I Can't Breathe (pt 2)

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I rush Anna too the hospital with her parents driving right behind me. Max left. I wanted to rip his head off when he said that. He's mental. 

I look over to Anna still passed out in the seat next to me. I'm so scared. She stopped breathing for a whole minute. She's breathing now but barley. I pull into the parking lot for the ER and rush her through the doors.

The second I enter the hospital she is ripped from my arms. A doctor rushes her to a back room that he tells me i'm not aloud to enter. I pace back and fourth in the hallways. I return to the lobby and sit on the couch.

 A small bald girl walks up to me with a shy look on her face. She doesn't look any older than twelve.  I give her a warm smile and say "Hello love" "Hi are you Harry Styles?" she asks nervously "In the flesh" I tell her and she giggles.

I'm guessing this girl has cancer and it makes me sad knowing someone so small has to go through something like that. She hands me a notebook that has a picture of the band on the front. It's an old picture I'm probably seventeen in it. I smile at the picture of me and my best friends even if we don't talk much anymore I still love them all very much. 

"Will you sign this?" She asks me and I nod "Sure thing" I sign the book right above my face. She smiles "Thank you" she says and I respond with "Of course love" She runs off back to her mom who gives me a wide smile. I smile back.

A few minutes later the same doctor who took Anna walks towards me. "She's asking for you" He says. My chest warms and I follow the doctor into a small room. Anna lays on a small mattress and has an IV in her wrist.

"Baby..." I say as i walk towards her "Hi haz" she whispers. I sit down on the bed next too her and cuddle into her. She runs her hands through my hair and everything hits me as I sit here with her. I love this girl. I love her so much.

"Anna.." I whisper and he look up to meet my eyes. I feel tears gathering in my eyes and she looks worried "Harry, What's wrong?" she asks "Nothing" I say shaking my head and chuckling "I just love you" I say and her eyes widen.

The beautiful blonde girl yelps as she runs straight into my chest "I'm so sorry" She squeaks. She is gorgeous. She has shining brown eyes that meet mine and long shiny blonde hair. "don't worry about it love" I assure her and she smiles. I get lost in her eyes and smile.

"So you're part of the crowd of weird people who get coffee at 8 at night?" She says sarcastically with a small smirk and I laugh. "yeah I guess I am" I chuckle while rubbing the back of my neck. "I'm Anna" She tells me and I am instantly confused. This gorgeous girl just ran into me and she didn't freak out or anything. Just acted like I am a normal person. Didn't say one thing about the fact that I'm Harry Styles. "Well hello Anna. I'm Harry" I tell her and her expression doesn't change. She still doesn't act like she's talking to some huge celebrity just a normal person. "Well Harry, I'm glad you decided to get coffee at night so that I could run into you," She tells me and I laugh loudly.

I get a big smile the second I see Anna. She still looks gorgeous. I instantly throw my arms around her. I don't know what came over me but I felt so happy to see her again. She wraps her arms around me as well and I pull her in tighter. This is not the greeting I expected but it was even better.

I pull away and stare into her beautiful eyes "Hey" I whisper "Hey" she breathes back. I sit down and she follows and sits beside me. "So you heard my song" I says with a shy smile. She smiles back "You're album was really great" She responds with avoiding the question. She's adorable when she's nervous.

"Okay Anna now tell me everything about the last two years I want to know it all" I say while setting my face in my hands trying to look innocent.

"Well Harold after that night life got a whole lot better, I finally grew a pair and made some friends and got a better job" She tells me keeping eye contact. I couldn't stop staring at her. She was just like an angel. Perfect. 

I raised an eyebrow confused by her confession"How so?" 

"I'm glad that you feel safe around me, well i'm guessing you do considering what I heard, which we don't have to talk about if you're not ready but, I want you to feel safe with me I want to be your safe place Anna, because right now you are mine" I whispered nervously.

Her eyes burn into mine as I try to figure out what's going on in her mind. She stares at me before doing something I did not expect. She kisses me. Fire spread throughout my entire body at the touch. I take in a sharp breath at the contact but let out a small grunt after wards. Feeling electricity shoot through my veins.

"I love you too" she whispers and my whole world comes back into one piece. I grab her face and bring her lips to mine. Feeling fire spread throughout my whole body. I love this girl so much and she loves me too. I couldn't be more happy with my life. It felt complete.

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now