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I was stumbling looking in the dark with an empty heart

but you say you feel the same could we ever be enough?

baby we could be enough

when you're lost i'll find the way i'll be your light  

you will never feel like you're alone i'll make this place your home 

you will never feel like you're alone i'll make this place your home 

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I played with my fingers nervously while the plane can't to a halt. It's been only one week since I've seen Harry but I miss him like crazy. Harry was really excited about tonight show because one of his former band mates, Liam, is coming to watch.

"Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking, we have now landed in Paris, France. Please stay seated until the plane has come to a complete stop." My stomach flurries with butterfly's and I squirm in my seat.

When I get off the plane I search for Harry. I'm really excited to be in Paris I've always wanted to come too Paris and being here for the first time with Harry makes it even better. I look to my left and notice a crowd of photographers near a tall man in black sunglasses and black jeans with a tight black t shirt.


I almost didn't recognize him in the outfit he hasn't worn since he was like 22. He spots me and takes off his sunglasses not even caring about the photographers. He gets a big goofy smile on his face and runs towards me. He catches me in his arms and I slam into his embrace.

He lifts me off of my feet too spin me around and plants kisses all over my cheeks. I giggle as he sets me down. He plants a small quick peck on lips before pulling me into a tight hug. "I know it's only been one week but it feels like it's been a lot longer" He mumbles into my ear and I nod my head in agreement.

We pull away from each other and I am instantly aware of the fishing cameras and people staring. Harry and I both start laughing and leave the scene.

We get into a limousine and are off to the hotel. The hotel that we are staying in is ginormous. I've never even stayed in anything other than a small overnight motel in my life. Mom and Dad never had the money to travel and Max was always too busy.

We dropped all of our stuff at the front desk then quickly leave again. Harry had rehearsals before the concert. He offered to have me stay at the hotel until the concert but I wanted to watch. 

When I get there I meet everyone in the band. "Anna this is Mitchel worlds best guitarist" Harry says gesturing to a guy with long brown hair and facial hair holding a bright red guitar "It's Mitch actually Harold just thinks he's funny" Mitch says while giving  Harry a playful glare. 

I've heard about him before and I know that him and Harry are pretty close "This is Sarah she's our amazing drummer" he points to a brunette girl on the couch next to Mitch she gives me a giant smile and says "Great  to meet you Anna. You're doing wonderful things for our Harry" I smile back and say "He's doing wonderful things for me too" and give him a small wink that nobody else sees.

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now