Chapter one- the introduction and beginning.

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For Haymich, it started like any other day. He was sitting at his kitchen table eating a cold slice of toast, which he guessed was left for him by Peeta. He was waiting for the train to turn up which would signal the arrival of more alcohol. He was getting better, cutting down, but was still semi reliant on the stuff.

It had been 2 years since the rebellion and for Haymich things were finally starting to look up. District 12 had nearly finished being rebuilt and Katniss and Peeta were acting like a proper couple now. They still had their moments but they are getting better at controlling them. They tended to visit often and they sort of adopted him as a father figure. Of course they would never actually say that as Haymich would start rambling on about how this was not the case but he secretly knew it was true.

Haymitch's point of view

I had just finished my toast and was about to go get ready when the telephone started ringing. I knew I should probably answer it but u really couldn't be bothered, it was just too early in the morning. As re phone continued ringing I went upstairs go get ready. I have two wardrobes.  One fr my regular clothes and the ones I wear when the Capitol want to talk to me. Thankfully, tel hey hadn't wanted to talk for some months now which was a relief. It also meant an interview was overdue. I pushed the though from my mind and started getting dressed in a plain white button down shirt and some suit trousers. Just as I am slipping on my shoes the phone starts ringing again. Great, this means I should answer it. I walk to the hall where I have a phone and answer it

"What do you want at this time in the morning?" I mumble to the caller " don't you know I like peace and quite?"

"Sorry Haymich" I hear a familiar voice reply "I just though you would want to know this"

"Go on..."

"Word has come from district 4. Annie and her son (Fin as most people call him) are coming to visit tomorrow and I though you might have needed the notice to tidy up a bit."

"Suppose I probably should l. She might not want any broken liquor bottles lying around."

"HAYMICH!" She shouts through the phone "I though you were getting better. Why do you have broken bottles lying around? "

"Calm down Sweetheart" I reply " you know I'm just messing with you"

"please don't do that Haymich l. You know how much Pett a and I care about you. Sorry but I have to go Peeta's calling and you know how he gets. See you tomorrow"

Katniss hung up and I decided I should start the monumental task of making my kitchen presentable. The rest of my home is fine I just have to finish the washing up that has been sitting there for about 3 days.

That is when there is a knock at the door.


So, what do you think and what sort of things would you like to see. All feedback is appreciated. I do not own any of these characters. All rights belong to miss collins. :) thanks for reading so far

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