Hold Me While You Wait

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Losin' light, I'm missin' my same old us
Before we learned our truth too late
Resigned to fate, fadin' away
I took slow deep breaths as I followed the crowd of doctors down a poorly lit hallway while they did everything they could to help my dying best friend.

I held in tears as best as I could. Emma hadn't started to seem sick until this week. Sometimes I would forget that she even was sick but then today she stopped breathing. Turns out she has a tumor in her lungs now and her life expectancy of three months has now just gone down to three weeks.

I felt a hand wrap around mine and turned towards the direction. Harry stood next to me but his face was a blur my entire mind was spinning nothing made sense at the moment it all felt so surreal. My vision continued to blur and I started to lose feeling in my body. Moments later I felt a rush of wind and everything went numb and dark.

Harry caught Anna in his arms and a few doctors helped him try to wake her back out. Another group of doctors took Emma's pretty much lifeless body to a small room. They joked her up to hundreds of small tubes full of medicine that will never work, she was already too far gone.

As Emma's mind spiraled quickly even though the rest of her body didn't respond, she had one thought. It's been a good life. She had everything she could have wanted. An amazing family that loved her infinitely, an adorable boyfriend who treated her like she was the best thing in the world, a best friend who was like the sister she never had and she got to be friends with Harry Styles.

That was the last thought that Emma ever interpreted. Seconds later her brain shut down along with her body leaving her lifeless. The doctors all went heart broken as the sick girls heart flatlined. Even though they tried nothing they could have done would have saved her.

Sandy came running into the room hoping to be able to say one last good bye to the love of his life and his entire world shattered when he saw her. The world lost an angel that day.

Authors note: Hello all! I know that it's been a really really long time. Let's catch up shall we? Basically life got really busy. I had so much going on and little time for writing. Eventually I started to lose my interest for it. I got a boyfriend a little over two months ago and when we started dating i started to feel motivation to write about love again but still had very little time. Two weeks ago my boyfriend left me and i've been taking the breakup really hard. Today my sister tested positive for covid and I probably have it as well so the last few weeks have not been too great for me BUT! I decided that since I have so much time I need to finish the book. The next chapter will be the last chapter. I realize this chapter was very short but I promise the next one will be longer. I hope you are all doing well. I love you all mwah 💋

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