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tell me how to be in this world

tell me how to breathe in and feel no hurt

tell me now because i believe in something

i believe in us

Harry seemed off this week and I'm not sure what it was. I would notice that he would get random texts or calls from a random number and either ignore them, or run off to the other room to answer them.

I wasn't sure what was going on or who it was but it all seemed suspicious. One morning I asked him about it and he just brushed it off and told me that it was work stuff.

I want to believe him but normally when it was "just work stuff" he wouldn't leave the room to answer. "Hey can we talk?" I shuffled into the kitchen where Harry stood in a pair of black sweatpants and shirtless.

He looked at me with a small smile but a small look of concern flashed accords his face but quickly disappeared. "What's up?" he said making his way over to me.

"Harry I know that those calls you've been getting and random texts aren't work stuff. You've been keeping something from me and I don't know why but we're in this together remember? I love you and trust you and I want you to trust me" Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and let out a sigh.

"I know. I just don't want you to get mad about it" he whispered and I brought my hand underneath his chin lifting his head up to meet my eyes.

"Harry as long as you're honest I won't get mad. Whatever it is we'll figure it out together." he nodded his head and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Cambree" he mumbled and I looked at him confused "What?" "Cambree my ex. She had been texting and calling me telling me that she misses me and that she wants me back. I've been ignoring them most of the time but if I don't answer she just keeps calling and calling. I've tried to drill it into her head that I am with you now but she doesn't understand. Even if I wasn't with you I wouldn't go back because she cheated on me. I can't trust her."

I swallowed a lump in my throat and then streaked my fingers through Harrys soft curls. "Sounds like we might have to change your number or something then." I tell him and he nods "Yeah probably. I just wish she would leave me alone, because even if I do change my number she'll still find a way to reach out to me."

I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck "I know. Just try to block her on everything. I mean at least she hasn't showed up at the house." Harry chuckles and looks me in the eyes.

"You know it's been a while since we just had a chill day where we didn't really do anything" I nodded "It has. Who would've thought that making an album would be so hard?" I joked and Harry laughed picking me up from the waist and spinning me around.

We decided to watch a movie and just relax. Harry turned on Twilight and I smiled at the memories of us more than a year ago watching this movie. I thought about how different things where back then.

How I was so hesitant and scared to let him into my life. It seemed like an entirely different world. I leaned close into Harry's shirtless torso and listened to his heart beat.

It was a beautiful sound. The movie went by quickly and when I looked up I realized that Harry had fallen asleep. I studied his softened features. He looked so beautiful, so peaceful. I reached my fingers up to touch his cheeks that had a rosy tint to them.

He smiled at the touch but stayed asleep I rubbed my thumb over his lips before planting mine to his and then resting my head back to his chest. Our breathing became in sync as we layed there.

I felt my eyes flutter shut and I quickly drifted off into a peaceful darkness.


I woke up to the sound of a phone buzzing. Harry groaned and picked it up off the couch. I kept my eyes closed but quickly took a peak at the number, unknown. Harry looked back down at me and I shut my eyes quickly.

He sighed and softly moved me off his lap and then moved to the other room while answering the call. I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but I wanted to hear what this girl had to say.

I quietly slipped off the couch and closer to me and Harrys bedroom. "Cambree...No I told you I love her...I need you to stop calling me Cambree...No she's asleep in the other room..."

That's when I heard her loud and clear say "Good then if she's not around you can admit it Harry. You still love me." My jaw dropped and I heard Harry scoff "No Cambree I don't. And you never loved me because if you did you wouldn't have cheated. I love Anna and I'm sorry that you can't except that but I'm going to block you now from my number and if you try to reach out to me in any other way I will also block you on everything"

Harry hung up and I heard him groan frustratedly. I walked around the corner into our bedroom to find him sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands in his hair.

play us by james bay

I rubbed circles on his back with my finger and he looked up at me softly. He smiled lightly at me and started twisting his fingers into mine.

"I'm guessing you heard that" He mumbled and I nodded slowly. "I blocked her. hopefully that will be good enough and she won't try to reach out to me through another number or something" I nodded again letting him speak.

"Can I ask you something Anna?" He whispered and I kissed his temple "Anything"

"Have you ever thought about our future. Like getting married having a family together stuff like that? Do you picture me in your future?" my heart skipped a beat at his question.

"Yes. All the time" I whispered and his cheeks turned red "Harry you are the only way I can picture my future. I know that neither of us are ready for the marriage commitment yet but I see my self one day walking down the isle and meeting you at the end of it. I picture my self holding a child with your eyes and then I picture growing old with you. That's all I want for my future"

I look back up at him to meet his eyes fully and he has a big grin on his face. "Me too Anna. I've thought about that quite a lot. There's nothing I want more than to be with you forever" my stomach does a flip and my heart flurries.

I meet his lips with mine and whisper softly "I love you"

"I love you Anna. You are my entire world, never forget that"

Hello beautiful people. Kinda in my feels today and because of that i have created a new character that i originally did not plan on having but this weekend has been a mess and i felt the need to add a bit of that into here. I told my best friend of three years I like him last night and then I found out he has a gf and I didn't even know about it...but i'm all good. Hope you all are doing AMAZING!!! mwahhh💋

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now