Chapter Twenty Seven- Chaos and Conflict

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  Tanaka hoisted his, and (Y/n)'s bags into the bag of the bus, and went to join the others. They had just finished the days practice matches, so they were about to head back to Miyagi.

  "Aww Kenma! I'm gonna miss your introverted ass! Don't make me wait until the next camp for me to see you!" The boy heard (Y/n yell. He looked over to see his girlfriend almost crushing her twin in a hug, again.

  Tanaka just laughed. "If you want to see him again, you better let go before you strangle him!" He called, making (Y/n) let Kenma go, and the cat like boy took a deep breath before returning to his game.

  Just then, Saeko ran up to (Y/n), and pulled her into a hug, crushing the girl just like she had done to Kenma. "Ryu! You're not going to help me?!" (Y/n) yelled, squirming in Saeko's grasp.

  The boy just continued to laugh yelling, "Karma's a bitch!" before turning around, and walking away. A few seconds later though, he was caught by his sister as well.

  He could feel his bones pop as he called to the (h/c) girl for help. (Y/n) only laughed, and repeated what he had said a few seconds before. "Karma's a bitch!" She yelled, which made the boys that were near the situation laugh, except for Suga.

  "(Y/n)! How many times do I have to tell you to watch your language!" The silver haired boy called, scolding the second year girl.

  "Wow Karasuno is pretty chaotic!" Bokuto, the captain for Fukurōdani, told his teammate, and setter, Akaashi.

  "Bokuto, yesterday you and Kuroo stood in the middle of the gym singing 'It's Raining Men' while shooting water at each other from your water bottles. I don't think you can say that they're chaotic." Akaashi replied flatly.

  "Wha? AGHASHEE!" The older boy screamed. He slumped over, and pouted, but quickly regained composure when he realized that Karasuno had finished packing up the bus, and all the team members were waving goodbye as it drove away.

  Bokuto was jumping up, and down, waving goodbye even though he didn't really know any of the members on that team yet.
  Tanaka, and (Y/n) had slept most of the way back to Miyagi, only waking up when they felt the bus come to a stop.

  Everyone groggily got off the bus, (Y/n) was still half asleep so she was leaning against Tanaka's back as he walked.

  Takeda-sensei gave a small speech, and informed the team that there wouldn't be practice the next day because of an inspection.

  The team dispersed, some began heading home, some grabbed a few thing before heading out. Kageyama, and Hinata stayed to practice, and Yachi stayed to toss to them.

  "Ready to go (Y/n)? Noya already left." Tanaka asked, and the girl nodded in response. They had almost made it off of school grounds, when Yachi came running up behind them.

  "Tanaka! (Y/n)!" She yelled, causing the two to turn around. "Kageyama and Hinata are fighting! T-they're gonna kill each other!"

The two looked at each other, and nodded. Tanaka ran back towards the gym, (Y/n) following close behind with Yachi under her arm.

"HEY KNUCKLEHEADS! KNOCK IT OFF!" Tanaka yelled, punching the two first year boys in the face in an attempt to break them apart, and it seemed to work.

  Tanaka sent the two boys, and Yachi home, before locking up the gym. "Jeez that was their first fight involving violence. Do you think they'll be okay?" (Y/n) asked as the two began to make their way home again.

Tanaka looked down as he walked, staring at his moving feet. "I hope so, but they've ever exactly gotten along, even before they started going to Karasuno I think they had some beef." He explained.

"Wait really? Did they go to junior high together?" The girl questioned, still slightly confused.

The boy just shook his head. "No, but they had a match in junior high and it got pretty intense, even though it lasted less than an hour."

(Y/n) nodded, finally understanding. They walked most of the way to their houses in silence, because they were exhausted by the days events.

By the time they had made it to (Y/n)'s house, the girl was half asleep, she had her eyes closed, and was leaning against Tanaka. "(Y/n)? We're at your house now." The boy cooed, not really wanting her to leave.

The girl slowly opened her eyes, groaning sleepily. "Okay, thanks for walking me home Ryu. You're the best." She said, kissing her boyfriend on the cheek, which made him turn red.

"G-goodnight (Y/n). See you tomorrow." He stuttered. (Y/n) walked to her front door, turning around one last time, waving. "I love you." She called, smiling widely.

"Love you too!" Tanaka called back, walking in the direction of his own home.


I relate to Uncle Iroh so much. Like he's just tryna vibe, but has to deal with Zuko, and a shit ton of other people. 😔✌️

  Oh! And I started writing my next fanfic! It will be a Daichi x reader, so hopefully I'll start publishing chapters soon!

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