I Can't Breathe

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Somebody get me a hammer wanna break all the clocks and the mirrors and 

go back to a time that was different

how can i free my mind 

cause i can't breathe 

I turned to my parents behind me both with looks of worry and guiltyness on there faces. Oh my God they knew. I turned around to face the boy on my porch step again still unable to comprehend that it's him. 

Then I looked to the breathtaking man beside me. He has a look of confusion and worry on his face. I put my hand in his and lean up to kiss him. Not only to show Max that I moved on and he no longer controls me but also to distract me because I felt like I was going to pass out.

I turned my head to look back and the person who looks just like Max. My breath hitches and my chest tightens. I find it hard to breath but when Harry squeezes my hand everything feels alright. 

"H-how?" I start and the boy outside looks upset. "Baby..." he stars and I instantly cut him off "No you do not get to call me that" I sternly say "You're not going to come here and try to woo me. You're going to tell me what the fuck is going on and why the hell you are standing here on my front door step when for the last four years of my life I thought you where dead!" I yell at him and he looks shocked.

"C-can I come in?" He stumbles and I feel anger rising in me. "Yeah sure come in." I scoff. He sits down next to my parents who both give him tight smiles and apologetic looks. "You two"I start pointing to them "Well will talk more later but I can not believe you lied to me." With harry's hand still in mine I lead him over to the other couch and we sit down next to each other I sneak close into his chest so that I can stay calm.

Max winces and I cuddle into Harry he's an idiot if he thinks he can come back here and win me back. "Well?" I say to Max and he coughs "Right um okay so"

"Max!!" I hear Anna scream as I swerve the car. My chest swells with pain at the contact of the steering wheel to my heart. I'm in the most pain i've ever been in but my god it feels good. 

And then I see her. Lifeless next to me. I start screaming not in pain but in fear. I don't know why I brought her down with me. She doesn't deserve this. "I'm a terrible person" I mumble into my hands as I cry. If I live and she dies I will hate myself. I'll never be able to live with the guilt. 

I pull my hand towards her neck and feel for her pulse. She's alive. I let out a sigh of relief. Instantly a cop opens the car door and meets my eyes. He sees that I'm okay and moves to help Anna "Take care of her" I manage to croak out "We'll do our best"  he replies. And in that moment I knew what was best for her and what I had too do.

Two days later

I heard as she shuffled around in her bed. I really hoped she wasn't having night terrors again. I listen as the nurse walks in. "Okay miss Anna can you tell me what happened last night" The nurse asks and my heart swells. She's awake? "Well Max picked me up and he was drunk" I wince as she tells the story. It still pains me too know I did something so evil. "He told me I was ruining his life and then swerved" I hear her whisper and tears come to my eyes. It's for the best I tell myself.

"Well you should know that Max did not survive the crash" the nurse says loudly. My heart shatters and I keep telling myself it's for the best. The whole hospital got in on the lie because its, like I said, for the best. 

I have to go to jail for the next three years but that's the least of my concern. My main concern is that Anna will be okay. That's all that matters.

I'm in tears by the end of Max's confession. But not sad tears, tears of anger and betrayal. I've been lied too. The whole center of the reason my life was ruined is a lie. 

Max reaches out to grab my hand and I flinch away. Harry sends him a glare of daggers. "I'm sorry Anna" "Sorry doesn't fix anything" I shoot at him I can't believe him. "I love you" He whispers and I freeze. My jaw drops and my heart beats rapidly. I want to rip his throat out but I stay frozen. My breathing quickens and my chest feels tight.

I've gone a while without having panic attacks but this was so big. I couldn't even wrap my mind around everything. I started to pant and try to catch my breath. Harry picks me up and runs to the front door. 

Max follows but Harry turns to look at him "This is all your fault. I'd appreciate if you left now mate" and rushed to get me into the car. I start to feel myself passing out. "Anna! Anna! stay with me Anna please!" I hear Harry yell through sobs. I try to tell him I'm trying and that I'm sorry but my eye lids feel heavy and my chest right. 

This is it. This is where I die, I think. I use all of my extra strength to squeeze Harrys hand. "Anna! Don't you give up on me! Breathe please baby!"

A/N wow okay so this was a whirlwind. Don't worry Anna will be okay. But with this plot twist things are about to get very intense. Please enjoy!! I love you all! mwah💋 

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