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I wake up to a loud and consistent pounding coming from down stairs. I turn my head to see Harry still passed out in our bed. I grab my phone to see that it's 3:43 in the morning.

"Jesus" I groan and quietly slip out of the room. I knew it was dangerous answering the door considering it could be a psycho but I just needed to tell them to go away.

I open the door slightly too see a gorgeous brunette girl standing on the front porch. She looks at me bored and then annoyed and then takes a long blink before groaning.

"Of course I should've figured that you're staying here" she mumbled and I raised an eyebrow at her curiously

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"Of course I should've figured that you're staying here" she mumbled and I raised an eyebrow at her curiously. She fakes a smile and says "I'm Cambree. Harry's ex, has he told you about me?" she smirks and it clicks in my head.

"Look you're gonna have to leave or else we'll call the cops for trespassing." I tell her and she scoffs. "Please. I've been here multiple times, it's nothing new." She steps forward and then pushes me away from the door frame letting herself into the house.

"Is he asleep?" She says taking off her heels, that for some reason she is wearing at four in the morning. "No" I lie "He's not home" She laughs again "Sure. Like he would leave you here alone."

She steps passed me towards the staircase and I grab her wrist. "Leave. Now. I won't hesitate to call the police and register a restraining order." She smirks again and pulls her wrist away.

"You really need to relax

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"You really need to relax. I'm not afraid of you darling" she scoffs waltzing around me and skipping up the stairs. I groan and follow her up the stairs. She makes her way to Harry and mines bedroom. She doesn't bother to knock but instead just lets herself inside.

Harry shoots you instantly and the sound of the door flying open and banging against the wall. He rubs his eyes tiredly then blinks a few times letting them adjust to the dark.

"Hey boo bear" Cambree coos and I almost gag. Harry's eyes widen as she makes her way towards our bed. That's when I've had enough. "Stop" I growl and she just giggles.

"She's funny. I like her" She says sarcastically and Harry groans. "What Cambree?" she pouts. "Aren't you happy to see me?" Harry rolls his eyes and she gets in all fours crawling on top of him.

I start walking toward the bed to try and grab her but before I can Harry pulls the sheets off the bed and runs over to me making her fall on the floor.

She lets out a squeaky huff before returning to her feet. "Leave now Cambree. If you don't I'm calling the police." Harry says sternly and she rolls her eyes over dramatically. "Whatever. You know you'll regret that eventually. Wait til everyone knows that Harry and his little girlfriend are living together." She hisses.

Harry shrugs "I don't really care. It's the truth anyways. Who cares if anyone knows" Her eyes go wide and she storms out of the room. I hear the front door slam and I turn to Harry.

Both of us burst into laughter. "I can't believe she actually came to the house" He breaths through giggles. He picks me up softly and brings us back over to the bed.

He quickly drifts back to sleep and I study his features which just as quickly brings me into a deep sleep

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He quickly drifts back to sleep and I study his features which just as quickly brings me into a deep sleep.

Hey y'all! Sorry I know this chapter is really short but i'm having a bit of writers block. I'll be planning this next week and hopefully have more juicy chapters for you all. Have an amazing week guys! mwah 💋

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Where stories live. Discover now