End Of The Day

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All I know at the end of the day is love who you love
There ain't no other way
If there's something I've learnt from a million mistakes
You're the one that I want at the end of the day

I had been two months since the car crash. Harry anxiously paced around our closet throwing every article of clothing he could find into a suitcase. "Babe why don't we just find clothes there. We pack some stuff and if we need more just go shopping" I suggested and he stopped to look at me before shrugging.

"I guess you're right. I'm just so stressed out and I don't know why" He mumbles. He may not know but I do. It's obvious. Harry took a long break from his tour so he could fully recover. His fans had been so supportive and as far as I know he hardly got any hate about it.

Harry has some of the best fans i've discovered. Harry was obviously nervous is to be back and that people would be mad at him.

I knew better though. I knew that he would have no trouble with that. "Hey Haz calm down." I said walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck "It's gonna be okay. Nobody is going to be mad or upset. You're going to give a great performance and they're going to love it. You perform like no other."

Harry smiles at my words and pressed a soft kiss to my lips "I love you" he whispered. "You too. now come on we're going to be late for our flight." He nodded quickly and zipped up the messy suitcase full of random articles of clothing. I grabbed the two other suitcases full of everything else.

Harry swiftly walked in front of me and grabbed the two other suitcases before I could take them down the stairs. I rolled my eyes as he yelled "IM SO STRONG. IM LIKE SUPER MAN" while running down the stairs.

I laughed at him grinning like child which is also how he was acting. "Harold if you will please quit the childish act I'd like to get on a plane at some point today" I said grinning. "You're no fun" he said pouting.

Once we finally made it out of the house and into the car I noticed Harrys nervous look on his face

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Once we finally made it out of the house and into the car I noticed Harrys nervous look on his face. "What's on your mind?" I asked and he turned his head to me. "Just nervous that's all" he shrugged. I reached out and grabbed his hand that sat on his knee "Don't be. This is what you where born to do. You are my favorite rock star" I said touching his dimple that popped from his wide smile.

He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it softly. We made our way to the airport and when I stepped out of the car I saw a bunch of paparazzi. Harry groaned and handed me a pair of sunglasses while putting his own on.

We stepped cautiously out of the car and where instantly intruded by photographers. "Harry! Is this your girlfriend! Harry when did you get better! Harry do you still have amnesia!?" We ignored them as we passed through. When we got through the crowd I turned back around and threw my middle finger at them.

Honestly I didn't care what people would say about that. They deserved it. None of them have any right to invade on our personal life. Harry chuckled and pulled me in closer to him. The best part about traveling with Harry, besides that fact that i'm traveling with him, is that it's so much more luxury. We don't have to go through long lines and security.

We just go meet Jeff and then we are sent to a private plane with only me Harry and the band most times. Harry and I step on the plane where Mitch, Sarah, Adam and Charolette are already sitting.

Mitch and Sarah have seen Harry since he gained his memory back but nobody else has. They all rush towards him and trample him in hugs. Harry laughs as they all yell a mix of "we love you'd" and "what took your ass so long's"

I smile at Mitch and sit down next to him. Sarah sits on the side of him and is cuddled into his shoulder.

"You ready for a kick ass tour Anna?" Mitch says excitedly and I nod "I love watching Harry perform and there's no where I'd rather be than with him." I tell him and he wipes under his eyes faking tears.

Harry comes over to us "Flirting with my girlfriend Mitchel?" he says resting his head on my shoulder. "Unfortunately I've already got one" He says faking a pout and Sarah smacks him over the head. "Ow! Hey I was only kidding jesus!" he laughs and Sarah kisses him on the cheek.

I look over too Harry who has a big grin on his face. "What are you so smiley about?" I ask him and he shakes his head "I'm not nervous anymore. I can't wait to perform" he tells me and I kiss him.

"Good. You're gonna do great." I look around the plane at all the beautiful and talented people around me. If you told me a year ago that this is where I would be I would've called you insane. But now that it's all happened I can't imagine my life without Harry.

The plane takes off and butterfly's erupt in my stomach like the always do. But this time it's not in nervousness for the flight it's in excitement for the next three months of my life.

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now