It's You

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(So I kinda picture Max as Taylor Lautner by the way)

                                                                    Please don't break my heart 

                                                            Don't tear it apart I know how it starts 

                                                               Trust me I've been broken before 

Harry gave me his number this time and invited me to lunch today. It's been three days since I saw him last and i'm quite nervous to see him again.

Emma totally lost her shit when I told her he asked me out. She took me shopping that day for six fucking hours to find "the perfect outfit". We did find one too. 

We decided on a a cropped V neck peach colored blouse and a short light denim skirt. It was way out of my comfort zone but I've been taking more risks lately and I think I pulled it off really well. 

I blasted music the whole car ride to get rid of my nerves

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I blasted music the whole car ride to get rid of my nerves. He was taking me to Beachwood. It was sweet and romantic.

When I got there I honestly didn't know what to expect but I kinda expected him to not show up. Of course when I get there he's no where to be seen. I sigh with disappointment but not shock. 

Since I was already here I decided to gets a coffee anyways. I step forward and crash right into a rock hard body. I look up and am faced with those beautiful piercing green eyes. Harry gives me a crooked smile "Just like the first time we met"

I roll my eyes and chuckle "I thought you forgot" I admit to him. He forms his lips in a line and shakes his head "No I haven't stopped thinking about you since we met again...well since we met for the first time honestly but I was really exited to see you again" my heart flutters at his words.

He makes no attempt to hide the fact that he's checking me out with a smirk. "Hey Harold my eyes are up here" I tell him and when we make eye contact again I almost die. He is quite possibly the hottest guy to ever walk the earth.

"Sorry baby you just look amazing" He mutters and I blush. "Not as good as you" I blurt and he laughs.

"You're quite flattering Anna but I think it's our turn to order" he says loudly and I look up too see that the people in front of us have disappeared leaving everyone staring at me and Harry who are standing a lot closer to each other than I thought.

I feel heat rush to my cheeks as I shuffle forward and order with Harrys arm around my waist. I hand my card to the waitress but Harry grabs it before I can "I'm taking you on a date love. I can pay" and hands her his card.

I roll my eyes at him but don't argue because I know that won't make a difference. We sit at the same hidden corner table as last time. It's strange to think about the person I was then. The person who let max control my life from the grave.

Harry helped me move on. After seeing him that night I made friends with Emma and her boyfriend Sandy. Sandy was nice, he didn't really talk much but me and him got along well. I trusted him with my life and Emma's. He loved Emma so much so that made me like him even more.

"Okay Anna now tell me everything about the last two years I want to know it all" Harry says while putting his face in his hands. He looks so precious. 

"Well Harold after that night life got a whole lot better, I finally grew a pair and made some friends and got a better job" I tell him keeping eye contact. I couldn't stop staring at him he was so damn hot.

He raised an eyebrow "How so?" 

"Well when I met you I was a mess. I had just moved here from Montana because I couldn't stay at home it reminded me to much of..." I trailed off I really didn't want to get into what happened between me and Max with Harry. "Just some stuff that happened. So I came here thinking I would get better and after a year I still wasn't. That night was the first time i'd gone out for a cup of coffee in a year pretty much the first time i'd gone out ever except for like getting groceries and stuff. I was scared to meet people to let them in. But after that night for some reason talking to you was so easy that I was able to go out more. So that week I met my best friend Emma and she pretty much saved my life. I still have a hard time letting people in but at least I can still go on normal"

At the end of my speech Harry was frowning. I don't know why my story wasn't really that sad. "Wow" was all he could say.

"Okay your turn" I jump up and down in my seat and it makes him smile. "Well after we met was when I started writing the album. That's why I went out for coffee because so couldn't focus on writing I was so tried. I wrote that song about a month later after seeing your Gucci add. It was like I already couldn't get you out of my head and that just made it worse. I finished there album of course and then released it and that's about all that went on." 

I nod my head contently "I like my song. It makes me happy" I admit which makes him blush. I look at this man in front of me and I don't see him as Harry Styles the former boy band member, singer/song writer, model, and actor I see him as just Harry. "You're staring" He points out 

"That's because I enjoy looking at beautiful things" My mouth says before my brain can approve it. My eyes widen as I feel embarrassed but he just laughs "Oh trust me I'm  not the only thing that's beautiful here" He's says back and I blush even more at his cheeky response.

I never thought I'd end up dating again. Even if it was one date that sure wasn't on my list of things too do. After Max my whole life was ruined and I feel like I can't trust anyone anymore. I may seem better on the outside but my heart is still a black whole of emptiness just waiting for someone to heal it. But that's the thing I never thought someone would be able to heal it. But as I sat here with Harry talking and laughing I could feel a little bit of warmth entering that empty spot not much of a difference but a small puzzle piece in a 100 piece puzzle just found its place. 

Harry Styles. The man who now has the ability to put my life back together or shred it into even more pieces. 

A/N I know it's kinda a short chapter! I've been having writers block recently but i'm working more on the next chapter right now and it'll be longer and better I promise. Love you all!! mwah 💋 

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now