8| guilt

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Rye's prof

When I heard Andy was hurt and almost kidnapped, I couldn't hold back the tears. What did I do? This is all my fault. If I'd gone after him or gone looking for him, this never would have happened. Brook was right. I'm just being selfish. I should have thought about Andy. I should have protected him like I once promised. I broke those promises and I hate myself for it. In the car, I look at Andy a few times. Jack's holding Brook's hoodie to his wound. Andy looks weak and dazed. How could I let this happen? The time in the hospital is passing slowly. We still don't know anything about Andy. I know Brook's staring and I don't dare look him in the eye. I'm afraid of what he'll say and then it'll be the truth. It'll probably be something like "are you happy now" or "is this what you wanted", "should he have been dead or kidnapped, he wouldn't have been your problem anymore". Why did I have to ruin everything? The police arrive and talk to the strange boy, Max or something he mentioned. He saved Andy, he deserves him. I see Brook likes him when he says goodbye. After a while, a doctor finally comes to us. What a relief that Andy doesn't have anything serious. I hardly dare ask, but I'm still asking if we can go to him. The doctor says we can, and we walk towards the room. At some point, I'm stopped by a hand holding my arm.

Brook: Rye...

Rye: Yeah, I get it. You think it's better if I stay outside. You think I'm a terrible person for dropping Andy like that. And I know I should have gone looking for Andy and called you right away. And I know I should've told Andy about Amy, but I couldn't. I didn't want to hurt him any more than I already did. You probably hate me and you want me out of your life, and I totally understand that...

Brook: Rye!

I stop talking and look into his eyes. With all I said, I didn't dare look at him, but now I had to. There was no anger in his face, there was understanding and sadness.

Brook: yes, you didn't make the best decisions, but what I said wasn't right either. You care about Andy, and I know you didn't mean to hurt him. I was just so worried and I worked everything out on you and I shouldn't have done that. And Rye, I don't hate you and I don't want you out of our lives. I just think it's brave that you're still here, despite everything I've said.

Tears roll down my cheeks. He understands me and he's not angry. He doesn't want me out of their lives, he doesn't hate me, and he even apologizes what I didn't deserve. His words have made me realize my mistake and I will never make him again. From now on, I will always protect him, no matter what the situation.

Rye: I promise I will always protect him from now on, I promise.

Brook opens his arms and cuddles me. It's a long and strong hug. We separate and walk into the room where Andy is sleeping peacefully. He's so handsome. No, no Rye you don't feel anything for him anymore, you... don't feel... anything... anymore... for... him, just friendship, that's all... on the side of his head, there's a big band Aid to hide his wounds. Who would want to do this to someone and why would anyone want to kidnap a person. If I get my hands on that person, I'll kill him.

2 hours later

Visiting hours are over, and we have to go home, Mickey stays with Andy in case he wakes up. When I get home, I'll check my phone. Amy has called me at least 30 times and sent me several messages, but I don't feel like talking to her. I walk to my room and lay down on my bed. Soon my thoughts wander off to the beautiful boy with the bright blue eyes. No Rye... you can't feel anything for him, you can't, you can't. Because you can't think of anything else I send Amy.

Text message

Rye: want to come by? X

Amy: always xx

end of text message

After a quarter of an hour, she's at the door. I open the door and she jumps right at me. I lead us to the room, and we start taking off our clothes. And you know what followed. When we're done, we fall on the bed. Completely exhausted.

Amy: what have you got today? You were much rougher.

Rye: noting.

It wasn't true, every time I thought back to the blond guy with the deep sea blue eyes. And every time those thoughts came up I started going faster and rougher. I just couldn't seem to forget him. Why can't I? I don't have a choice. I have to. Whit that I fall asleep.

It's not a long chapter, but I still hope you like it. I am thinking on uploading 3 times a week instead of 2 times. Let me know if you would like it!!! It would be great if you want to vote and follow. And thanks for reading!!!!! You're great!!!!

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