Memories- o n e

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I take Harry to beach wood first. I already told him this story. But we order coffee and tell him it again. Hoping it will help being in the same building.

I let out a little yelp before meeting eyes with the stranger. "I'm so sorry" I say. The man is totally beautiful. He has long curly hair that falls to his shoulders and beautiful green eyes that I could get lost in. He gives me an adorable smile and says "don't worry about it love" He has a thick british accent that honestly makes him even more sexy.

I tell Harry everything I felt from the moment I saw him. He listened intently. He blushed when I told him how hot I instantly thought he was.

"So you're part of the crowd of weird people who get coffee at 8 at night?" I say giving him a small smirk. This was me trying to make friends talk to people. He gives me a small smile "yeah I guess I am" he chuckles while rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm Anna" I tell him and he looks at me confused for a second "Well hello Anna. I'm Harry" He tells me. "Well Harry, I'm glad you decided to get coffee at night so that I could run into you," I tell him and he laughs.

Harry laughs as I tell him the story more in detail. Telling him every word we shared and every feeling I had. He seemed interested in this part of his life that he has no memory of. I can see in his face he's trying to remember.

"Do you want to sit with me?" he asks. My heart starts pounding. This will be good for you I tell myself. "Sure let me just go grab my drink" I tell him "Oh i'll just sit where you were sitting" he tells me "Okay" I shrug.

I tell Harry how we sat at this exact booth and how I thought it was odd how he drank straight black coffee. He laughs and says "Hey! Don't yuck on my yums" I give him a strange look "You're what?" And we both burst into laughter.

My heart warms at this moment I'm having with Harry. Even if he doesn't get his memory back at least we are here making new memory's. But my biggest concern is he won't be able to fall in love with me again. That thought terrifies me.

"So Harry why on earth are you getting a cup of coffee at 8 pm?" I say as I sit down. He chuckles "Well I was tired but I can't sleep so I drove and got coffee" he tells me "What about you? you're doing the same thing!" he adds "Well my mom told me to grow the hell up because my anxiety won't let me out of the house" I tell him he makes a sad face and opens his mouth to talk but I stop him "nope. I didn't want your sympathy. got enough of that. just talking to you makes me feel better. now tell me about yourself.

My face turns red when I tell him about how I didn't know who he was. He laughs and assures me "I guarantee that was so refreshing for me. And just think about it. If you did know who I was then you probably would have been nervous to talk to me and I wouldn't have gotten to know you" "Touché"

"Well I'm a writer" "like books?" "no songs. I was in a band you might know them" "was?" "we're on a hiatus" "well what was your band called?" "I'm not sure if i want to tell you" "c'monnn. I probably won't even know your music because I haven't listened to music or even associated myself with the music industry in almost two years" "ummm.. it's one direction" Then it hits me like a ton of bricks.

My face instantly goes red and he notices. He smirks and I throw my hands in my face. This wasn't just handsome british Harry. This is Harry Freaking Styles. From the world's most famous boy band right now. "I'm beyond embarrassed right now I can not belive I didn't recognize you." I mumble into my hands. "Heyy it's okay. It was honestly kinda refreshing having a conversation with a girl and her not fangirling about it" he says grabbing my face out of my hands so I look at him.

"Wait" Harry stops me and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Why didn't you listen to music?" My heart beats rapidly "I tell you that at one point. But we're not ready for that story yet." "Okay..." 

"Okay just so you know though I'm not a total loser. I've listened to your music before. I loved your album midnight memories but you look so different now. But I still can't belive I didn't know it was you when you told me your name."

I smile at the happy memories I retrace. But I also feel sadness. These story's and memories that me and Harry used to share. They where ours. Now they're just mine. Now I'm just someone he used to know I guess you could say. Now i'm erased from his mind with only a small chance of me coming back.

"You must think I'm such a loser" i say with my face still bright red. So much for having my first human interaction in a year go good. "No I don't," he says, smirking.

"Well Harry I hope to maybe see you again one day but it's late I should probably go" I tell him. He puts a finger up to me signaling for me to wait and gets up to grab a napkin. He pulls a pen out and hands the napkin to me. He wants my number.

I smile lightly and write it down. Harry Styles just asked me for my number and I gave it too him. We walk out the door together and he walks me to my car. "Well Anna it was nice meeting you I hope we can do this again" he says while opening my door for him.

I hesitate before telling Harry about the kiss. I know I have to tell him but I haven't told him this part of the story yet. "Okay I know I told you before that was the end. But there's more" I mumble and he tilts his head. "Okay well go on" He says with that award winning grin.

I try to respond but I can't. I just stare at him with his luscious long locks and emerald green eyes and adorable smile. Oh his lips. I wonder what they would feel like. I don't even notice I'm leaning towards his face until I realize our noses are touching.

"Quite eager aren't you?" Harry chuckles and before I can even comprehend what I'm doing I kiss him. I expect him to pull back and get mad at me but instead he kisses me back. I melt into the kiss. He smells like vanilla and mints.

He rests his hands on my hips so he can pull me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and wrap my fingers in his hair. Hey mom look I met people and now we're making out in a parking lot.

He pulls away and gives me a small smile "good bye" he whispers and disappears into his car. Woah. 

Harry widens his eyes when I tell him this. He looks like he just realized something. "Wait I think I have something coming to me"

Harrys POV

I feel a memory brimming at the edge of my mind. I try to pull at it try to bring it to the surface but I can't. Anna looks hopeful and I don't want to keep disappointing her. She's such an amazing girl and I can see why I fell for her. 

"Ugh It's like something's coming but it's still not there yet."

Anna frowns a bit but quickly brings it back up to a smile. My heart beats fast. I definitely have feelings for this girl. It's like I can't remember what happened between us but in my heart I know I loved her.

My emotions still react the same way towards her. Even if my memories don't come back I know for a fact I will still fall in love with this girl.

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now