Falling Like The stars

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You pull me so close
Guiding me home and I need you to know
That we're falling so fast
We're falling like the stars
Falling in love

"You almost ready love?" Harry tells from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Almost!" I tell back and I finish curling my last piece of hair. Harry insisted on taking me out tonight. He said it's been a long time since we went on a real date. Now that I think of it I don't think we ever have been on a real date.

He's taking me to beach wood cafe then too the because to watch the stars. I'm really excited because I love the beach and watching the stars.

I put on a bit of lip gloss to top off my makeup and open the bathroom door to see a smiling Harry standing in front of me. He's wearing a white T-shirt and black joggers. Nothing to fancy since we aren't going anywhere fancy.

I wear a brown oversized sweatshirt that falls just above my knees covering my black spandex with a few gold necklaces and my white air forces.

I wear a brown oversized sweatshirt that falls just above my knees covering my black spandex with a few gold necklaces and my white air forces

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"You look absolutely stunning" Harry whispers pulling me close to him by my hips. I throw my hands through his curls "You look good too. Always." Harry hums and presses a soft kiss to my lips.

"You ready?" He mumbles against my lips and I smile and nod. Harry grabs my hand as we walk down the stairs to his car.

When we get inside on the passenger seat lays a huge bouquet of roses and a small teddy bear. I smile widely and Harry watches me nervously.

"You did not" I whisper before jumping in arms. "What's all of this for?" I say before kissing him. "Just wanted to do something for you. I love you and I wanted to show you" He mumbles nervously.

"You show me every day just by being my boyfriend" I point out and he chuckles. I run the flowers inside and but them in a vase before getting in the car.

"Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we never met?" I ask randomly and Harry raises an eyebrow. "I think we would have found a way to each other anyways. We're meant to be and I believe that even if we didn't meet that night we would have anyways." I smile and Harry kisses my knuckles.

"And I also know that we'll spend forever together" I nod my head as he pulls into the small coffee shop that is the main reason we're where we are today. "Do you remember when we kissed in this parking lot? That's probably the boldest thing I've ever done. Kissing a famous person after knowing him for an hour. I still think back and can't believe I did that." I laugh and Harry puts his arm around my hip.

"Well good thing you did"


Me and Harry both order a small caramel macchiato. "You know that this is what you ordered when we met" he points out and I nod. "It's always been my favorite. Guess I got you hooked on them huh?" I say pointing to his drink. "Guess you did" He chuckles.

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