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                                                               You're so golden. I'm out of my head 

                                            And I know that you're scared because hearts get broken  

Harry's POV

It's been three days. Three days since I saw Anna. Literally only three. But still it feels like it's been three years. The day at the coffee shop changed everything. I never felt the way I did around her.

It was literally the first date but I still felt like I'd known her for years. It made me dizzy. It was so weird. I keep thinking I should feel like it's moving to fast but I don't. But she could.

I can tell she's closed off. Something happened in her last that's holding her back. I want her to tell me I want her to trust me but like I said we've gone on one date. I need to hold back.

I haven't called her because I wasn't sure how long she'd want to wait before hearing from me again. I have texted her a few times just saying good morning we kept the convo short and simple. 

"EARTH TO HAROLD!" Mitches voice snaps me out of my thoughts "sorry" I mumble. "C'mon man we're trying to figure shit out here and you're not helping" he says with more softness in his voice.

He knows that I'm thinking of her. They all do but they also know better than to ask about it because then that sparks more thoughts of her. "I know, I know i'm sorry okay let's figure this out then"

"Okay so we'll go on tour then come back and work on the new album. But it's best to also start writing now. Any time you get any ideas write it down." Jeff goes on for like thirty minutes about the tour and I only hear about a third of what he says. 

When he finally shuts up I walk over to the piano the best way to get thoughts out of my head is from singing them so that's what i'm going to do. 

I play a light bouncy tune on the keys and start to think of lyrics in my head. Mitch, Jeff and Sarah come over. Mitch matches his guitar with my piano and Sarah adds in the drums. 

"Golden, Golden as I open my eyes. Hold it, focus hoping take me back to the light" Jeff writes down the words I sing as I go I'd never been able to pull songs out on the spot like this before it normally took more concentration but words just fell right out of my mouth.

"I know you where way to bright for me i'm hopeless broken so you wait for me in the sky brown my skin just right you're so golden" I break into a chorus of Da da da's and Sarah adds a harmony "You're so golden I'm out of my head and I know that your scared because hearts get broken" I stop there and look around everyone.

"What the hell?! How long have you been working on that?" Mitch shouts with excitement while patting me on the back "Um I just came up with it on the spot" I tell him truthfully . His jaw drops.

"That was like amazing you've never done that before. This girl is great for inspiration. You finish that and show it to us. I can see it on the next album" Jeff tells me. They all look excited I was too. The song was good and I'd never written something so on the spot before. 

As soon as I leave the studio my phone rings I look to see that Anna is calling. I get this big goofy grin on my face and answer "Helloooo?" I drag out the end of the word for affect and she giggles.

"Harold are you by any chance wearing a turquoise jacket with a striped tee and brown pants while walking out of the studio?" I raise my eyebrows and look around. Is she watching me?

"Anna are you stalking me?" she giggles again "Look across the street" I glance at the building across from me and see her standing in the window

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"Anna are you stalking me?" she giggles again "Look across the street" I glance at the building across from me and see her standing in the window.

She looks beautiful she's wearing a pair of bell bottom orange jeans and a cropped white tank top with air force sneakers. She waved at me with an adorable grin on her face. She's standing in a flower shop.

She is holding a bundle of pink roses in her hands

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She is holding a bundle of pink roses in her hands. I look to her left and my heart sinks when I see another guy next to her. Who is he?

Before I know what i'm doing I cross the street to the flower shop. When I see her I pull her into a tight hug. I've never been the jealous type but i've also never felt this was about anyone. When we pull away she gives me a sweet smile and her brown eyes meet mine. I look behind her at the guy she was with.

"Oh! Sandy this is uhh well you know who this is Harry this is Sandy Emma's boyfriend" She says turning to him. "We came here because he forgot Emma's favorite flowers and her birthdays tomorrow" 

I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Okay good they're just friends. I reach  out and shake Sandys hand. 

"I was just gonna call you and invite you to the party. It's just me Emma and Sandy we are gonna go to his house and just hang out" Anna's smile gets even bigger when she tells me this. I can't help but smile as well "Of course I'll come sounds fun" I tell  her.

"Well thanks Anna i'll see you tomorrow" Sandy says and walks out the shop. Anna turns her attention back to me "Well now that i've got you I don't want to get rid of you just quite yet" She tells me and I scoop my arms around her waist "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah...What should we do?" I put my hand to my face and rub my chin to make it look like i'm deep in thought. She laughs and my chest bursts  with warmth. This girl is making me crazy.

"How about we go back to my house? Watch a movie?" I offer and her happy expression drops for a second before it goes right back to her normal happy smile. I don't know what caused it but I act like I didn't see it. She happily nods her head yes.

We leave the store and get into our cars too met at my house. The whole time I am in my car I wish she was here. I wish I could turn my head and see her sitting next to me with her adorable smile.

I was getting so wrapped up in her. It wasn't like I loved her but I knew that if we kept this going on much longer I would and that terrified me. 

I got out of my car and ran to open her card door for her. She laughed and I grabbed her hand so I could pull her out. Not letting go of my  grip she followed me inside and we sat on the couch. 

"What do you wanna watch?" I ask ask she cuddles her head into my chest. "You're hearts beating really fast" she mumbles and I chuckle.

"Hmm what about Twilight?" I jokingly offer the most cheesy teen romance I can think of and she moves her head so she's looking at me. "Never seen it." 

"You're telling me that you've never seen Twilight" I ask over dramatically acting like she just told me that she's never been outside or something. She giggles and shakes her head "Okay I was kidding at first but now we are actually watching it" 

We watch the entire movie through, Anna seems really interested in it and it's adorable. Once it finishes she looks back up at me with her gorgeous brown eyes and innocent face. I get the sudden urge to kiss her and I can tell she's leaning in too but I pull back. It's too soon.

She doesn't seem bothered by it and starts a conversation. We talk for about an hour and honestly I wouldn't rather be doing anything else.

Anna Kent. The woman who now has the ability to put my life back together or shred it into even more pieces.

A/N AHHH OKAY so I absolutely loved writing from Harrys pov and I hope y'all liked it too. Sooooo Hanna is getting more comfy they both have obvious feelings for each other. Well ladies and gents get ur seatbelts on because it's going to be a rollercoaster from here....OKAY I LOVE YOU ALL MWAH 💋 

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