Oh Anna

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(Flash back chapter)

"Mom? Can you hear me" I yelled into the phone. Mom got her new phone last night and has no clue how to use it. "Anna! Can you hear me?"  "Yes mom I can hear you" 

I laughed at her small knowledge of  technology...just like someone else I know. It's been two weeks since I ran into Harry and he still hasn't called. But what did I expect he's a pop star who could get anyone, why would he call some messed up girl he met while getting coffee at night. But he did kiss me...

"Okay! Now tell me everything" I jumped when mom started talking again, breaking me from my thoughts. "Okay so I met this girl named Emma she's super nice we've hung out a few times um she's coming here tonight I think" I told mom about my new friend Emma. 

I'm pretty sure the only reason she hung out with me is because she felt bad for me but it was nice to have her company. Mom squealed into the phone "Anna! I'm so glad!" I half smiled "Thanks Mom. Look I got to go but i'll call you soon. Love you!" I hang up the phone desperate to have some alone time.

I love my mom and everything but she will spend hours on the phone if you don't stop her. My phone starts buzzing again and my heart leaps. I instantly grab it off the table and look at the name on the screen. 

It's Emma. I smile but also feel disappointed. I know he's never gonna call so I don't know why I keep expecting him too. 

Harrys POV

I stare at the screen that's been taunting me for the past thirty minutes. I told myself I'd wait to call for two weeks so that I don't seem desperate. Well now it's been two weeks and I can't bring myself to call.

What if she's angry or what if she's upset. I know myself i'm gonna call her and then fall for her and then my job is going to drive her away. That's why I don't date fans it's too complicated. I sigh and decide against it she's better off without me.

Although I know I should just delete her number and move on I don't. Instead I save it in my phone and then go back to writing music. I strum am upbeat melody on the guitar and decide that i'm going to sing about my situation with Anna. 

Part of me knows this is going on the album and the other part knows that i'm putting it on there because I hope she will hear it.

 A/N I know another short chapter, I've been busy but I've got some good stuff coming up so don't give up on me yet! mwah 💋 

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now