30| R... Rye

137 14 9

Rye's POV

Wait... where's Andy? He is not in his bed and I just check the rest of the flat. He can't be anywhere else, he needs to be here. Maybe he walks past me and I didn't see him. I walk back to the bathroom, but before I reached the bathroom, my eye caught the front door. I remember that he was open when I walk out of my room and I closed him. Wait... no he wouldn't.... is he? Wait have they kidnapped him? Do they have him? No, no, no... they are going to hurt him! I am panicking and my breathing accelerates. I shouldn't have left him alone, now he is in danger and that's all my fault.

I don't hesitate any more and take my shoes and run out the front door. When I walk out of the front door the main hall is empty, it's scary dark and quiet. I run downstairs and push open the front door. When I am standing outside I look around, nobody, there is nobody any more. I am too late. No! I lay my head in my hands, but quickly lift my head and look around. Wait there is someone, I try to see his face, but it's too dark. But then he begins to run. I don't hesitate and run after him, he has a head start because he was standing way further than me. "Stop" I shout, but he only runs faster.

How can he runs so fast, I am out of breath and I can't any more, but I keep running. He is not going to lose me if he thinks he can shack me off, but that won't succeed. Even if I am tired I keep running, I can't lose him, if he has something to do with Andy disappearing I am going to catch him, I am going to beat him up until he will say where Andy is. I won't stop until I find him.

Because I am thinking of what I am going to do to him if I catch him, he disappeared out of my sight. I stop running and look around, he can't be far away there are no side streets. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I scream and I hit my hand against the wall let me fall against the wall and let me slide down. I put my head in my hands and begin to cry. "No.... no... I can't lose him, not again" I say sobbing "why can't I protect him. I am a bad person, I hate myself, I hate me, I hate me!" I say to myself. "I am sorry Andy, I am sorry I couldn't protect you, it's all my fault" I look up and in the dark sky you can see some sparkling stars, they remind me of Andy's eyes, they are so beautiful and sparkly. I put my head back in my hands and start sobbing.

I lift my head because I hear a sound and I look in the direction of the sound and see there is a very small street. I walk to it and see there is a lot of trachs and containers. I walk slowly and silence the street in, I don't want to scare someone. Maybe it's the person I am following, maybe I have him. I shocked when a cat sprint from behind a trash can. I stop and hold my hand on my heart. It beats so fast. shit, the sound stopped. Maybe it was the cat. With my head low, I turn around and walk away.

Wait! The sound it's back. It comes from the end of the street, there is a dead-end. I quietly walk to the place. I look everywhere but can't find someone. When I come to the dead-end it's quit. But there are standing two containers in a weird way. I walk to them and move them aside, and they reveal a crying Andy.

He lifts his head and in his eyes, I can see fear. But instead of relaxing because I am here, he goes further away. "No, no, please leave me alone, please I beg you" he's begging me to go, but I can't leave him alone like this, in this situation, here. Tears are streaming down his face, and he put his head in his hands and pull his knees-up. "Andy, come we go home" I say, with a soft voice not to scare him any more, but he doesn't react. I lay my hand on his arm, but he begins to hit me. I try to calm him down "Nooo, leave me alone" he starts screaming. He hit me hard in the face and I back away. He stops hitting "Please someone help me! Help! Help" he screams but he holds his eyes shut. Why is he so afraid of me? What have I done? I try again to lay my hand on his arm, but he pulls away. What can I do, I can't touch him, and he is afraid of me? I kneel in front of him "pl... please... l...l...leave me... me alone... d...d...don't kidnap me...please" he says sobbing. Wait... he thinks I am the kidnapper, or he is sleepwalking, that's why he is so afraid of me.

"Andy, hey it..." I try to put my hand on his arm, but he pulls away. "Andy, it's me, Rye" I say. "No, no you are going to kidnap me, leave me alone" he says with a trembling voice. He doesn't believe me, what can I do? I take a deep breath. "It's really me, Andy... do...do you know that day I took you to the lake, you were in love with that place and from then on it was our secret place, nobody knows of it, only you and me" I say. He lifts his head carefully and tears streaming down his face "R... Rye" he says with a trembling voice. "Yes, yes, it's me" I say and hug him. He grabs me around my torso and starts crying out loud. "Hey, hey, calm down I am here, I will protect you" I say and stroke his back. "He... he was here, Rye" He says snuggling his face in my chest. "Who?" I ask. "The man in black, the... man who almost kidnapped me" he says. "He isn't here Andy, he won't kidnap you" I say. "Rye..." he says and lifts his head and I look in his eyes "I... I am scared" he says. "You don't have to be afraid, I will protect you" I say, and he put h's head back against my chest and starts sobbing.

We are sitting here for a few minutes. "Come we go home" I say. "I... I can't... I feel weak" Andy says and I can see on his eyes that he is too tired and too weak. We try to stand up but without my help, he wouldn't get up, he barely has the energy to stand on his legs. I try to support him as much as I can, but on a certain moment, I feel so much weight and look at Andy. He begins to close his eyes and drift away. I can catch him right on time. "Andy, Andy wake up!" I shout, but there isn't happening anything. I lift him bridal style and walk back to the flat. I am breathing heavily when I finally reach the flat. I walk upstairs and push the door open with my feet, from the noise I make The other woke up. Jack and Brook walk out their room with sleepy eyes, there in shock when they see me. "Quick, call a doctor!" I shout at them. Mickey opens the door of their room and widened his eyes with the view of Andy unconscious in my arms and takes a step aside. "What happened?" asks Brook, "I explain later, first we need a doctor" I say and walks the room and lay Andy on the bed.

I kneel next to him "Andy, wake up please" I beg "wake up, please, please". Mickey comes sitting next to me and shakes Andy slightly. "The doctor is on his way" Jack says. I look after me and nodes, I see that Brook is crying and Jack takes him in his arms "shhh... everything is going to be fine" I hear Jack say to him. I turn back to Andy and at that moment he begins to open his eyes slightly. "R... Rye" he says with a weak voice "yeah, Andy I am here" I say and takes his hand. He gives me a slight smile and closes his eyes again. "No, no stay awake, the doctor will be here any minute" I say, and he opens his eyes again. "What happened?" Mickey whispers. "I'll explain later" I say and turn back to Andy, who is closing his eyes again.

Thank you a lot for reading and voting, I love you all! Also, some credits for megs_allen16 and hey_diaries for making edits for this chapter, go follow them on Instagram!

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