Chapter Nineteen- Blushing

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  Tanaka, and (Y/n) had been studying for over an hour. The air around them was extremely dense, and it was making both of them nervous.

  Since they had started studying, (Y/n) had barely said anything, other than a few mumbles or nodding. Sure, Tanaka tried to start conversations, but they often ended up crumbling.

  'Come on Ryu, remember what Noya said, "Confess before Kuroo finally wins her over." You can do this!' Was what he kept on repeating in his head.

  He knew she probably wouldn't talk to him, so he thought of the next best way to communicate with her.

  (Y/n) was looking down at her books, trying to seem focused, though she was just reading a paragraph over, and over.

  It's not that she didn't want to talk to Tanaka, she just was to nervous that she would mess something up.

  She was reading out the definition for "intuition" for the seventh time, when her view of the writing was blocked by another piece of paper.

  She glanced at Tanaka, who had returned to "studying". He was really just staring at the page, waiting for her to look at the note.

(Y/n) picked up the piece of paper, and unfolded it, unsure about what to expect. Written on the white piece of paper was an extremely underwhelming 'hey'

The girl stared at the paper for a while, confused as to why he would write a note when he could just talk to her. 'Probably because you aren't really talking back. Idiot.' Her brain told her.

She picked up a pencil, and wrote down an even simpler word 'hi'. She folded the piece of paper back up and slid it across the smooth, wooden, coffee table.

When Tanaka felt (Y/n) slip the note back, he couldn't help but smile. He unfolded the paper, wrote his response, and passed it back to the girl beside him.

T:Daichi is going to kill me -_-

Y/n: Oh? And why is that?

T: He told me I wasn't allowed to write you notes until after the exams.

Y/n: ooooh. asshole.

T: I wouldn't say that to his face though.

Y/n: Obviously! I don't wanna die!

Tanaka then thought it was the right time to change the subject. He took a deep breath, and began to write.

T: Hey, (Y/n). I have to tell you something.

Y/n: Ookay. What's up?

T: Just promise me that no matter what, we'll still be friends... okay?

Y/n: Ryu... what are you talking about?

'No backing out now.' Tanaka thought, as he wrote down what he wanted to say, and hesitantly passed it to (Y/n). He just stared at his book, afraid to see her reaction.

T: I like you.

(Y/n) stared blankly at the white piece of paper. Her mind had exploded, and she no longer knew what to do.

When Tanaka noticed that the girl next to him hadn't moved in a while, he decided to steal a glance at her.

She was just staring at the paper, showing no expression. 'Dammit!' He internally groaned. 'I shouldn't have did that! Obviously she doesn't feel the same! Now things are going to be weird!'

Tanaka decided to say something, his voice sounding a little hoarse. He felt like crying, because he knew that his crush, and best friend, didn't feel the same.

"(Y/n)?" Tanaka's voice made (Y/n) look up. The boy beside her looked like he might begin to cry. It looked like he was going to say something else, but before he could, he was tackled to the ground in a hug.

"I like you too!" (Y/n) cried into his neck. She lifted her head to look at him, and he looked back in shock, causing the girl to laugh.

Her laugh was cut off though, when a pair of lips met hers. She turned red instantly, but kissed back nonetheless.

The two stayed like this for a while, only pulling away from their passionate kiss to breath.

"Hey Ryu?" (Y/n) said, causing Tanaka to look her in the eyes. "You're blushing." She said, giggling as the boy covered his face with one of his hands.

"S-so are you!" He stuttered, both of them were blushing bright red. (Y/n) just hugged Tanaka, making him turn an even brighter shade of red.

"That's because my crush just confessed to me!" She said, her voice muffled in the boys chest. Tanaka just laughed, hugging the girl back.

They stayed in that position for a long time, studying was completely gone from theirs thoughts. The only thing that occupied the either of their minds, were each other.

Tanaka was about to go in for another kiss, when a loud voice made them jump. "Ryu I'm home!" The voice said, an older girl, with short blonde hair entered the room.

"Hey Saeko." Tanaka greeted, quickly pulling away from (Y/n), who did the same.

The older girl known as Saeko, walked further into the room, a look of curiosity on her face. "Ryu, why didn't you tell me you were going to have a girl over? And she's pretty too!"

The heat returned to (Y/n)'s face after being complimented by Saeko. From what she could tell, Saeko was Tanaka's older sister.

"Saeko, this is (L/n),(F/n). She's my..." Tanaka began introducing (Y/n), trailing off when it came to theirs status. What were they exactly?

"His girlfriend." (Y/n) finished for him, Tanaka blushed, knowing that she actually wanted to be his girlfriend.

Saeko looked shocked. "Really?" She asked. "You're my younger brother's girlfriend?" When (Y/n) nodded, she turned to Tanaka. "How'd you manage to do that?" She asked her younger brother.

"SAEKO!" He yelled, causing the two girls to laugh. "Whatever, we'll talk about it later. Nice meeting you (Y/n)-chan! Oh and Ryu? You're blushing." She said, walking out of the room.

  "I KNOW!" Tanaka yelled after his Saeko.

Once his older sister was gone, Tanaka turned to (Y/n), and smiled. "Shall we continue where we left off?" He asked, leaning in towards the girl.

"Sorry Ryu, but it's back to study time!" (Y/n) said, turning back to her books, leaving Tanaka once again, in a state of shock.

"What? B-but pleaaase?" Tanaka begged, hoping the girl would give in.

"Nope! Maybe if you study though~?" (Y/n) said, laughing when the boy instantly turned to his books and began to studying.


Aww that was kinda cute.

Do you know how hard it is to write a confession, when you've never actually been confessed to? Fuckin hard my guy.

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