𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑦 5: 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑎𝑙

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It was now a month before the new couple's wedding. Preparations for rehearsals were being made inside the castle as usual, but Leoh was nowhere to be found...

"Speranza, do you know where Leoh is?" her mother asked.

"I will go look for him," she answered. She can't help but to feel somewhat worried, he has never been late to rehearsals.

She walked through the castle and out into the main courtyard. Up ahead, she saw Leoh and the vampire king and queen in the midst of what appeared to be a heated conversation. Curiosity getting the best of her, she hid behind a statue to get a closer listen.

"I actually love her!" Leoh huffed. "I want out of this awful scheme!"

"You disgraceful child! How dare you betray us?!" the king snarled.

"I love Speranza, why would I ever want to kill her?!"

The young princess was stunned. 'Kill me'...? So it was a trap all along...? she questioned herself.

"Have you forgotten?! For the pure half! So we can finally have power over those retched humans!" the queen shouted.

"I don't care about that pathetic rock anymore!" Leoh retorted.

His parents stare back at him, dumbfounded at his disobedience. Then, an idea popped into the queen's head, and she made a proposition:

"Very well then... How about we propose an ultimatum?"

"And that is...?" Leoh inquired.

"As you know, the Scarlet Eclipse is coming up on the same day as the wedding. If you bite her, she will be turned into vampire and her mind will be controlled by you. We won't kill her, but you just have to bite her. We'll then use her to get the pure half of the Pearl and we will be all-powerful."

Leoh is silent, pondering the proposal. He thought to himself, This is a nice deal, and if there are no other possible negotiations, then...

"Alright then, it is a deal," he responded, shaking his parents hands.

"Perfect, we'll have the Pearl, and you'll have your girl," the queen said.

"HE MOST CERTAINLY WILL NOT HAVE THIS GIRL!" Speranza exclaimed, emerging from behind the statue.

"Sp- Speranza...!" Leoh stammered, startled by her sudden appearance.

"If you are only going to use me and deceive my parents, then this wedding is over!" She started back to the castle.

"You brattish girl! You can not just cancel a wedding like this!" the king chided.

"WATCH ME!" she snapped, and darted back inside with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Leoh turned back to his parents, panicked. "What do we do now?!"

The queen let out an exasperated sigh. "We will think of something my boy, there is no need to worry yet. Heh, that puny brat isn't prepared for what's coming for her."


Huh, the argument that Leoh and his parents had sounds preeeeeetty familiar... wonder where we've heard it before 🧐🤔 anyway, have a great day or night! ❤️

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