I Like Me Better

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I like me better when I'm with you

I knew from the first time I'd stay for a long time

Cause I like me better when I'm with you

Anna's POV

I huffed at I tried to tame my messy main of hair. I was seeing Mariah again for the first time today in a long time. I didn't tell Harry this but Mariah is Max's step sister. Her mom married his dad but they divorced about a year after me and Max started dating.

Technically they aren't related anymore but honestly they never where. She hated him and he hated her but me and her quickly became friends when I started dating Max.

After he died, well I thought he died, she was always there for me. In return I was there for her when she came out to her mom. Mariah being lesbian never changed things for us. She was scared that they would and that I would think she had a crush on me or something but I loved Mariah no matter what and I was so proud of her when she came out.

It makes me happy to know she's a lot more open about her sexuality now. I'm excited to meet her girlfriend. I eventually give up on my hair and just decided to leave it with its natural waves.

I put on a white cropped tank top and a pair of light wash denim bell bottom jeans. I put on hardly any makeup, just a few swipes of mascara blush and lip gloss. It was super casual but I felt really good.

Harry walked into the bathroom behind me with a small smirk on his face

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Harry walked into the bathroom behind me with a small smirk on his face. "Something bother you Harold?" I asked as he walked towards me more. He snaked his arms around my waist and sat his head on my shoulder "You're beautiful" He mumbled while trailing kisses down my neck.

My breathing hitched and he moved his kisses down my neck and too my collar bone and all across the top of my back. He kept his hands on my hips and moved his kisses up to the opposite side of my neck. He stopped and with a smirk left me in the bathroom alone with heavy pants.

Okay Harold two people can play at this game.

Just a moment later the doorbell rang and I smiled. I ran out of the bathroom and was about to run down the stairs when Harry grabbed my waist and spun me around so our noses where touching he kissed me deep and hard before whispering "We'll finish this later" He heart did a flip and my eyes widened.

I wiggled out of his grasp and ran down the stairs. Hoping the redness in my cheeks had subsided I opened the door. Mariah stood on the porch step with a wide smile and then brought her upper right lip up and crossed her eyes, a weird face that she used to always make that I would laugh at for hours.

 Mariah stood on the porch step with a wide smile and then brought her upper right lip up and crossed her eyes, a weird face that she used to always make that I would laugh at for hours

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We both laugh and then she jumped into my arms. "ANNA KENT!!" she screamed into my ears "MARIAH HARPER!!" I screamed back. We always greeted each other like this. "Woah is everything okay? Do I need to call an ambulance?" Harry said sarcastically from the other room.

I scoffed and said "Oh ignore him it's just the cleaner person. As you can see I'm very rich so I can afford him." I said wiggling my eyes browns and spinning around showcasing Harrys beautiful entry way to his massive house.

Mariah giggled before saying "Hmm I wonder how you made all that money anyways" and shrugged. Harry chuckled before coming to my side. Mariah smirked at Harry before saying "So a little buddy told me you got the hots for my best friend." Harry chuckled before shrugging "It's possible. I'm Harry" Mariah grinned wide "Mariah Harper at your service" She took a deep bow and I let out a small snort.

We all laughed at her as she leaned back upwards. I'm glad that Harry seems to like Mariah. Pretty much everyone liked Mariah she has this sense about her that just make people like her.

"So! My ass hat of an ex step brother came back to life huh?" She scoffed and Harry tensed beside me and gave me a serious and confused look.

"Oh I forgot to tell you. Mariah's mom and Max's dad got married about a year before I met Max then divorced about a year after I started dating Max. I met Mariah through him but don't worry she's nothing like him. In fact she always hated him." Harry relaxed and Mariah scoffed "Hated is an understatement he was such a dick."

Harry smiles and leaned down to whisper in my ear "I really like her" when Mariah turned around to take her shoes off.

A few seconds later another knock came from the door and Mariah answered it. "Hi baby!" she squealed before jumping into a tall blonde woman's arms.

The woman was gorgeous. She was tall and slim but also curvy. She had long curled blonde hair and green eyes. They broke their embrace and Mariah grabbed her hand. She led the girl into the house and she gave us both wide smiles.

"This is Alex" Mariah said with a wide grin. Alex smirked and raised her eye brows up and down "Yes I am" me and Harty both smiled and introduced ourselves.

"Mariah has anyone ever told you that you look like the blonde version of Kristen Stewart? Like a more bad ass version of her

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"Mariah has anyone ever told you that you look like the blonde version of Kristen Stewart? Like a more bad ass version of her." Harry said turning to Mariah and she smirked "Multiple times. Especially when my hair was long." Harry nodded. I turned around to look at her and he was right she does look a lot like her.

We all sat down and Mariah made me tell her everything that happened with Max. She scoffed at the end of the story "What an idiot. And of course Ryan made him fake his death! Like oh he's probably gonna get in trouble for this. Oh! I have a solution let's fake his death!" she hit her plan to her face and shook her head. "I don't know what my mom ever saw in him."

"Speaking of how is your Mom?" I asked. "Oh same old same old. Still not talking to me. Still homophobic" I frowned. I remember when Mariah came out to her parents they told her that she was wrong and she didn't actually like girls. They tried to convincer her that she was just confused but she wouldn't have it. She was always strong. She moved out and they totally disowned her.

"Don't make that face. I'm better off without her." She said nothing my sad look. "So are you moving in at the same apartment complex as me?" I asked and Mariah shook her head excitedly "It'll be like we're neighbors all over again!"

I smiled and then remembered I was moving soon. "Well I'm only living there for a few more weeks then I'm going to finish Harrys tour off with him for three months then I'm coming to live here with him" I told her and she faked an over dramatic frowny face

She laughed before saying "I'm just kidding. You deserve this really. I'm so glad you've finally grown out of your shell and found someone who makes you happy." I smiled and Mariah stood up to hug me. I wrapped my arms around her "Thanks M. That means a lot" She let go and sat back down next to Alex.

Harry grabbed my hand in his and I leaned into his shoulder. We all sat together and laughed and talked as happy couples.

I couldn't have been more content. With Harry I was always happy. He just made me always feel good no matter what.

My life finally seemed to make sense again. With Harry and falling in love with them and now reconnecting with Mariah and my friendship with Emma and my now growing modeling job everything just made sense.

I was finally happy again and Mariah was right. I deserved this.

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now