Fine Line (pt. 2)

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I stood in a room full of all the people I love. Harry, who was next to me with his hand in mine, Mitch and Sarah, happily sitting next to each other looking at each other with their eyes full of love, Claire, standing near the punch bowl and snack laughing at something Jeffery was saying, Emma and Sandy, also enjoying the party happily but a hint of tension between them was noticeable.

"This is all for you Harry. All these people are here to celebrate you" I whisper and even under the low lights and I can see his cheeks turn pink. "It's crazy isn't it" he whispers back. "HARRY FUCKING STYLES!" Mitch yells from across the room spreading his arms out wide. Harry laughs as we make our way towards him.

"ARE YOU READY TO LISTEN TO YOUR ALBUM? YOUR SECOND ALBUM NOT TO MENTION AND ITS FUCKING SICK" Mitch yells once again and Harry rolls his eyes. "You need to take it down a notch Mitchel" he says sarcastically as Jeffery joins us.

"They're about to play it Harry. We all can't wait to hear it." Jeffery pats him on the back friendly and Harry smiles widely. I look at the man in front of me that I have grown so proud of. The man that I soon get to call my husband.

The word starts a flurry of butterfly's in my stomach. Me and Harry still haven't announced our engagement but he plans too tonight. Harry steps onto a small platform with a microphone in his hand.

Everyone goes silent the second he steps onto the platform, showing just how much power this man has. Harry smiles slightly at everyone before clearing his throat and moving the microphone to his lips.

"First off I want to thank everyone for being here. It means so much to me. But I also want to remind you that it's not just my album it's Jefferys and Mitches and Sarah's and Naomis and Adams. All of us took a part in the making and I want to thank all of them for making it fucking awesome. Now before we listen to the album I have something I want to announce." Harry looks at me lovingly and I make my way towards him.

"You all know my amazing girlfriend Anna... well unfortunately I will not be calling her my girlfriend anymore." Harry let's go of my hand and everyone starts to murmur I roll my eyes and grab the microphone out of Harrys hand "Ignore the idiot we aren't breaking up" I say and Harry takes it back sticking his tongue out at me.

"No...We're not. We're engaged." He says simply and I hear cheers and gasps from around the room. Emma comes running towards me and almost tackled me to the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK! YOU GOT ENGAGED AND DIDN'T TELL ME?" she screams and I hear Mitch cussing Harry out as well.

"I'm so happy for you" Emma whispers this time. She pulls me into a hug and Mitch joins us. "Hey Annabelle I-" "Don't call me that" "Sorry Anna anyways I love you and I know you're gonna make Harry happier than anyone in the world."

I smile at my friends in the room and everyone surrounding me. I couldn't be happier in this moment.

WOW OKAY. I know It's been a really fucking long time since I updated. I have been so busy. School started and I'm doing ten hours a week of dance and on top of that I've been going out with friends. I'm going to try really hard to write more. I have the rest of the book mapped out and I can not wait. I have to warn you there is some pain coming...but also happiness and I can not wait. Anyways little update in my life I got a boyfriend and have met so many new amazing people and am so so happy. I hope you all find the happiness I have found right now and possibly even more. I love you all and I'll try to update next week!! MWAH 💋

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