Electric Love

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She's sweet like candy in my veins 

baby you're like lighting in a bottle i can't let you go now that i got it 

and all i need is to be struck by your electric love

Harrys POV

I opened my eyes and exposed them to the bright rays of sun burning through the curtains. I turned my head to see Anna laying there with her angelic features softened in sleep. 

She looked so beautiful and peaceful. My mind retraced over the events of last night. She kissed me and it was one of the best feelings in the world. She held my hand while I drove us back to my house.

I told her if she wanted too she could come home with me and try to get sleep if it would help. She agreed, and now she lays here peacefully sleeping next to me. I never wanted this to end. I could feel myself falling harder for her every second.

I reached my hand out to touch her face. Her eyes stirred for a moment but she stayed asleep. I got up and went downstairs to make breakfast for me and the beautiful girl next to me.

Anna's POV

I force my heavy eyelids open at the sounds of pots and pans falling downstairs. Is someone in my house? When I open my eyes I realize i'm not in my room.

My mind runs over all the events of last night, that's right, I went home with Harry. Crap. It's not like anything happened we just slept. 


I was able to fall asleep again. For the first time in almost four years i've been able to get a full night of peaceful sleep. I smiled as I ran my hands through my tangled mess of hair. 

A soft knock came from the outside of the bedroom door. I pushed myself off of the soft expensive feeling mattress to open the door. I find a sleepy looking Harry standing in a pair of gray sweatpants and no shirt.

"Enjoying yourself?" He asks making me realize i've been staring. My cheeks flood with heat and he laughs. Harry pulls me into a hug "I can't believe I actually slept" I tell him into his chest.

He hums a tune and runs his fingers through my hair. I close my eyes and listen to his soft humming and feel at peace. I pull back to look at his face. He has a small smile and his eyes still look soft from sleep.

I brush his bunch of curls from forehead so that I can see his eyes better. He tightens his grip on my waist while looking back and fourth from my eyes and lips. 

His tongue shoots out to wet his bottom lip and my does the same. Our noses are almost touching and I can feel the tension stirring between our faces. I move closer desperate to feel his lips and he doesn't hesitate to do the same. 

Harrys POV

The second I bring her lips to mine a spark shoots through my veins. Starting in my lips and moving to my entire face and down my neck then to my chest and arms finishing off in my legs and toes setting my entire body on fire.

It was like she was my own personal drug and kissing her set off my high. My mind clouds and the only thing I can focus on are me and her in this moment. Anna wraps her arms around my neck and wraps her fingers into my hair. 

I tighten my grip on her waist and slowly move her backwards towards the bed. She doesn't hesitate and moves quickly with me. I turn around and sit down at the foot of the bed with her still attached to me now straddling my lap.

I move my kisses from her lips and too her neck and around her jaw line. My thoughts start to come back and I realize that this is going to far. 

I move my head from her neck and meet her eyes she has a questioned look on her face. I want nothing more than to keep going with her but I can't. It's to soon I barely even know very much about her. 

I do know that she makes me happy and that she is one of the best things that happened to me. I know that she's deep down broken and afraid but I don't know the simple things. Like her favorite color or what she likes to do for fun or what songs she likes to sing in the shower. But those are the things i'm determined to find out.

"I'm sorry" I tell her brushing her hair behind her ear and planting a small kiss on her lips sending another electric shock through me. "Why don't you come and eat what I cooked and we can talk" She nods and hops off my lap. 

I grab her hand and lead her down stairs. She just woke up and she still looks like an angel. She turns to look at me and gives me a small smile and I almost trip on the stairs. That was when I realized how deep in I was and how much it would break me if she left. 

This feeling was something new but it was amazing. It was like every touch or even just looking at Anna was electric. I never wanted it to go away.

A/N I know short chapter! But I thought it fit best ending here. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Love you all! Mwah 💋 

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