1| Mickey concerned

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the first 4 chapters are an intro to the rest of the story!! Enjoy reading!🤍

Begin story
Rye and Andy were a couple for almost a year, they were inseparable and their love seemed unbreakable. Rye decided it wasn't going well any more and broke up with Andy. Andy was broken when Rye broke up. He wept for days and nights and nothing could comfort him any more. The others were desperate and didn't know what to do any more.

Mickey's POV

I woke up, on the clock I can read it was 3 o'clock in the morning. I throw my head back in my pillow. Perfect, finally a day I can rest and then I wake up in the middle of the night. I put myself on the edge of the bed and rub my eyes. When I straighten my head I see that Andy is not in his bed. Is he crying in the bathroom again? I get up and walk towards the bathroom, but when I arrive there, it is empty. Where can he be? It's the middle of the night. Maybe he's in the room with Brook and Jack. I walk to the room and knock on the door. "Come in" says a sleepy voice. I open the door. "Is Andy here?" I ask. "No, he's probably at Rye's again" says Brook half asleep. "Brook, seriously they broke up almost a week ago" I say. "Maybe they've made up" says Jack. "Oh, don't be stupid" I say and I close the door again.

Mmm... maybe they are right. You never know. I walk to Rye's room and knock on the door. "mmm" sounds from the other side. I open the door and there are two people in Rye's bed. "Rye, is Andy here?" I ask. "Who?" asks an unknown voice. It's a female voice. I open the door further and turn on the light. "Hey!" says Rye irritated as he and a girl sit up in his bed, both half-naked or naked. "Rye, seriously!" I almost shout. "What?" He answers with a sleeping voice. "What's this?" I ask with great disbelief because I didn't think Rye was going to move on so fast. "That's none of your business, leave us alone!" he shouts angry. "OK, I just wanted to know if Andy was here, but I already know the answer" I say angry. "Wait, is Andy..." Before he can finish his sentence, I have already closed the door behind me.

Because I am so angry, I didn't realize that Jack and Brook had also walked into the hall and stood in front of me. I can't believe that Rye is moving on so fast and that he is lying here in bed with a girl while he knows that Andy is devastated and can see them at any moment. "What's going on?" asks Jack. "Rye is laying in bed with a girl" I say angry. "What? Here? Where Andy can find them, while he knows how broken Andy is" says Brook with disbelief. "Indeed" I say. "oo, no poor Andy. Wait, does he know about it?" asks Brook in shock. "I don't know, I still haven't found him and wouldn't know where he is and that's what worries me" I say. "Maybe he just went for a walk" Jack tries to reassure me. "Maybe, but then he would let me know something" I say. "Maybe he didn't want to wake you, he knows how less you sleep lately" says Brook. "Yeah, maybe. Sure you didn't hear or see him?" I ask again just to be sure. "No sorry" they say. "mmm... I'm going to call him" I say and I take my phone. I go to my contacts and look for Andy's number. I put my phone against my ear and listen to how it rings. "Do you hear that?" says Jack. "Yes, it comes from the kitchen" says Brook. We walk to the kitchen and there we find Andy's phone on the sink. I push the conversation away and pick up Andy's mobile phone. "He never leaves without his phone" I say, with panic in my eyes. "If he's not back tomorrow morning, we'll go look for him, but I'm sure he just went for a walk" Jack says. I nod and they go to their room.

I also put myself back in bed, but I can't sleep. What if something bad has happened to him? What if he's been kidnapped or something? Or maybe he's drinking in a pub. The hours go by slowly and I don't close an eye. I worry too much. Maybe he saw Rye and that girl and maybe he ran away. Maybe he had an accident...

Meanwhile, it is morning again and I haven't slept all night. Brook and Jack enter the room and Brook ask: "Isn't he back yet? "No" I say. "Now I'm starting to worry too, maybe we should call the police" says Brook. "Wow, calm down, we'll look for him first and if we don't find him then we'll go to the police" says Jack. We nod and start getting ready. After a few minutes, we are all ready to go looking for him.

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I hoop you like it and stay reading. Hope the English isn't too bad, because I don't speak English that well🤍

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