Before You Go

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So, Before you go

Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better?

If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather 

My heart raced a million miles a minute while I ran too the room Harry was staying in. Mitch said he had amnesia. He forgot the past six years of his life. I wasn't sure what to expect when I saw him. 

Mitch said that Harry remembered him but not the others. There's a chance he could remember me. I didn't want to get my hopes up but I think if he did forget me my heart would fall right out of my chest onto the floor. 

I reached the door. I found myself unable to open it. I stood out there for a few minutes with my shaking hand stuck on the door nob. Eventually I took a deep breath and opened it. When I entered four heads turned my way. I saw Mitch Sarah Clare and Naomi all sitting in chairs across form the bed.

Mitch approached me first. He saw my shaking state and my tear stained face. He pulled me into a tight embrace. "I love you Anna I hope you know that. We all do. We're here for you the doctor said his memories will most likely come back we just need to jog them. We can do this. He loved you more than anyone else in the world. If anyone can bring him back it's you." I sniffled into his shoulder. "Thanks Mitch. I love you too. And him more than anything."

"Well why don't you go and talk to him then."

Mitch let go of me and Sarah, Clare, And Naomi gave me sympathetic smiles. I turned my head to see my beautiful boy sitting in the bed. My eyes filled with tears again and my breathing hitched when I saw him. He looked confused when he saw me. It wasn't his usual look of happiness when he saw me. His gorgeous green eyes where filled with confusion.

Mitch squeezed my shoulders from behind me so that I would calm down more. I walked over to his side and sat down on a small chair. 

"Harry? It's me Anna. Do you remember?" He looked at me with wide eyes. They searched my face while he bit his lip focusing hard.

After a few seconds his expression turned to sadness and frustration "I'm sorry I don't" He whispered

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After a few seconds his expression turned to sadness and frustration "I'm sorry I don't" He whispered. I felt a sob emerge in my throat but i swallowed it not wanting to make him feel guilty or sad. I grabbed his hand and put it in mine "It's okay Haz. We'll help you" 

He blushed at his nickname I gave him which made me Happy he still did that.

"If you don't mind me asking" Harry said looking to everyone this time "Where's the boys?" All of us got sad looks on our faces. "I know Mitch you said that we broke up but are they still gonna come visit?"

All of us looked sad except for Mitch who had a small smile on his face. "Yeah they are. In about an hour they'll all be here" He told him which made Harry smile wide.

I turned to Mitch and he mouthed "I called them all" I nodded and wondered how they all where able to come on such short notice.

"Even Zayn?" I questioned and Mitch nodded. Harry grinned from beside me.

"Harry?" I asked him and he turned to me. "Do you mind if I tell you a few stories about us? To see if it'll help you remember?" He nodded.

"Well we first met at the Beach wood Cafe do you remember that place?" he nodded and I smiled "When we met I had no clue who you where. That intrigued you. You didn't say who you actually were instead you sat down and had a full on conversation with me while I was clueless." He gave me a smile that made his dimples pop "Sounds like me"

I continued to tell him of the night we first met and our magical kiss. I then told him about his song he wrote for me and how we met again almost a year ago. I told him all of the crazy shit that went down with Max. He listened intently throughout the whole story.

At the end I got a sad smile on my face at the happy memories that no longer exist in his head. "I'm sorry" He mumbled and when I met his eyes I realized they where tear filled. "Harry it's not your fault. Don't be sorry. We're going to help you. You have me and Mitch and the rest of your friends and the boys are even coming in a minute. We're all going to help you" He nodded and and reached out my hand to wipe the tears from his eyes.

A few moments later a knock came from the door. Harry smiled and turned to the door. I walked over to open it, considering Mitch and the girls where all scared to greet Harrys former band mates. When I opened the door Liam was the first face I saw. He pulled me into a hug "Hey Anna hows it going" He mumbled into my shoulder "Well he's pretty much seventeen again. His memories from the past six years are whipped out. He's been super confused about the breakup and wanting to see you guys. I'm really glad you all could make it."

The four boys in front of me all smiled. I hugged each one of them before they walked into the room to greet Harry. When Harry saw them his eyes lit up and he sat up further. The group of boys huddled around him into an embrace. I heard a bunch of scattered "You scared us" and "I missed you" 's. They boys all explained to Harry what happened with the band the last six years.

And as if it where a miracle he gained a lot of his memories back. He remember everything that happened up until around the time they announced the Hiatus. He still remembered nothing about me or his solo career though. 

The boys stayed for a while and they all talked like they never spent time away from each other. They all instantly clicked.

 They all instantly clicked

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It was sweet. And I was glad that Harrys memory was improving so fast. I just hoped it wasn't too long until the rest of it came back.

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now