24| sick

139 13 2

Mickey's POV

It has been a week now and Andy still doesn't remember anything. He does have some small pieces he remembers, but nothing more. The doctor said it could be that there is some sort of block in his head. It's a memory that he unconsciously doesn't want to remember and stops all the others, so when he remembers that particular memory, all the rest follows, but no one knows what that memory is. it still happens regularly that Andy wakes up screaming, but he doesn't want to talk about it with anyone. He's also acting very strange lately. He always wakes up early and does everything in the household. He always wants to do everything himself. I don't know what's wrong. It looks like he's hiding something, but I wouldn't know what. Lately, he's been coughing a lot too, but he always says he feels super, even though he doesn't look like that.

And then we have Rye. He and Andy had become so close. It even looked like they were finally going to form a couple again. Brook even said they almost kissed, but then suddenly Rye became very distant again. He cared so much about Andy and now it looks like Andy doesn't exist for him any more. I don't understand him, what's wrong with him anyway. And then he broke up with Amy for no reason. Not that we needed it, we were glad we got rid of her. And I say 'broke', because a few days later they are suddenly back together again. I really thought that Rye and Andy were going to form a couple again and not only me, Jack and Brook too, but apparently we all thought wrong. Lately, Rye is also much less at home, and he barely talks to Andy, he just ignores him.

I woke up by rumbling, I knew it was Andy who was cooking or cleaning up and as he never lets us help, I turned back and tried to sleep until I heard him coughing. It didn't sound good at all, but he doesn't want to go to the doctor. I opened my eyes but I close them again by the bright light. I let my eyes get used to the light and see that Andy is in the kitchen. He is cooking, doing the dishes and washing the clothes, all at the same time. He's already done so much for us, but now he's starting to exaggerate a bit. I didn't even see him go to bed yesterday. Wait, did he sleep? I am taken out of my mind by another fierce coughing. He even has to cough so hard that he needs his inhaler and then it's very bad. Ever since Rye told me that Andy would have vomited, I have started to pay attention. I could never say for sure, but I think he has vomited several times already, but every time I ask him about it, he says it's not true, and he feels super. Andy's mum didn't believe him either. She stopped by a few days ago. It was the only day she could get away from work, but she called every day to ask how he was doing. She told us that we should look after him very carefully because he doesn't show when he doesn't feel well. She was sorry that she couldn't stay and wasn't there when Andy was in the hospital, but Andy knew she was busy and said he didn't mind.

Andy and his mum have such a strong bond. Since his father died, their bond has become even stronger. It is so beautiful to see them together. Andy's mother would go through fire for him. Andy clearly has that from her. He cares about everyone and would go through fire for everyone. He is the kindest person I have seen in my whole life. He would never say anything that could hurt anyone, and he loves everyone as they are.

Andy and Max have been texting lately as well. Maybe something is flourishing between them. Andy has also promised that they will meet soon. I wonder when that will be because he said that a few days ago, but they still haven't been on a date.

I am taken out of my mind by Andy "ow you are awake... do you want pancakes or an egg or maybe something else". He asks in a hurry. "Andy you shouldn't make breakfast for us every day, you need to rest properly, you really need it" I say. "But I like to make breakfast and I'm rested, don't worry" he says as he pours dough into the pan. "You'd better take a day off" I say. At that moment he turns his head and I can now see the tired look. He really doesn't look well. "What do you mean?" he asks. "You've been busy all the time lately and don't take a moment for yourself" I say. He looks back at the pan and stays still. Why doesn't he say anything any more? "Andy what's wrong?" I ask worried. He just wanted to say something, but Brook and Jack rushed into the room and hugged Andy. "MMM... thank you, Andy, for breakfast" says Brook. "Yes you really treat us too well" says Jack when he gets loose. I notice that Andy is laughing back and it's not a fake smile, it's a real smile. Jack and Brook each grab a plate and grab something to eat. Rye also comes in and grabs a plate and starts eating breakfast. He doesn't say anything and just stays quiet. What is wrong with him?

Again I am taken out of my mind by Andy who is coughing. "Andy are you all right? You've been coughing for almost a week, shouldn't you see a doctor?" Brook asks. "No, no, I'm fine, nothing serious" says Andy. Brook looks at me and I can see from his face that he doesn't believe Andy either. What is going on?

After we have eaten Andy starts to clean up. We want to help, but he refuses and says we have to get ready, or we will be late.

A little later we are all ready to leave to record a new cover, but again Andy coughs. "Wouldn't it be better to record the cover some other time?" I ask. "Yes, maybe we should" says Jack. "Why" asks Andy as if nothing's wrong. "Andy, you're sick, I don't think it's a good idea to record a cover now" I say a bit angry. "I'm not sick, I just have to cough, that's all" he says to reassure us, but that doesn't work. "It's not going to help to keep nagging, because he won't admit it, but why not? It's no shame to be sick and Andy is already doing so much for us. A day off really can't hurt. Maybe it has to do with what Blair said to him. Maybe it has to do with what Blair said to him. Maybe he's afraid he's not doing enough or that he shouldn't be sick because otherwise, he'll be thrown out of the band. I am sorry that Blair said that to him. He doesn't deserve to be thrown out of the band. He does so much and even then Blair dares to say that.

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