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i just wanna stay here and fall into midnight

want nobody else now, only you feel right

Harry pulled me towards the studio quickly. He had been up for hours and yet still had as much energy as a three year old.

I however could barely keep my eyes open. After the stress of this weekend I didn't sleep very well. "Babe are you sure you're okay? You look like you just rose from the dead" Harry joked and I smiled softly.

"I'm fine. Promise. Just tired" I assured him, bringing his hand to my lips and gently pressing a kiss against his knuckles.

Harry blushed and it made my insides go all giddy and warm, I found it adorable that he still got embarrassed whenever I complimented him or used gestures like the kiss.

I moved my eyes from his rosy cheeks to the rest of him. He looked good, well when did he not, he was wearing a lot more of a casual outfit today. He wore something I didn't often see him in but it became one of my favorite looks for him.

He had on a pair of loose jeans that he had cuffed at the bottoms and a long white band t-shirt that cling to his torso. I bit my lip as I ran my eyes over him and he smirked.

"Enjoying the view?" He joked and I playfully punched him in the side

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"Enjoying the view?" He joked and I playfully punched him in the side. His mouth dropped over dramatically and he swiftly brought his hands to my hips pulling me in front of him. "You're gonna regret that" He said playfully before picking me up and swinging me over his shoulders.

I giggled and squealed as he ran through the parking lot keeping a firm hold on me, making sure I didn't fall. He stopped in front of the doors and dropped me before dipping his head down and planting a small kiss to my lips.

"I love you" he whispered against my lips and I hummed in response. I heard some quiet clicks and turned my head towards the noise. I saw three men hiding behind a bush dressed all in black with cameras in their hands.

Harry rolled his eyes and threw his arms around my shoulders pulling me into the studio. "You okay?" he asked and I nodded in response. "They're just cameras," I shrugged "We we're having a moment that they interrupted but that's just part of the price you have to pay when dating a celebrity or being one"

Harry eyed me suspiciously then shrugged "Okay. But it is still annoying" he grumbled and I stopped him right in front of the door to the room we were all meeting in.

"I know but there's no point in whining about it because that won't make it go away" Harry smiles and nodded his head. We walked into the room hand in hand and everyone instantly ran towards us.

Mitch grabbed me and pulled me into an embrace. I laughed as he wrapped his arms around me. "WHATS UP ANNAAAA" he yelled. "Hey Mitch," I said, still laughing. He let me go and then looked me straight in the eyes "You were gone too long. Never leave me like that again" He said faking a pout.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "I promise," I said, putting my hand over my heart. Sarah found me next "We all missed you so fucking much you were only gone for like two weeks but it was still weird." I nodded "I missed you all too. It was nice being home, for the most part, but I just still kept wanting to come back" I told them and Harry laughed.

"For the most part" He mumbled under his breath, stealing back from Sarah. Jeffery made everyone sit down at a small table with him and a man I had never seen before.

"Okay everyone, this is Dave he'll be directing the video" Jeffery said loudly and everyone nodded and introduced themselves.

"Okay Jeff I have the idea for the video but you can't judge me alright?" Jeff nodded slowly. "Okay while we're here I want to tell you about the Lights up and  Falling video as well."

"So for Adore you I want to have it kind of connected with my fans. You know how the album cover is from the fish eye lense, well basically that is like my fans looking at me through a fishes eye right? Well in the video I want it to be on some made up island and, since i'm so creative, it will be called Eroda which is adore backwards."

"Anyways it will be about a boy, who will be me, that is different he always smiles but his smile shines a big light. The people judge him for it blah blah anyways it kinda gets dark here, he goes to drown himself but when he does he sees a fish that is jumping out of the water onto a rock."

"The boy reaches out to grab the fish and throw it back in but then it just jumps back out again, the boy realizes that the fish had the same idea he did. He doesn't want it to go that way so he takes it and helps it. He saves the fish and the fish saves him. So in conclusion the fans are the fish and they saved me."

At the end of his story he throws his arms out wide then stands up and bows. Everyone laughs as he sits back down. "That's actually a good idea Harold." Jeff says as he sits back down. "I know" Harry shrugs and then laughs.

Harry goes on about the ideas for Lights up and Falling which I like a lot for both. The meeting goes by quickly and then everyone leaves.

"Did you like my ideas?" Harry asks in the car ride home and I turn to him. "Yeah I did. I think the Adore You one will be my favorite. It's sweet how you dedicated it towards your fans." Harry grabs my hand and rubs his thumb in circles around it.

"Yeah. I wouldn't be here today without them so I guess it's my way of saying thank you ya know?" I nod my head and smile. "You know I think that you are the most loving and kind person I've ever met in my life. You always make sure everyone is okay and happy as well as yourself. That's a good quality. That's what made me like you so much when we first met. You just gave me this loving vibe that made me pull towards you like a magnet." I admit and he blushes again.

"You are probably the most humble woman I've ever met. You always make sure everyone knows their worth and how much they mean to you. You also are probably the most beautiful person I've ever seen."

My cheeks turn red this time and I lean my head on his hand. We stayed there for a while just enjoying each other's closeness. My mind turns back to what my mom said about me and Harry eventually getting married.

My heart swelled at the thought of being with Harry for the rest of my life. At the thought of raising a family with him and growing old with him. I knew that was what I wanted and in this moment I hoped more than anything that was what he wanted too.

Hope you all enjoyed this sweet chapter. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LIAM!!!! Just had to name it after his song because it fit well with the chapter and it's his birthday!! I hope you all have an amazing day! mwahhh 💋

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now