Chapter Five- Surprise

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Tanaka made his way back to class with (Y/n). In the span of a day they had already become really good friends.

  He had seen (Y/n) talking to Kiyoko during lunch practice and he was curious as to what you said to each other.

  "Sooo what were you and Kiyoko-san talking about in the gym? Hmmmm?" Tanaka side-eyes you and you just giggled, making him blush slightly.

"It's a surprise~" (Y/n) smirked before leaving Tanaka behind. "Hey wait up!" He quickened his pace and chased after the girl.

Class was boring for the two of them, so they passed notes back and forth, careful not to get caught.

  Y/n: Is this how we're going to communicate in class now ;)

T:Yup! We're note buddies!

Y/n:Note buddies?

T: You got a better idea?! (-᷅_-᷄)

Y/n: Note buddies it is (._.)

T: Oh! I was wondering if you wanted to come to practice again? The guys really seem to like you!

Y/n: hmmmm I don't know :/

T: Pleeeeeeease?

Y/n: Yeah yeah I'll go

T: :)

The final bell rang, and Tanaka, and (Y/n) headed towards the gym.

"(L/n)-san! Could you come here please?" Kiyoko called the girl over almost the moment she entered the gym.

  "Bye Tanaka-san!" (Y/n) waved to Tanaka and walked over to Kiyoko. "So today you won't have to do a whole lot. I just want to tell you a few things that you'll be doing as a manager, and we'll break the news to the team at the end of practice." She smiled at (Y/n), and (Y/n) nodded "Okay!"

  Practice had finally ended and Tanaka walked out of the change room "Uhm! Before everyone leaves today, Kiyoko would like to make an announcement!"

  The team gathered around their manager, and Takeda-sensei. Everybody also noticed that (Y/n) was standing next to Kiyoko.

  "Most of you have already met (L/n)-san, and as of today, she will be joining me as the second manager!"

  (Y/n) bowed to the boys in front of her. "Please take care of me!" Tanaka looked at (Y/n) in shock.

  "Surprise~" (Y/n) smirked at Tanaka, amused by the look on his face. "WELCOME TO THE TEAM!" All the boys yelled, and bowed to the girl who remained collected on the outside, but inside she was freaking out.

  'What the hell have I gotten myself into?'


I was distracted while writing this cause I was watching Brother Bear so if it's shitty I apologize.

I'll be trying to update every day but I have no idea what my life is boutta slap me with so I don't know man.

Note Buddies (A Tanaka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now