3| andy explain

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Brook's POV

Everyone was dressed up, of course, Rye was there, he was probably still lying in his bed with that girl. It's not the first time I've seen him come home with a girl. Since it's over with Andy he has a new one almost every day. I don't understand why he gets over Andy so easily. They had something so beautiful and it seemed like nothing or nobody could come between them, but still...

We were about to go out when we heard the door. I stormed off like crazy and saw Andy standing in the doorway. I hugged him right away, I really thought something bad had happened or something. "Wow, Brook calm down, you're choking me," he says. "You're back" I say with relief in my voice. "I really thought something bad had happened" I say when I get away from him. He looks at his shoes. "Andy?" I ask, but he still doesn't look at me. "Andy, I think we should talk" says Mickey, in a strict but calm tone. Andy nods and follows him into the room, Jack and I do the same and I close the door behind me.

"Andy, where were you?" asks Mickey, worried when everyone is sitting down. "I... I..." Andy takes a deep breath "I was at the café" he says without looking at us. "Why?" asks Jack. He straightens his head "because I wanted to forget everything, the pain, the hate, the thoughts that kept going through my head. I wanted to forget what I was doing and enjoy, to be happy again for once, without worries" he says with tears in his eyes. "Everyone hates me" he says. "That's not true, we always love you" I say. "But not Rye and not the roadies, they only hate me. I don't do anything right" he says, and he puts his face in his hands and starts sobbing. "That's not true, they love you" Jack tries to reassure him. "That's not true, they hate me on everything, on all the little things, on everything I say or do" he says and tears flow down his cheeks. I want to walk towards him, but Mickey is in front of me and puts himself next to Andy and pulls him in a hug and rubs his back to reassure him. Jack puts a hand on his arm "hey, that's just a few people, you shouldn't worry about that" he says, but Andy shakes his head "no", "no, no, leave me alone" he says and hides his face in Mickey's chest. Mickey signed that we'd better leave the room. Before I close the door I look again at Andy "everything is going to be all right" Mickey says. "No, it won't be all right" says Andy and starts sobbing loudly again. I close the door. It's terrible to see Andy like this. I hate it.

After about ten minutes Mickey enters the room. "And?" I ask. "He's asleep, finally" says Mickey, you can hear the relief in his voice. "Poor Andy, all that hate and Rye who broke up, he must be having a hard time" says Jack. Mickey and I nod. "That's true" says Mickey. "Surely we must be able to help him in some way?" I ask. "Yes, but how?" ask Jack.

Andy's POV

I wake up. I open my eyes but quickly close them again because of the bright light. I give my eyes some time to get used to the light. When they get used to the light I look around the room, there is no one there. I get up and walk to the kitchen to grab something to drink.

I notice that there is a note on the sink. It says: "We are to the shop. It may take a while, Brook needs clothes. There are pancakes in the fridge, tasty! Greetings Mickey". mmm... pancakes, I love pancakes. I quickly go to the fridge and get the pile and some white sugar. I eat some pancakes and then put them back in the fridge.

Now that no one is home I can have a bath. I walk to the bathroom, I thought I heard a sound coming from Rye's room, but it will be nothing. I let the bath fill up and put myself in it.

After half an hour I decide to go out of the bath. It was so relaxing and that was just what I needed. I get out of the bath and dry myself. I put on fresh clothes. I don't feel like doing my hair, so I leave it flat on my head.

I walk to the kitchen, but when I open the door it's as if someone is sticking twenty knives into my heart. Rye is kissing someone else, another girl. My heartbeat accelerates, my breathing becomes irregular and I feel tears coming up. He is already over me, he doesn't love me any more. The tears roll down my cheeks, but I am completely stiffened and can't do anything, I don't know what to do any more.

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