Chapter Thirteen- Awkward

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  Since (Y/n) realized her feelings for Tanaka, she couldn't help but feel awkward when she was around him.

  It was the end of the day and she was heading to the gym for the boys volleyball practice. She was halfway there when someone came up behind her, making her jump. Turning around she saw Tanaka standing there.

  "Jesus fuck Ryu! I'm not going to make it to prelims if you keep sneaking up on me like that!" She punched him in the arm, and he winced.

Realizing that she had just punched him, she blushed almost instantly, and laughed awkwardly. "Sorry!" She mumbled nervously.

"Eh, it's my fault for sneaking up on you!" Tanaka was blushing as well, but both of them were too embarrassed to notice.

The two walked into the gym together, and it seemed like they were the last two there. By now, most of the team had figured out that the Tanaka likes (Y/n).

  "Oi, Kageyama! Why are Tanaka-senpai, and (Y/n)-senpai's faces so red?" Hinata whispered to the tall boy next to him. "Hinata you dumbass! They probably just had gym class or something, so their faces are red still red!" Kageyama explained to Hinata.

  "Ok! Everyone gather around!" Coach Ukai yelled, gaining the attention of the team. "Prelims are next week so get practicing!" Everyone scurried off to work on their skills.

  "Hey (Y/n)! Would you toss for me to spike?" Tanaka asked, everyone expecting you to say yes to your crush, but you didn't know if you could handle being around him for that long.

  "Uhm, sorry, but I already promised Asahi that I would toss for him. Right Asahi?" She said, catching the attention of most people in the gym, including the third year giant.

  "Uhmm... I don't-" He started saying, before (Y/n) interrupted him. "Yeah, come on let's go! Bye Ryu!" She said before walking away.

  Tanaka watched the girl walk away, disappointment written all over his face. Seeing his friend looking sad, Noya walked over to Tanaka saying what everyone was wondering. "Did something happen between you two?" He asked.

  Tanaka shrugged. "I don't think so! We were talking  to each other like usual a couple minutes ago!" Tanaka's face then turned into one of fury.

"You told her didn't you! You told her I like her and now she's going to act weird around me because she doesn't feel the same way!"

"Dude no! I didn't say anything! I wouldn't do that to you!" Noya explained, not wanting to be blamed as the cause for the tension between Tanaka, and (Y/n).

Tanaka still looked at Noya in disbelief. "Prove it." Was all he said.

Noya looked at him, confused. "What? How?" He asked, unsure if he would be able to clear his name even though he was innocent.

"I-" Tanaka paused to think about it. "I actually don't know. Fine, you're off the hook for now, but if I find out that the reason she's acting weird is because you told her about my crush, you're dead."

Noya nodded, signalling he understood before scampering away to go practice with Ennoshita.
Practice ended and the boys went to change, leaving (Y/n), and Kiyoko to finish cleaning up.

"You know... Tanaka-san seems to like you a lot." Kiyoko said, catching the (h/c) haired girls attention.

"Well, yeah. We're best friends. I would hope he likes me." (Y/n) said, hoping that her senpai wouldn't keep talking about Ryu.

"No, I mean, he really likes you." Kiyoko giggled quietly, making (Y/n) smile.

But the smile quickly faded, when she remembered who she was talking to. "No, he likes you. Everyone knows that." She looked up when she heard Kiyoko laugh even more.

"Actually, ever since you began going to school here, he's given me less, and less attention. I should thank you for that."

Kiyoko walked over to her kouhai and put a hand on her shoulder, making the girl blush. (Who wouldn't?)

"Trust me. What you two have, isn't nothing." Kiyoko smiles softly, and returns to her cleaning, leaving a confused (Y/n) behind.

'What the fuck does she mean by that?!
Everyone was now ready to leave the gym for the day, including (Y/n). She went over to her bag and grabbed it.

Turning towards the door, she began to walk, only for her wrist to grabbed by a rough hand. She turned around once again, to see Tanaka standing in front of her.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" He asked, trying to turn his usually deep, and rough voice into a gentle, calming one.

(Y/n) could only nod, butterflies exploding in her stomach. 'Wow I'm going to die if he doesn't let go off my wrist soon!'

Tanaka led her around the gym, so they could have a private conversation.

"Are you okay?" Was the first thing Tanaka said, once they were far enough away from the rest of the team.

(Y/n) looked at him, stunned. "Of course I am! What makes you think I'm not?" She asked, trying her best not to stutter.

Tanaka looked at the girl in front of him. "That's why. Usually you would have told me to fuck off or something! And..." he trailed off. "You wouldn't toss for me today!"

  'Okay (Y/n), act normal.'

(Y/n) looked at Tanaka, before she started to laugh. "Awwwwww! Is wittle Ryu worries about me?! Oh, and he's sad cause I wouldn't toss for him? Muffin~!" She said, before laughing again.

Tanaka sighed. "Sorry, I guess I over reacted." He said, before laughing too.

After a few minutes they calmed down, Tanaka suddenly looked very serious again. 'Oh no! I thought I was in the clear!' (Y/n) internally whined.

"One more thing." Tanaka opened his arms. "Can I have a hug? You always hug everyone but me!" Tanaka pouted dramatically, causing (Y/n) to roll her eyes.

"Yeah, whatever." She sounded relaxed on the outside, but her mind was all over the place. She opened her arms as well.

Tanaka then proceeded to run into the girl's embrace, pulling the slightly smaller girl into his chest.

Neither of them could see the others face, but both of them had turned bright red, and Tanaka was forced to let go before his brain almost shut down.

"Hey I think Daichi was buying the team meat buns, wanna go?" Tanaka asked the girl.

(Y/n), who's face had already returned back to normal, looked at her friend in shock. "You're just telling me this now bitch boy?! Come on let's go!" She yelled before she began sprinting, determined to get a meat bun before the boys ate them all.

Tanaka just laughed, watching the girl he had fallen for run off into the distance, before also beginning to run, refusing to miss out on free food.


Woah! Two long chapters in a row?! Who is she?!

It is currently midnight when I'm writing this...Fuck. I need sleep.

Also, FUCK CORONA AND MY WORRIED PARENTS! (Actually I really love them and appreciate that they worry for me) BUT I NEED OUT MORE!

Today and tomorrow's chapters are going to be posted earlier because I have family dinners two days in a row, and my friend is leaving me (😭) and she wants to read my story while she's on the plane.

My friend, you know who you are. SO FUCK YOU FOR LEAVING ME FOR LIKE A MONTH OR SOME SHIT.😭🖕

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