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Katniss POV:
I'm sitting on the window sill with a blank mind. I hear banging on the door, I don't respond or bother to move. "Sweetheart", Haymitch comes in sober for a change. "You should take a shower, you smell like a dead corpse". "I should be a dead corpse" I snap back. "Hey, you can talk"! I don't respond after that. "But seriously, take a shower and eat something". I haven't eaten anything other than a few pieces of Apple that Greasy Sae force feed me. I decide to take a shower because I really do stink. I peel off my clothes and look in the mirror. I see a broken, scarred, and lifeless person in my reflection. It scares me to see myself looking like that. I trace the scar along my neck from the war. It doesn't look horrible. I run the shower and choose 'Summer Breeze' as the scent. Peeta's favorite I thought to myself. I'm in the verge of tears now. I quickly get in the shower. It feels refreshing. I dry myself off and get dressed in a forest green shirt, and jeans. I braid my hair and look in the mirror. " that's better". I put on my boots, and my fathers hunting jacket and I walk out the door.

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