I Love You

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i fell in love with a beautiful girl and she still takes my breath away

I fumbled with my keys in the ignition nervously. I knew that something was going on with Anna from the phone call. She wasn't very specific but she said she's okay, I knew that was a lie.

I pulled out of the house as fast as I could knowing that her plane would be here in less than an hour. I tried not to think about the way Anna's voice quivered on the phone and instead focus on the road.

The airport is only about fifteen minutes away so once I get there I still have about thirty minutes until her plane lands.

I'm a nervous wreck and honestly I don't even know why. She says she's fine and I know she is but something obviously happened and knowing she was in Montana where he is it most likely had something to do with him.

Is she breaking up with me? Is that what this is? Did she fly all the way home to tell me she still loves him? No. She wouldn't do that.

"Flight 304 has just landed" a female voice speaks throughout the airport speakers. I know it's hers because I'm sitting right by the gate.

When I look up I realize that I am getting many stares, a few of them from excited teenage girls, and the rest from confused adults who think they recognize me but can't put their finger on it.

At least there's no paparazzi. I definitely do not need that. Anna comes through the small doors in red orangeish pants and an oversized hoodie that looks like the one from tour, she probably got it from my closet.

 Anna comes through the small doors in red orangeish pants and an oversized hoodie that looks like the one from tour, she probably got it from my closet

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She smiles widely when she sees me and I do the same. I get up and jog over to her. When I wrap my arms around her the rest of the world disappears. There's no fans around watching us, there's nobody that could possibly take pictures, there's just me and her.

She hugs me back, clinging to my neck. "Hey baby" I breathe into her ear and I can feel her lips turn up into a smile against my cheek. She pulls away and kisses

me quickly before backing up to look at me.

"I missed you" she says and I wrap both my hands in hers. "I missed you too. Is everything okay?" I turn serious for a moment and her smile drops.

"Not...exactly I'll tell you in the car" She tells me and I nod. I grab her bags and carry them out to my car. Once all of the bags are packed in the back and we both are settled in the car she starts her story.

"So first thing is that my parents got divorced a few months ago" She says and I turn my head to see she has a scowl on her face. "Why didn't they tell you?" I ask instead of saying sorry knowing she will tell me not too.

"She said that she wanted to do it in person but I think that's bull shit. She just didn't want to tell me about her new boy friend." I raise an eyebrow and she continues.

"She convinced me to go see Max and his family because they wanted to apologize. Everything was actually going fine until my mom had to drop the bomb. She told me about the divorce and then continued to say how great Max's father was while helping him and how amazing there family has been" She says the last part with heavy sarcasm.

"They're dating now. How fucked up is that? My mom and my ex, who tried to kill me, father are together. I left after that she's called a few times but I'm not answering them." She folds her arms angrily and I hold back the urge to laugh at how adorable she is when she's mad.

I reach out my hand to grab hers and bring it to my lips. "I love you" I tell her and she smiles "I love you" she tells me.

"So I'm taking you to the studio" I tell her "We are working on some stuff for the album today" she nods excitedly and I continue "while you where gone we took the photos for the cover and today we're working on music video ideas"

She smiles at me again and I lean over and kiss her quickly "Harry focus on the road!" she giggles and I chuckle moving my eyes back to the road.

"You're a terrible driver" she points out and I laugh "I know" I shrug and we both laugh together.

HELLO EVERYBODYYYYY It's been quite a while... I apologize for the long break I took. I started school last week and have been pretty busy with that. I'm hoping to get at least two more chapters up by next friday but we'll see. This chapter was a nice little break from drama but...

Look out because there will be quite a bit more. ;)

ANYWHOOOO i just finished cherry and i'm sobbing. Such an amazing book

okay hope you all are doing great! please vote and comment! MWAH 💋

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