Someone You Loved

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A/N okay before we start this chapter is going to be written from Max's POV. I have portrayed him as the bad guy, which he is but he also is not a horrible person at heart. The character of Max is based off of a person I dated. His character name even is associated with him. His name was not Max though. The guy I dated I ended things with but for ten months after still did not lose feelings for. I told him I messed up and missed but he did not care. I get that he didn't have to go back to me that's not what made me mad. After we broke up he continued to break me down and hurt me and call me things that no person deserves to be called. I was stuck apologizing for the things he did because i'm some weird twisted way I loved him. I eventually found my worth and got over him. But he was someone that affected my life deeply. He gives off this mean and confident with a little bit of selfishness type of personality. But in reality I know that he's hurting for reasons I do not know. I also have seen the side of him that I fell in love with. The side of him that is kind and happy. With Max yes he is the bad guy but I also what you all to see that other side of him that is not so bad. So this chapter will help you understand him a lot more. Any ways theres the end of my rant and a little dip into my personal life. All of my characters are based off of a person I knew personally so with Max he is a character that is essential to me and this story. Okay now enjoy the chapter:)

Max's POV:

I sighed as I bent over the bathroom sink to get a better look at myself in the mirror. I tried to prepare myself for tonight but I know that there's no way to do that. Anna is coming tonight. It's been almost a year since I saw her last.

I really hope she doesn't bring Harry tonight. I know that me and her would never happen again because I'm with Lily now and she's with Harry but I don't think I could handle seeing her with him.

Lily is great. I love her. But the issue is that I love Anna as well. I never stopped loving her but when I got into the wrong crowd I started acting different and I hate my self still for everything I put her through.

"Cody. You have company" My fathers rough voice booms from the other side of the bathroom door. I look at myself one more time before unlocking the door and stepping out.

Lily sat on the couch where she had before with the remote in her hand while she flicked through channels.

She smiled at me before standing up and linking her fingers in mine. I smiled back at her before heading towards the kitchen. There stood Anna and her mom. I think my jaw dropped when I saw her.

She stood in my kitchen with a sleek tight black dress that fit her perfectly. Her blonde hair was curled tightly and flowed down her shoulders. She had heavy eye makeup and deep red lipstick.

My heart race picks up rapidly. I can tell she's hiding a smirk, this is what she wanted, she knows what this is doing to me. I quickly change my expression as best as I can and turn to Lily who is totally oblivious to it all.

Lily doesn't know anything about my past with Anna except for the fact that we dated and things ended on a bad note. She has no clue that I abused her and almost killed her before faking my death.

Lily thinks that I am just a normal guy named Cody. I walk towards Anna and her lips form into a tight line. "Hey" I breathe out and she just nods.

Her mother elbows her softly in the ribs and she rolls her eyes "Hey Ma- Cody" she says stuttering over my new name. I look back to Lily who didn't seem to notice.

"We're so glad to have you and your mother Anna. It's been too long" my Father speaks over the tension. Anna smiles softly and nods before taking a seat at the dining room table.

Anna's mother takes a seat next to my Father which makes me uneasy seeing them together, knowing the news that is about to be spilled. Anna thinks she's here for an apology, she sure as hell is not ready for what we are actually here for.

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now