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so let me crawl inside your veins 

i'll build a wall give you a ball and chain

it's not like me to be so mean you're all i wanted

just let me hold you like a hostage

I sighed as I stepped off the stuffy plane. Although I didn't want to leave Harry I was glad to be back home in California. 

But there was something here that I was nervous about. My Mom called last night saying that her and Dad where coming back to California to talk and explain things better. I wasn't thrilled, considering I'm still angry that they lied, but I love my parents and don't want tension between us.

I dragged my suitcase down the halls of the  stuffy crowded airport. When I finally made it outside I saw my small gray car right at the front of the doors. I could see Emma inside of it with a big grin.

I climbed inside and was instantly greeted with a loud "BITCHHHH!" I laughed loudly as Emma reaches over to the seat and attacked me into an embrace. The whole way back I told her everything about the tour. I had seen so many amazing places all over Europe. We started in Paris then went to Italy then Greece then London and a few other small city's in England. 

Harry is finishing up his Europe tour then going to Australia and Canada before he comes back in three months. I know I'm gonna miss him like hell but I trust him. And I was excited to be home with Emma as well.

Emma decided to stay with me this week and meet my parents. I had kinda explained the Max situation to her but she still was confused. An hour after I returned home my parents arrived.

When I opened the door the first exchange was different that our last one. They both had nervous and guilty looks on there faces. I smiled and told them to come in and sit down. They weren't staying here because I didn't have an extra room so they had no bags with them.

"Anna we want to start by saying sorry" My Mom spoke up first. I nodded and let her continue before I spoke "We did know Max had survived the crash but not until recently. His parents made him lie about it. He doesn't like to admit that but it's true. They had everyone at the hospital pretend he was dead for a large amount of money paid to each of the doctors and nurses in on it."

"After you left the hospital they held a closed casket funeral for family and a few friends. Me and your Dad attended this funeral, you know that, and it did seem off. His parents and the rest of his family knew he was alive. It was all an act for anyone who wasn't family." 

"They then buried the empty casket. Max had to do time in prison and he got out about four months ago. That's when they told us that he didn't actually die. Max legally changed his name it is now Cody. He's working for his father and living with him. When he got out of prison he told his parents that he needed to see you. They agreed to let him so they told us first. We knew that if we warned you before you wouldn't let him come or you wouldn't believe us. So after you went to the hospital he came to us."

"He was angry. We told him we knew nothing of Harry, because we didn't. We haven't heard from him since that night. But we do know that he is not coming back."

I partly understood why they didn't tell me. But what I didn't understand was why they let him come and see me. After he tried to murder me and almost succeeded. "Okay I understand why you didn't tell me" I start.

"But I don't understand why you left him come and see me in the first place. He abused me and literally tried to kill me." I had tears in my eyes now and Emma squeezed my hand next to me. I turned to her and smiled.

"I know. And honestly he was so convincing when he told us that he changed. I think he has and hopefully he will find a girl and treat her much better then he treated you. And I'm glad you've found Harry. All we want for you is happiness. I hope he makes you happy" My father said this time with a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"Well thank you for coming here. I love you guys but i'm recovering from jet lag so I need some sleep." They both nodded and left. I sighed as I flopped onto the couch next to Emma. 

"Hey Anna?" She said and I turned my head "Yeah?" "What time did your flight leave last night" I tilted my head confusedly at her question "Harry dropped me off at the airport at 7:30 why?" I asked. Her face twisted with worry and she turned her phone screen too me.

My heart sunk and stomach dropped at what I saw on the screen. 

Harrys POV 

I climbed into my car after dropping Anna off. My heart felt like it was frowning. I couldn't believe she was going to be away from me for three months. I texted Mitch and told him to meet me at a bar with the rest of the gang.

I needed a drink to get my mind off things and try to be positive for the rest of the night. My eyes started to fill with tears and my vision blurred.

Stop crying.

I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt. When I could see straight again I saw a car heading straight towards me and realized I swerved into the wrong lane. We both swerved at the same time crashing into each other.

I felt another car slam right into the side of mine. My vision started to blur and my head felt like it was spinning. I looked down to see my hands covered in blood and shards of glass in my legs. My vision turned black and my thought where hazed. I could hear voices and screams around me but the thing I last thought of before drifting into a complete unconscious state was her.


Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now