Fine Line

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we'll be a fine line 

we'll be alright 

A/N okay before I start this chapter I want to let you all know it is the last one. I will be publishing another chapter after that will basically be a big authors note. Enjoy the last chapter:)

Harrys POV

"I'm Anna" She tells me and I am instantly confused. This gorgeous girl just ran into me and she didn't freak out or anything. Just acted like I am a normal person. Didn't say one thing about the fact that I'm Harry Styles.

I get a big smile the second I see Anna. She still looks gorgeous. I instantly throw my arms around her. I don't know what came over me but I felt so happy to see her again. She wraps her arms around me as well and I pull her in tighter. This is not the greeting I expected but it was even better.

I pull away and stare into her beautiful eyes "Hey" I whisper "Hey" she breathes back. I sit down and she follows and sits beside me. "So you heard my song" I says with a shy smile. She smiles back "You're album was really great" She responds with avoiding the question. She's adorable when she's nervous.

"Okay Anna now tell me everything about the last two years I want to know it all" I say while setting my face in my hands trying to look innocent.

"Well Harold after that night life got a whole lot better, I finally grew a pair and made some friends and got a better job" She tells me keeping eye contact. I couldn't stop staring at her. She was just like an angel. Perfect.

I raised an eyebrow confused by her confession"How so?"

"I'm glad that you feel safe around me, well i'm guessing you do considering what I heard, which we don't have to talk about if you're not ready but, I want you to feel safe with me I want to be your safe place Anna, because right now you are mine" I whispered nervously.

Her eyes burn into mine as I try to figure out what's going on in her mind. She stares at for before doing something I did not expect. She kisses me. Fire spread throughout my entire body at the touch. I take in a sharp breath at the contact but let out a small grunt after wards. Feeling electricity shoot through my veins.

It was like she was my own personal drug and kissing her set off my high. My mind clouds and the only thing I can focus on are me and her in this moment. Anna wraps her arms around my neck and wraps her fingers into my hair. 

"I think that I'm falling in love with you" I whisper gaining courage. Of course I didn't yet but I knew I would. I instantly notice her horrified expression and back track "I mean I'm not yet but I wouldn't be surprised if I did soon" Her face softens a bit but she still looks surprised and anxious.

I pull away so I can look Anna in the eyes  "You being here is payment enough. You saved me too Anna. I thought I would never find someone who I genuinely wanted to spend my life with but with you it's different. I've never felt this way before with anyone. I never want you to leave me Anna" I admit. "I'm not going anywhere promise"

When she opened the door she instantly I jumped into my arms. I laughed and wrapped my arms around her lifting her up and spinning her around. "Hi love" I whispered into her ear I missed her so much. I never wanted to be away from her ever again. "Hi Haz" She giggled into my shoulder and my heart burst. 

"Anna.." I whisper and he look up to meet my eyes. I feel tears gathering in my eyes and she looks worried "Harry, What's wrong?" she asks "Nothing" I say shaking my head and chuckling "I just love you" I say and her eyes widen. "I love you too" she whispers and my whole world comes back into one piece. I grab her face and bring her lips to mine.

 "Well Max for you're information Harry just gave me the best sex of my life. Better than you ever did" I snorted and Max's face drained of color. I could not believe Anna just said that. He just scoffs then leaves. I burst into laughter and scoop Anna up in my arms. "I love you" I tell her meaning it. She is the center of my universe. I would give up everything for this girl in my arms.

I stand from the couch and keep playing the guitar while dancing and twirling around the living room. "your wonder under summer sky's brown skin and lemon over ice could you believe it?" I set down the guitar but continue to sing while grabbing Anna's hands feeling like i'm on a high "walk through fire for you just me adore you oh honey walk through fire for you just let me adore you like it's the only thing i'll ever do" We both laugh as I brings my lips to hers while still dancing around the living room too no music.

"This song is dedicated to someone who is very special too me. If you know the words go ahead and sing along. I love you Anna"

I feel instantly overwhelmed at the memories coming back to me. I look at Anna who looks worried. Tears brim in my eyes and I stand in shock. 

Anna started to tear up as well "Harry?" She whispers. I instantly pull her into an embrace and he lets out a sigh of relief.

"Oh my god Harry" she sobs into my arms. We sit there for a while just holding each other.

I feel at piece with Anna. She is my world. She's everything to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I almost lost her, well she almost lost me. But in the end everything worked out. 

Our love won. 

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now