Meet Me In The Hallway

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just let me know i'll be at the door, at the door 

hoping you'll come around 

just let me know i'll be on the floor on the floor

maybe we'll work it out

Harry has been in the hospital all week. He finally gets to leave today. The doctors said whoever he is closest with should stay at his house with him. Everyone said that I should.

I was more than happy too but also scared. How would he feel having this girl live with him that everyone is telling him he was in love with.

He didn't argue when we told him that I was going to be living with him. He had spare bedrooms so sleeping wasn't the problem. The problem was that being with him and stuff is going to break my heart. 

It's like we're walking around on knifes. He's careful not to say anything to send me into a river of tears and I'm careful not to say something like "I love you" or anything of the sort. Harry spends the majority of his time in his bedroom.

One day I heard a small knock at my door. When I opened it he stood in the hallways. "Hey Haz" "Hey um Jeff said he wants me to live stream today on Instagram and explain what happened to my fans. They've all been really worried but I'm uh kinda bad at explaining it, can you help?" 

He rubbed his neck nervously and rubs his lips in between his fingers as he asked me for this favor.

He rubbed his neck nervously and rubs his lips in between his fingers as he asked me for this favor

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"Of course. Do you wanna come in?" He nods slightly and I move over so he can enter my room. He sits down on my bed and pulls out his phone. "Do people know about you?" He asks "Well kinda. We've been photographed together quite a bit some pictures are even of us kissing. And at one of your shows you did say that you loved me before you sang my song." His eyes go wide acting surprised that he would do something like that.

"Okay well then let's do this" He says. Harry presses the live button. I know this is going to send his fans into a mental state because after the crash we didn't give any updates. We kept it quite private. 

After about 30 seconds he already had millions of people joined. He said hi and instantly turned into his charming self. After a few minutes he handed the phone to me and told me to explain everything. "Okay everyone. You're all familiar with Anna." His face lit up when he said my name like it used to and my heart skipped a beat.

I'd notice things like this recently. He still doesn't remember me but his feelings and body still react the same way they did before too me. "She's going to explain what happened because she's better at it than I am" I gave him a small smile before glancing at the screen.

The comments where filled with lovely messages. "HARRY IM SO GLAD YOUR OKAY I LOVE YOU" "OH MY GOSH HES ALIVE" and such.

Once I took the phone I noticed comments about my self. This always scared me. What his fans would think of me. "Wow she's beautiful" "omg luckiest girl. we stan" "so gorgeous harry chose well" My heart warmed at the kind comments. There where a few rude ones but they didn't bother me.

I quickly explained everything that had happened with Harry in the past week. His fans where all sympathetic and told both me and him they hoped it all figured itself out.

Me too. Me too.


I slumped down in my bed once again after the live ended. I let out a long sigh. What's happening to me?

Why can't I remember?

I refused to tell anyone this but all my memories had come back. Yesterday all of it came back. But with one exception. Anna. I can't seem to remember anything about us. I'm starting to worry that they've all been lying to me. 

But i've seen it in Mitches wyd and Sarah's smile when they talk to her. I hate myself for it. Anna seems like a great girl. I even remember writing her song but that memory is blurred because I can't remember the reasoning. 

She told me everything that happened. All of our memories. It makes me happy to think about how in love we where. That's all I ever wanted. 

Part of me hopes I can just re fall in love with her. She's taking me out today to all of the places that are special to us.

I feel bad. Anna has really high hopes of me remembering her but I don't. I think it's strange. Everything came back to me except for her. If she never comes back then I have to tell everyone I remember at some point. But the problem is there's holes in my memories like something's missing.

I remember one time I was walking out of the studio and crossed the street to a flower shop. I remember just walking in then leaving and coming home and watching twilight. That memory confused me. 

First why was I just looking around at a flower shop? Second what made me watch twilight? So I had memories like that where there would be holes in them. Then Anna would tell em stoies that fit with those memories. So I would piece them in hoping I would get an AHA! moment. But I never do.

Anna's POV

I stood outside his door. I held my hand out nervously to knock. I'm at your door Harry! Just hoping you'll come around! Hoping we'll work it out! I hated the tension between us. Harry feels bad I can tell and it breaks me.

None of this is his fault. Right as I get the courage to knock the door siege open. Both me and Harry blush. "I was uh just about to knock" I tell him and he gets an adorable smile "You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be"

A/N OKAY SO IM SOBBING WRITING THESE LAST FEW CHAPTERS. I am going to have the next chapters be really short. Each chapter will be Harry and Anna visiting places special to them and I will be putting in flashbacks (for Anna not Harry) then I will have the ending chapter (Harty getting his memory back. Not really a spoiler bc the book would suck if he never did get it back) I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE REST OF THIS BOOK AND IM EXCITED FOR THE SEQUEL MWAH!!! 💋 

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