Lights Up

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Harrys POV

I sat frustrated at the foot of the hotel bed. I stared at the guitar in my arms while I tried to come up with something. My mind was blank and it was so frustrating. I played with the strings for a minute trying to come with something. A funky melody came out with a fast strum.

I moved to the music for a minute trying to decide if I liked the melody. After a minute words started to come to my mind.

"What do you mean I'm sorry by the way never coming back down" I switched up the strum pattern a bit "can't you see? I could but wouldn't stay wouldn't put it like that. What do you mean? I'm sorry by the way never coming around be so sweet if things just stayed the same..."

I trailed off at the end but kept strumming trying to come up with something. Anna poked her head out the door of the bathroom where she had been for ten minutes getting ready for today interview. "La da da da da" She sang along with my strumming and I smiled.

That was perfect. "Brilliant!" I yell standing up to kiss her. She giggles as I pounce on her. "We've gotta go love are you almost done?" I ask and she nods.

Today I have an interview with BBC on the radio. I insisted that Anna come with me because when I'm around her I'm always less nervous. The drive to the studio was quiet not in a bad way we both just where enjoying each others company not needed to talk. We pulled into the giant building and made our way to the right room.

"HARRY STYLES?" I hear a loud voice shout from inside the room "NICK GRIMSHAW" I shout back and Nick comes around the door and embraces me. "You ready for this man?" He asks and I nod laughing.

The interview goes smoothly and about an hour in I'm having the time of my life until I look to my left. I see Anna talking with one of the crew workers. They both look very familiar with each other. He's flirting I can tell. He says something that makes her laugh and then he keeps finding little ways to touch her.

Finally the interview ends and I make my way over to Anna and the mystery boy. I won't deny the fact that he is good looking. And that just makes me not like him anymore. Treat people with kindness Harold. Don't do something stupid.

Anna smiles wider when I make my way over to them "Dominique this is Harry" She says motioning to me. I smile at him and then snake my arm around Anna's waist. "Harry this is Dominique from back home. He moved here to focus on doing stuff like this. I didn't expect to see him here. Me and him where really good friends and even dated in like ninth grade." I stiffen and Anna laughs.

Now I have even more to worry about this guy considering they have history. Anna noticed my jealous eye immediately. "Well Dom it was good seeing you but we've got to get going" she said cheerfully pulling me out of the room by my forearm.

"Harry I know that look. Dominique is just a friend we dated like eight years ago. Big deal. You know I love you" she said elbowing me and then leaning her head on my shoulder. "Well it doesn't help that he's hot" I mumbled and she chuckled.

"He is pretty hot isn't he. I mean those muscles and oh his eyes" She sarcastically said and before she could say anything else I grabbed her by the waist throwing her over my shoulder to the rest of the walk to the car.

She laughed and squealed the whole way there. "Harry! Let me down!" she squealed and I just shook my head. "Hmm maybe I should start pulling up pictures of my ex girlfriends and pointing out at of the things that make them attractive" I said and she started having her fists against my back.

She moved her head up just a little bit to meet my ear and her laughter immediately stopped. "You wouldn't dare" she hissed into my ear sending a shiver throughout my body. She giggled and then I set her down in front of the car.

If we weren't in public I would have taken this a lot farther but decided against it and just planted a small, but hard, kiss on her lips. "Okay let's get this fuck out of this building before I decide to go back and make sure that guy knows that you are mine" I said jokingly faking an angry expression.

Anna giggled and climbed into the car. "That song you wrote earlier, what was it about?" she asked me while I put the keys into the ignition. I thought for a moment. I don't even really know. I did say a lot about knowing who I am. "You" I said and she tilted her head "How so?"

"I talked aloud about knowing who I am and finding myself in the lyrics. Saying that I do now. That's because of you. You helped me find myself" I said and she blushed. "I love you" she told me and I smiled like an idiot.

 "I love you" she told me and I smiled like an idiot

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She still made me feel like a teenager. Most of my relationships we would never joke around like us and I wouldn't be able to act as silly around them. Most of them where models and they all where very professional and mature. Being that way included a mature relationship. We also could hardly ever be seen in public. With Anna, yes she's also a model, but it's different. She isn't know world wide known, well she is now, but not when we started dating.

Anna also fits my personality she likes to have fun and joke around. And that's why I felt nineteen again, I felt like I could be a child around her and it wouldn't matter because she will act like one right back. But it was also the feelings I had. I felt like a lovesick kid.

"Love you more" I said bopping her on the nose. She scrunched her face at the touch and then laughed.

It was moments like these and this morning with Anna that I loved most. When we both where just happy and nothing else mattered other than each other.

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now