Chapter Nine- Reunion

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  The boys had been working extremely hard all week, trying to improve their skills.

  There had been a few problems throughout the week, like Hinata getting lost, and Daichi yelling at Tanaka and Noya for not paying attention, but other than that everything ran smoothly.

  Today was the last day of the camp, and the day of the practice match against Nekoma. Tanaka, and the rest of the boys, walked out front to greet the team that had just arrived. (Y/n) was still in the gym filling water bottles for the match.

  "Woah! They do have a female manager, and a really pretty one too!" A guy with a bleached mohawk said, while gawking at Kiyoko.

  At that moment Tanaka, and Noya surrounded the third year girl, looking as intimidating as possible.

"Hey back off! She's our manager!" Tanaka was glaring at the mohawk guy, when (Y/n)'s shouting distracted him.

"KENMA!!" She yelled, running through a sea of her teammates to a shorter boy, with hair that resembled pudding, pulling him into a bone crushing hug.

"Hi (Y/n)." The boy said, hesitantly returning the hug. Once the girl released Kenma, she turned to the captain of the team, Kuroo Tetsurou, and hugged him too.

  "I've missed you two so much!" She smiled, not noticing someone staring at her and the boys.

  "Oi!" (Y/n) turned around to see an angry looking Tanaka. "Sorry to ruin this reunion, but what business do you have with our manager?!" He asked. He was jealous that these two seemed to be close with her, and that everyone seemed to get hugged by her, except him.

  Kuroo then smirked, and snaked an arm around (Y/n). "You see, I'm (Y/n)'s boyfriend"


"WHAT?!" Both teams yelled, even Kenma had a slightly shocked expression.

(Y/n) looked up at the bed head boy, before kicking him in the ass...literally. (Like Yaku and Lev!)

"We are NOT dating!" She said. Hearing those words, Tanaka let out a breath 'Thank god!'

"But that doesn't answer Tanaka's question then. How do you guys know each other?" Suga asked, also curious.

"Oh right, well, Kenma's my brother." (Y/n) said pointing towards her brother.

"WHAT?!" Both teams yelled again.

"B-but, aren't you both second years?" Tanaka was completely confused with the situation.

"They're called twins Tanaka, y'know, when a women gives birth to tw-" "I KNOW WHAT TWINS ARE!" Tanaka cut (Y/n) off.

"Then why do you go to different schools?" Hinata spoke up, some people were still struggling to understand what was going on.

"Our parents got divorced a few years ago. Our mom took me, and our dad took (Y/n)." Kenma was the one to speak up this time, though it seemed like he was getting bored with the conversation.

"Ooooooh" It seemed like everyone understood now.

"Now, does anyone have anymore questions or would you guys like to actually play against each other?" (Y/n) was done with the conversation too.

Everybody shook they're heads and began heading to the gym. (Y/n) walking with Tanaka.

"Jealous much?" (Y/n) asked, a teasing grin on her face.

"W-what?! N-no! W-why would I be jealous?!" Tanaka could feel his face heating up 'Stupid jealousy, stupid emotions, stupid blood rush showing my emotions!'

"Dude, I'm kidding. No need to freak out!"

"Haha yeah... let's get inside before they start warming up."

Tanaka ran ahead, leaving a confused (Y/n) behind. 'What...was that? Does he like me? Do I like him? Ugh, I'll figure it out later.'

(Y/n) then made her way to the gym, pushing her feelings down for the time being.
"One more!" Hinata yelled.

  A chorus of disapproving grumbles followed, everyone either sprawled across the gym floor, or wiping their sweat with a towel.

"IS YOUR STAMINA LIMITLESS?!" Coach Nekomata, the coach of Nekoma, yelled.

  "That's enough, Hinata. We don't want them to miss their train. Everyone clean up!" Coach Ukai, told the orange haired boy, along with everyone else.
  Tanaka was putting a pole away when the guy with the mohawk, Yamamoto, walked into the equipment room.


   Tanaka turned around and instantly got into his "battle stance".

  "What do you want city boooy?! Wanna throw some hands?! Wanna joust?!" The guy in front of him sweat dropped.

  "N-no! I just wanted to...ask you the name of your managers."

  Tanaka looked at Yamamoto. He straightened up, and sighed. "Kiyoko. Their names are Kiyoko Shimizu, and (L/n), (Y/n)."

  Yamamoto looked as if his life was complete. "Wow...they're names describe them perfectly... beauty, and grace." (I'm about as graceful as a giraffe on ice and I'm pretty sure my name means cloth clippers in German, but whatever)

  "Yeah... but just so you know, you WANT Kiyoko to ignore you... it's awesome!" Tanaka tried to look all wise, but ultimately failed.

  "It's not like I could talk to her anyways. Girls make me nervous hehe" Yamamoto scratches the back of his head. "But that (Y/n) seems pretty cool. Maybe I could talk to her?"

  Tanaka then realized that the guy in front of him also thought that (Y/n) was attractive, and suddenly felt defensive. "NO!... I mean you can talk to her, but"

  He stared at Yamamoto with determination in his eyes.

"She's mine"


Decently long chapter much?

I'm trying to keep things similar to the anime, but I also kinda forget what they say in the scenes I write, so I'm just going to write what seems right.

Also, just found out that my three best friends have almost all their high school classes together, AND IM GOING TO BE SO LONELY!!!

Sorry this isn't a place for me to rant 😔🤚

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