Chapter Sixteen- Comfort

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  'Crap! I'm always late when there isn't morning practice!'

  (Y/n) ran into the classroom and sat down, two minutes before the teacher walked in.

  It was the day after Karasuno lost the match, so Coach Ukai had cancelled the days practices, causing (Y/n) to sleep in. She had to run to school in order to make it in time.

  Class started, the teacher began their lecture that (Y/n) wasn't going to pay attention to.

  She looked to her left, expecting to see her best friend zoning out like she was, but what she wasn't expecting, was to see Tanaka's head on his desk.

He looked upset, and frustrated. She grabbed a piece of paper from her notebook, and scribbled a note down, wanting to know her friend was okay.

She folded up the piece of paper, checked to make sure the teacher wasn't watching her, and set the it on Tanaka's desk.

  Tanaka lifted his head, seeing the white piece of paper on his desk gave him a slight mood boost. He unfolded the paper.

  Hey... are you okay?

  He felt his face heat up at the thought of his crush caring about him. He grabbed a pencil, and scribbled down his response before handing it back to (Y/n).

  T: Yeah... just bummed out about yesterday :/

  Y/n: I understand. I'm sad about it too.

  T: I'm also kind of worried about the future of our team.

  Y/n: What do you mean?

  T: Well, what if the third years decide to retire? What will we do without them.

  (Y/n) sat there in thought for a minute. 'They wouldn't do that. Would they?'

  She decided it was best to let Tanaka believe that they wouldn't abandon the team, because that's what she wanted to believe too.

  Y/n: I'm sure they'll stay, they love the game, and all of us.

  T: I really hope that what you're saying is true.

  This is one of the first note conversations that they had, where they were being serious. Usually their conversations were just random arguments or jokes.

  Y/n: Hey, I still feel really bad that you're upset, I have something for you at lunch.

  T: Really? Alright then!

  Y/n: (^ν^)

  T: Oh, by the way, I still wanted to get some practice in after school, and I'm sure some of the other guys will be there too. Wanna toss for me?

  Y/n: Ryu... when DON'T I toss for you?

  T: Fair point. Talk to you at lunch.

  Y/n: Bye!
The lunch bell rang, and Tanaka practically sprinted to the tree where him, (Y/n), and occasionally Noya ate lunch.

Although the boy had ran there, the (h/c) haired girl had somehow beat him there.

"Hi!" She yelled cheerfully. She had her hands behind her back, as if she was hiding something.

"Hi! Where's the thing?!" Tanaka said impatiently, making the girl slightly annoyed.

"Chill. It's just some melon bread." She said, handing the bread to him, which he gladly took.

He suddenly then pulled the girl into a hug, hiding his face in her hair so she couldn't see his red face.

"Thank you (Y/n)! You're the best!" He yelled, his voice blasting into her ear.

"Calm down would you?! I quite enjoy my hearing!" She yelled back, Tanaka finally letting her go.

"Sorry." He said, feeling embarrassed.

"Whatever, I'm just glad you're not acting all depressed anymore." In all honesty, (Y/n) had been worried for her friend all morning.

Tanaka looked like he was about to cry. "What?! Why are you looking at me like that?!" She asked, her face slowly hearing up.

The delinquent looking boy looked at the girl shiny eyed. "Y-you care about how I'm feeling!?" He questioned the girl, emotions threatening to spill.

(Y/n)'s face was now completely red, but lucky for her, the boys vision was so blurred from tears that were threatening to fall, that he didn't notice.

"Of course I do idiot! You're my best friend!" She was the one to initiate the hug this time, the boy practically crying, though she couldn't tell if he was happy or sad, so she just let him be.

While Tanaka was being comforted by (Y/n), he couldn't help but feel... different.

He could feel his feelings toward (Y/n) grow stronger. As the two of them sat under the tree together, he realized something.

'I am in love with (L/n), (Y/n).'
It was official, the third years were staying. (Y/n) sighed in relief, because she didn't know what she would do without Kiyoko.

As it turns out, Ukai was going to continue coaching the team, which everyone appreciated.

"Ok everyone! Let's get practicing!" Ukai yelled, once he showed up to the unplanned practice.
After a few hours, practice ended. Everyone packed up their things, and headed their separate ways.

(Y/n)'s dad has come to pick her up, so it was just Tanaka, and Noya walking together.

After walking for a while however, Tanaka stopped dead in his tracks. His friend turning around in confusion.

"Hey man, what up?" Noya asked, growing concerned. Tanaka looked his friend in the eyes, and took a deep breath.

"I want to do it." He said, only for his friend to look at him in confusion.

"I want to confess to (Y/n)."


  CAN MY COMPUTER JUST FUCKING LOAD ALREADY?!...oh... it's working now...hehe.

  A couple chapters ago I said I wanted ice cream, and now I have a blizzard waiting for me in the freezer. 😎✌️

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