Golden pt. 2

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When I looked in the mirror I felt different. I felt like a new me. Someone who was taking risks. Someone who wasn't afraid. Which is not who I am but what if it's who I'm becoming?

Harry flipped my world around. After the movie last night her just talked for a while. It was nice. I could've sat there forever talking to him.

I left not to long after that and called Emma. She had a total freak attack and we just squealed to each other on the phone.

Now here I am less than 24 hours later getting ready to see him again. I felt nervous because I didn't know if he really wanted to come. I was mostly nervous Emma was gonna start fan girling and make him uncomfortable. I already talked to her about that one.

I smoothed my hands over my simple blue dress and ruffled my curled hair one more time. I never really went out looking like this. I normally just went with jeans and a T- Shirt but lately i've been trying out new types of clothes and loved it.

 I normally just went with jeans and a T- Shirt but lately i've been trying out new types of clothes and loved it

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I slipped on my white converse and got into my car. I stressed the whole way but didn't put music on because I needed to think. When I pulled into Emma's driveway I saw Harrys car already there. My stomach became a swarm of butterflies and my heart started racing.

Why did he make me feel this way. I stepped out of my car and let myself into Emma's house. At first I saw nobody but when I looked out the window into the back yard I saw Harry, Sandy, Emma and her parents all laughing together.

Emma's mom saw me first and got a big grin on her face which made Harry who was next to her turn his head. His eyes lit up when he saw me. I think my jaw dropped at the sight of him. He wore a green wool sweater with the words "stay away from toxic people" on it with a pear necklace and brown joggers. 

(couldn't find a picture but his outfit from Ellen is what i'm picturing here!)

Normally on any other man I'd think what the hell is he wearing but Harry, of course, pulled it off perfectly. He got a small smirk on his face at my reaction and stood up to walk over to me.

My heart instantly started racing a million miles a minute. He gave me a giant smile while approaching me and my knees got weak. Not once has anyone had this effect on me. Not even Max.

My heart dropped when I thought of Max. I'd moved on yes but I still got scared going into things like this because of him. Harry doesn't know about Max but with him I don't get worried It's strange.

Harry pulled me into a tight embrace and it made my heart feel warm. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Hi love" he whispered into my ear and I felt my cheeks turn red.

When he let go i saw Emma Sandy and her parents all smirking. I gave them all a shy smile before running to Emma and pouncing on her. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!!!" I squealed and she let out a big snort in between her laughter. 

Next I went and hugged her parents "You sure he's good?" Emma's mom questioned I nodded my head yes. She gave me and assuring smile and hugged me again. Emma's mom was like my second mom. Ever since I became friends with Emma she was always there for me.

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now