship works." The girl explained, laughing a bit.

  (Y/n) lead Tanaka to her room. Tanaka has never actually been to his girlfriend's house before. They had always gone to his house for studying, and hang outs.

  The two walked into (Y/n)'s room, the girl flopping on the bed. Her room was simple, a desk, a bed, a decently sized closet, and some pictures hanging on the wall.

  Tanaka got a running start before jumping, and flopping onto the bed next to the (h/c) haired girl, causing her to fly into the air, and land on top of him.

  "What the fuck was that?!" (Y/n) yelled, while Tanaka was laughing. "Sorry!" He said, wrapping his arms around the girl, and pulling her into a hug.

  "Yeah, whatever." She said, resting her head on Tanaka's chest. They stayed like this until (Y/n)'s father called them for dinner.

  "Race you!" (Y/n) yelling as she hopped and raced towards the kitchen, with Tanaka hot on her trail.

"I WIN! NO I WIN! SHUT UP!" They both yelled in perfect unison, causing (D/n) to chuckle. "Just sit down, and eat!" He said.

  About halfway through eating, (D/n) began to interrogate Tanaka. "So how long have you known (Y/n)?" Was his first question.

  "Since her first day at Karasuno." Tanaka replies confidently.

  "What year are you in?"

  "Second year."

  "Did you pass your exams recently."


  "Do you have plans for after high school?"

  "Uhm..." Tanaka had never really thought about what he wanted to do after high school. 'Ugh! Now her dad's going to think I'm irresponsible!' He thought.

  (Y/n) glared at her father. "Dad, enough." He said in a threatening tone. Her dad always did this when her, or her brother had friends when they were younger. It was pretty overwhelming for a six year old to be asked a series of confusing questions, which is why (Y/n) never brought friends over.

  "Sorry!" (D/n) said, raising his hands up in defeat. "I just wanted to make sure that he's right for you!" He claimed, pausing for dramatic effect. The two teenagers leaned forward in their seats awaiting approval.

"And he seems like he makes you happy! I APPROVE YOUR BOYFRIEND FIRST OFFSPRING!" Her father yelled, being overly dramatic, as usual.

"Thanks dad." (Y/n) sighed as she continued eating. "Thank you Mr. (L/n)." Tanaka said as well.

The three of them finished eating, and after (Y/n), and Tanaka helped clean up, they retreated back to the bedroom they would be sleeping in.

"Okay so I hate to say this, but you'll have to sleep on the floor." (Y/n) said , pouting a little.

  "That's fine. I understand." Tanaka replied, though he was a little disappointed.

  They collected a bunch of blankets, and threw them on the floor next to (Y/n)'s bed, along with a few pillows.

(Y/n) lent her boyfriend a baggy tee-shirt, and shorts for sleeping, and she changed into something very similar.

(Y/n) looked at her phone, the clock on the home screen telling her that it was only seven o'clock.

"You want to watch a movie?" She asked, to which the boy nodded. They settled on a horror movie about possessed children, or something.

They set the movie up on (Y/n)'s laptop, and pressed play. The two wrapped up in (Y/n)'s bed covers, the girl using Tanaka as a human pillow.

The first half of the movie wasn't all that scary, but the second half... was scary as shit.

By the end of the movie, neither of them were even looking at the computer screen. They were both under the covers, hanging onto each other for dear life.

"Holy shit that was scary!" (Y/n) said, taking deep breaths to calm down, while Tanaka nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, maybe we should just go to sleep." Tanaka suggested, to which the girl agreed.

Tanaka hopped off the bed, and got wrapped up in the blanket mess on the floor.

"Goodnight Ryu." (Y/n) said, though she didn't sound tired. "Goodnight (Y/n)." He replied, closing his eyes.

(Y/n) tossed, and turned for twenty minutes. She was tired, but every time she closed her eyes, a demon child appeared, crawling towards her. She could hear Tanaka on the floor, doing the same thing.

"Ryu?" She said, staring up at the ceiling, waiting to see if her boyfriend would respond.

"Yeah?" The boy said from the floor. He had been struggling to fall asleep because of the movie as well.

"Can you just... come sleep up here?" (Y/n) asked, feeling her face heat up at the thought of sleeping in the same bed as Tanaka.

"O-okay." Tanaka replied, turning red. He had never slept with a girl before, let alone (Y/n). He got untangled from the blankets, and stood up.

He walked a few steps to the bed and slid under the covers, soon finding (Y/n) by feeling around in front of him.

"Come here." He whispered, and the girl moved over so that she was in the boys arms, her head pressed against his chest.

"Goodnight... again." (Y/n) whispered, feeling more at ease than a couple minutes ago.

Tanaka kisses the top of the girls head, before closing his eyes. "Goodnight (Y/n)." He said, before the two drifted off to sleep.


Does anyone know if cannibalism was common in Germany, around the 1780s? Asking for a friend.

I'm getting braces on Wednesday... great

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