Oh Anna

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Well, here we are. The end. This book is my first baby and I couldn't be happier to share it to the world. Thank you to all of my readers. I love you. Now lets get stared;)

I took deep breaths in and out slowly. I'm getting married in two hours. How the hell did I get here. I think back to five years ago when I first met Harry. When out of no where my brave side decided to show and I kissed him. And three years ago when we met again and fell in love.

I remember when the crazy ex got involv- *knock knock*. My thoughts are interupted mid scentence by knocking at the door. I slowly step over to the door creaking it open a bit peeking out making sure it's not someone who isn't supposed to see me yet.

My eyes are met with another pair. A familiar pair.


Who invited him? I open the door more and find my mother next to him. "Mom?" I whisper slightly in shock of her being here. "Hi baby" she whispers back. I'm instantly filled with rage. Of course I love my mom and always will but her showing up here unannounced and with unsolved problems makes me a bit mad.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and her face turns soft. "I wanted to watch my baby get married. Is that such a crime?" She says stepping forward "But why with him?" I mission towards Max as if he wasn't even there. "Cody came with me to apologize and make amends." My mom says using the false name for him. "And congratulate you" Max adds.

"Okay..." I whisper. My mom turns to Max and as if he understands what the look means he walks away. "May I come in?" she asks slowly. "Sure" I say with caution.

"Anna I really am sorry. You're my daughter and mean more to me than anyone in the world. If you don't want me to stay with Max's father I won't. I'll leave him in a second all you have to do is ask" She says in total seriousness. I consider the options. Of course she's happy with him, I can see it in her eyes. But that doesn't take away from the fact that he's a psycho path along with his son who, might I add, faked his own death.

"Mom...I can't make that decision right now. I'm about to get married" She nods her head with a smile and says "Well let's see the dress then." I pull out the white lacey gown and quickly change into it. The dress wasn't long so I had no struggle putting it on.

I looked into my moms eyes that where an exact replica of mine, well the other way around I guess

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I looked into my moms eyes that where an exact replica of mine, well the other way around I guess. She smiled lightly at me and her eyes softened and although so many things between us where unresolved everything somehow felt okay.

She wrapped her arm around mine and led me towards the doors of the small club we had rented out. I looked around the crowd and spotted the boys from the band and sitting together towards the front. I saw sandy and many of Harry's friends. I saw Mitch standing next to Harry who looked at me with tears in his eyes as I made my way down the isle. My heart warmed and everything felt perfect. I reached Harry and looked into his beautiful green eyes as the priest spoke to us. "I do" I heard we Harry whisper moments later realizing i had no idea what was going on due to getting lost in his eyes. "Anna?" the priest questioned towards me.

"I do." I smiled.

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now