Chapter Fifty- Tension

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"They have a rivalry going on don't they?" (Y/n) asked to no one in particular as she watched the third set slowly unfold.

Shimada gave the girl a questioning look. "What do you mean? A rivalry between the teams?" He asked, (Y/n) shaking her head.

"No, I mean between Ryu, and that Kyōtani dude. They've been targeting each other since the second set." (Y/n) explained, before frantically pointing towards the court. "See watch this!"

All five of them looked down at the court to see Tanaka jumping up to spike, hitting the ball so it deflected off of Kyōtani's hand.

The four turned to (Y/n). "They've been doing stuff like that since the second set?!" They all asked in unison. Once again, (Y/n) nodded.

The girl cheered for the point her boyfriend, who had just gotten Karasuno a point. "Do you think he's doing that on purpose?" Saeko asked after cheering for her brother as well.

  "No." (Y/n) said, a smile tugging at her lips. "I just think that's the way Ryu is."

  The tension was heavy as the two scores grew higher, and higher, both teams putting in all of their energy in hopes of taking the final set.

  (Y/n), Yachi, and Saeko gasped as Kageyama set the ball too close to the net, only for Hinata to slam it straight down.

  One of the officials blew the whistle, signalling a point for Karasuno. "ALRIGHT!" The three girls screamed, along with Shimada, Takinoue, and the rest of the team.

The score was now 17-16, Karasuno slightly pulling ahead of Seijoh, but it was clear that the set was nowhere near done.

  Once again, the teams were taking turns scoring points, but unfortunately, Seijoh was the first one to reach 20 points.

  (Y/n) looked to her left, and saw Yachi, who looked like she was either going to throw up, or burst into tears at any second.

The older girl put her hand on Yachi's shoulder. "Hey, you okay?" (Y/n) asked. Yachi jumped at the sudden contact, before nodding vigorously.

"Yes! I'm just a little nervous." She said, mumbling the last part. (Y/n) nodded, "I understand. There's a lot at stake here, and if we lose the-" she cut herself off when she saw Yachi pale.

"I mean... that's not going to happen! We're going to win, and everything will be fine! Besides that was just one point!" (Y/n) exclaimed, laughing awkwardly.

(Y/n) looked down just in time to see Tanaka score a point. The girl smiled, "See?! Everything's is going to be fine!"

A few points later however, (Y/n) wasn't so sure. Oikawa's serve to Seijoh to match point. Shimada groaned in frustration, and (Y/n)'s hands were turning white from gripping the railing so hard.

  Daichi managed to receive Oikawa's serve, and Asahi scored the team a point, but even so, Karasuno was still a point behind.

  "Oh! Are they going to use that tactical thing again?" Saeko asked as she watched Tsukishima being switched out with Sugawara.

  (Y/n) looked in the same direction Saeko was. "I don't know, but whatever they're planning better work." She said, trying to conceal the nervousness in her tone.

  Suga served the ball, sending it around where Iwaizumi was. The ace dug it up, sending it to Oikawa.

  The captain set the ball, Kindaichi jumped up, but (Y/n) noticed Kyōtani in the background, getting ready to jump.

  It was obvious that Hinata noticed this as well, because a second later, Hinata was beside Kageyama, blocking the ball.

  "It's all tied up!" Takinoue exclaimed, (Y/n), and Yachi hugging each other in excitement, while everyone was screaming.

  Karasuno even gained another point after that by Kageyama doing a setter's dump. They had turned the set around, and now it was match point for Karasuno.

  Suga served the ball, and Seijoh quickly pulled a counter attack. Kyōtani spiked the ball right into Tanaka's head, making (Y/n) hate the number 16 boy even more.

  "WHAT THE-?!" The girl screamed, Saeko, and Yachi covering her mouth before she could say anything that could get them kicked out.

  The boys managed to do a synchronized attack, only for one of Seijoh's players to receive it. (Y/n) watched with wide eyes as Oikawa ran to set the ball, which was outside of the court.

  He set it to Iwaizumi, who was on the other side, before crashing into a table. Iwaizumi spiked the ball, Daichi failing to receive it.

  "GET IT RYU!" (Y/n) yelled as her boyfriend dove for the ball, receiving it before landing on his side and yelling, "Get the last hit!"

  Asahi spiked the ball from halfway across the court, Seijoh's libero attempting to receive it. The ball bounced off the net, before Kyōtani dug it up again.

  The two teams continued to rally, the suspense killing everyone. (Y/n) was on the verge of tears, her fingers tightly crossed.

  She heard Hinata yell, before he began running up to the net. "LEAVE THIS ONE TO ME!"

  Kageyama set the ball, and Hinata spiked it with all the power he had left. Kyōtani, Kindaichi, and Iwaizumi all jumped up to block, but the first year found a way through.

  Hinata hit the ball, and Oikawa tried to receive it, only for it to deflect off of his arms.

  The gym fell silent. The only noise that could be heard was the ball bouncing a few times on the wooden floor, before coming to a complete stop.

  A whistle sounded like music to the Karasuno High School Volleyball Club's ears, all of them falling to the floor as they cheered.

  Up in the stands, (Y/n) finally let her tears fall, while Yachi, and Saeko held each other in a tight hug. Shimada, and Takinoue were screaming just as loud, with their arms in the air.

Karasuno lined up in front of where (Y/n), Yachi, Saeko, Shimada, and Takinoue stood. All 12 boys bowed, thanking the five for cheering them on.

  Yachi noticed that her upperclassmen had a strange look in her eyes, and quickly grabbed the girl by her shoulders. "(Y/n), I know you want to see Tanaka as soon as possible, but please take the stairs instead of jumping down from here."

  (Y/n) laughed, not wasting a second, as she ran as fast as she could down to the court. The ran through the open door, her feet carrying her all the way to Tanaka.

  "Ryu!" She called, before jumping into the boy's arms. Tanaka hugs her back, swinging her in circles, before gently setting her down.

  The girl placed a quick peck on Tanaka's cheek, before looking him directly in the eyes, making him blush. "Your were so amazing!" She said, smiling widely.

"And now I'm one more match away from you taking me on a date!" Tanaka pointed out, smiling back.

(Y/n) laughed, "Well I better get planning then." Suddenly, the two heard Noya exclaim, "GROUP HUG!" before, the two were crushed by all of the other boy's.


Oh god, I'm finally done with the Seijoh match, thank Asahi. I... there's only four-ish chapters left. I'm gonna cry.

For some reason I was really emotional while writing this chapter... it's been a long ass day, but that's okay because my hair is two inches shorter, and I learned that my father knows what a 'Karen' is.

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