Always you

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i'm wasting my time when it was always you, always you

chasin the high but it was always you always you

Harrys POV

I woke up to the sound of a phone vibrating. I groaned and sat up completely forgetting Anna was laying on top of me. She slid off my lap and I caught her before she fell of the couch.

She burst into a fit a laughter scaring the hell out of me because I didn't even know she was awake. "Jesus Anna" I laughed along with her.

"It's my phone I'll get it" She said sliding off of me and into the kitchen. She made a confused look when she picked up her phone "Random number" she shrugged and answered it.

I couldn't hear the voice on the other end but once they spoke Anna's face instantly light up. "Dude no fucking way!" She yelled into the phone and I covered my ears pretending that she was being too loud.

She got a big goofy grin and stuck her middle finger up at me. I scoffed and put my hand on my heart acting offended. I loved these moments with here where we could just joke around and laugh at each other.

"Yeah I'm still here.....yes that's good....also true.....better it all came back last night.....oh my god yes!.....okay i'll see you then!......can't wait to meet her....okay....kk bye!" I listened to Anna's end of the conversation.

From what I heard i'm guessing it was an old friend on the phone. She hung up and then slipped back over too me. She sang down and through herself into my lap. "Who was that?" I asked her while playing with a piece of her hair.

"That was my friend Mariah from back home. She said that her girlfriend lives in LA in the same apartment complex as me. They're moving in together so she'll be living here now and she wanted to come say hi. She told me that she'd seen the pictures of us together and asked if we where dating. Then asked if you where doing okay after the crash. You don't mind that I told her right?"

"Of course not. In fact we're gonna have to tell my fans." I said remembering that i'm a celebrity and have millions of people wondering what's going on with me. I picked up my phone too write out a tweet. They'll want something else eventually but for now I want to focus on Anna so a tweet will do.

"Hey I'm gonna write a tweet out to my fans. But will you text my mom and tell her what happened and call Mitch before I send it out?" I ask Anna and she nods her head before giving me a soft kiss.

Hello everyone! I just want to say thank you too all of my fans, friends, and family for the support that I have been given. I know you all are probably very confused on what's going on with me so I'm going to clear that up. Two weeks ago I was in a car accident. I was not very injured, I did have to get stitches and had a small fracture in my arm, but with the help of my amazing doctors I was okay. But I did suffer from a bit of brain damage caused by the crash. I got amnesia. I forgot everything from the past six years of my life. Thankfully I had my amazing girlfriend Anna, my best friend Mitch, my former band mates Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, my amazing Mum and of course all of the support from my fans to help regain my memory. Last night I was able to get all of it back and I am really lucky for that to have happened in such a short time. I hope you all have an amazing day, week, month and year.

All the love -H

Anna entered the room again after I sent out the tweet. "Mitch is stopping by along with Sarah. Your Mum told me to tell you she loves you and she's also going to fly down sometime this week." she said leaning her head on my shoulder. I planted a kiss on the top of her head.

"I was so scared Harry. I really thought you wouldn't remember" she whispered "It's okay baby I do remember. Honestly though when we where our yesterday I told my self that even if I didn't get my memory back I knew I would fall in love with you again. I knew that I would have found my way back to you. I mean it's crazy to think that I met you only five months ago and I fell in love with only only three months into that. Never have I been that quick to fall for someone. Me and you are like soulmates if they are even real. I love you so much"

I admit and she sniffles before looking back up to me. She has tears in her eyes and a small smile on her face. She leans up her face to kiss me. The kiss ignites a fire inside of me just like every time I kiss her. Even after I have kissed her multiple times I still can't get enough and every kiss is like the first time.

I've never been more sure about anything in my life except for Anna. And I know that no matter what happens between us it will always me me and her. I will never stop loving her.


Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now