You Should See Me In A Crown

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It's been about seven months since Harrys tour ended. We traveled all around the world and while we where on tour celebrated our one year anniversary of the day we met again.

Since the tour ended not too much happened. We got home and I moved in with him. He met my parents properly and they both loved him. I did a few more photo shoots with Gucci and a lot of other popular brands.

I also found a love of helping Harry write his songs. We have almost finished the album. Harry has all the songs written and ready for the album. He still is working on the cover and ideas for the music videos but we have all the tracks.

I love all of them. Lights up is one of my favorites along with Adore You. Harry has been very closed off about the meaning behind some of his songs. With Cherry it sounds a lot like he's jealous of someone moving on.

I asked him who the song was about he brushed it off. I don't think it could be about me considering the fact that me and Harry never broke up and had someone else come in between us.

Emma says it's about Dominique. Since we where in London quite a bit I did see Dominique a few times but nothing like a date. I haven't told Harry this yet but Dominque is gay. I think it's funny when he gets jealous considering that would never happen anyways even if I did like him, which I don't.

Harry has been on edge a lot lately. I can tell that he's stressed out about something but I don't know what it is. I've tried asking him about it and he always changes the subject. He's been focusing on me a lot more than himself and it's worrying me.

Not that I don't appreciate the attention. Harry has been wonderful to me but he's not being as good to himself as he needs to. "I'm worried about him ma. He always seems so stressed out and like any minute he could explode" I ramble on to my mother.

I came home to Montana this week. Harry had a lot of meetings and I know he needed some alone time. I also knew it was time to come home and face my fears. Mom was exuberant about my visit.

I arrived a day ago and it was a lot easier than I expected. If you would have told me three years ago I would be a model for some of the worlds biggest company's, dating one of the biggest pop stars in the world, and coming home and actually being happy to be there I would tell you that you're fucking insane.

"I know honey. It's hard because you want what's best for him but right now the best this thing for him is alone time. It's a good thing you came here so he can focus on himself. I can see it in his eyes he loves you more than anyone else on this planet and always is making sure that you're happy. That's a great thing that he's like that but he's also not doing the same for himself. If I were you I would talk to him about it." She tells me and I nod.

My mom always has the best advice for me. "You know it's because of you we met. If you wouldn't have written that letter telling me to grow the hell up and get out of the house I wouldn't have met Harry." I tell her and she hums in agreement.

"Maybe. But you two are soulmates. You would have found your way to each other some how." I think about that. Me and Harry really are like soul mates. No matter what we always found our way back to each other.

I nod my head. "We really are huh" "You love him so much and he loved you just as well. You guys are getting married one day I swear" I laugh and think more about that.

Married. Harry my husband. The thought makes my stomach flurry with butterfly's. I always knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Harry but that's something we never really discussed.

"I hope so" I whisper. "Oh um Anna there's something I need to tell you" Mom says hesitantly and I raise an eyebrow at her.

"The Draper's invited us over for dinner tonight. I told them I'd ask you first. Max will be there but not to try and win you back. They all want to apologize for everything that happened. Max is bringing his new girlfriend though so while we are there we have to call him Cody because that's who she knows him as."

My stomach twists and I widen my eyes. Do I want to see the Drapers? Do I want to interact with his evil father and worst of all Max? I know his mother will not be there because they got divorced unless they got re married because they where kinda back together when me and Max broke up.

I pursued my lips as I weighed my options. I think seeing all of them and hearing a sorry will be good closure and knowing Max is with someone else will also help. I slowly nod my head and Mom looks at me confused.

"You want too go?" she questions and I nod my head. "Okay then we will. It's in fifteen minutes so do whatever you need to get ready." I stay silent but nod my head again. As I walk towards my old bedroom I pull out a a sleek back dress that's tight and shows off all of my curves well.

I curl my hair and put on heavy makeup with red lips. I look bad ass. My point of getting so dressed up is not to get Max back. But more to get back at Max.

I'm going to show him what he threw away. Show him what he can never have back.

A/N Hello lovely people! So school starts tomorrow. I have a break from dance still so I will have time to write but once dance starts back up I will not have as much free time. I'm going to pre write a few chapters today and this week but I will not be updating as much as usual. I hope you all have an amazing week and remember tpwk😌ALSO HOW DO WE FEEL ABOUT THE RUMORS OF HS3???? i cried ngl. OKAY ILY ALL


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