Memories- t w o

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Next I take Harry to the office building where we met for the second time. I take him to his office and we sit down. 

I sit in one of the two chairs that are across the desk and wait for Jeffery. The door opens and I turn my head and expect to see Jeffery but am greeted with someone else instead. My heart race picks up as I see the familiar handsome curly haired man in front of me.

"I remember seeing you for the first time" I smile at the memory "I could barley breathe honestly. You do that to me. Make me speechless and breathless" Harry blushes at my words.

I stand up and he gives me a toothy smile. Before I can comprehend anything he pulls me into a tight embrace. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me in tighter. This is not the greeting I expected but it was even better.

I tell Harry about the hug. I tell him how I felt good in his arms like I belonged there or something. I told him how nervous he made me the first time we met again. How curious I was that he never called or texted but wrote a song about me and was so excited to see me again.

Harry pulls away and smiles at me again "Hey" he breathes "Hey" I breath back. He sits down and I sit next to him. "So you heard my song" he says with a shy smile. I smile back "You're album was really great" I say avoiding the question.

"Thanks. I worked pretty hard on it." he tells me. This is so awkward we need to just get to the point. "Why didn't you call?" I blurt out and his eyes widened.

"I was so scared to ask you that question. I was more scared of the answer though than asking the question. I didn't want to hear your reasoning at first because I didn't want to get hurt."

"Oh right. Well okay before I tell you I know that was a douche move and I should have called but I couldn't."

"Why" I demand. "Because you told me that you didn't get out much and had a hard time opening up to people which I figured had something to do with someone hurting you in the past. Not that I wanted to hurt you but I knew that after we kissed being just friends wasn't an option so I thought it was better being not friends at all because my life is to hectic for someone like you" He spills. I guess that kinda makes sense.

"But it made sense. Even though I really did want you to call you did it for my own good so in a weird way it was like you did it for me. I understood I wasn't angry." Harry looks at me with sympathy in his eyes. My stomach flutters with butterfly's as I stared into his eyes. "Um anyways," I say continuing.

"Okay well what about the song? You knew I would find out somehow" I say and he chuckles "Yeah I guess that was kinda my point. I wanted to see you again but I knew I had to wait until the album released." My stomach flurries at the thought of him wanting to see me.

"I really loved the song you wrote for me. I'm not gonna lie I've listened to it probably a thousand times." Harry and I both laugh and smile at each other once again just staring. It wasn't uncomfortable though. We were able to just sit there watching each other. Harrys eyes studied every part of my face as if he was trying to save it in his mind but I knew he was actually trying to find my face somewhere in his memory.

"Listen Anna the last two years you haven't left my mind. I can't even go to Beach Wood anymore because I sit in there for hours hoping you'll come in. I wanted to call but I didn't because I thought it was better but deep down I knew it wasn't. So I want us to start over. I want to take you out and spend time with you get to know you." he admits and my heart explodes with warmth.

I feel my cheeks turning red and I get a small shy smile on my face "Me too"

Harry looks around the office shyly. He gets that look again like something is coming too him.

Harrys POV

It was only slight but a conversation come back to me. "Jeff who was that on the phone?"  Jeff turns to me with a wide smile "A girl named Anna just called, well her friend did, she said that her friend Anna might be the girl you wrote that song about. I talked to her and asked her a few questions. It's her mate" My heart started racing. She heard my song? "Um is she coming here?" I asked and Jeff smirked "Hell yeah. Tomorrow she is. Better look your best"

I smiled at the memory with Jeff. It wasn't too much about Anna but I remember feeling nervous to see her again. I decided not to tell her yet about my uncovered memory though. I look at her a smile. She smiles back. My heart starts on fire.

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now