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Mickey's POV

Shit, shit, shit, shit... I overslept. I promised Andy I'll take him home and now I've overslept and I know how much he hates hospitals. I grab some clothes and walk to the bathroom. I get dressed and walk out of the bathroom. "Ouch" I bump into Brook, and he falls to the floor with a smack. "Ow sorry Brook" I say when I help him up. "Why so hurried?" He says as he wipes the dirt off. "I have to get Andy from the hospital and I overslept" I explain. "And why do you need to hurry then?" He asks. "You know how much Andy hates hospitals" I say, "I'm a little annoyed because I want to leave. "Oh yes, what are you waiting for" he says. I look at him with an angry look and walk out to my car. Just when I want to get in the car, my phone rings. I take it out of my pocket and it's Blair calling. I pick up. "Hey Blair, it's not a good time right now, I have to go get Andy" I say. "All right, call me when you get home. I want to talk to him." Blair says. "Uh... I don't think that's a good idea he..." Blair won't let me finish. "I'll be there at 6:00," and he ends the call. Well, he wasn't happy either. I quickly get in the car and drive to the hospital.

I finally get to the hospital. I walk to Andy's room and see that he's already sitting on the bed, waiting from me. I'm stopped by the doctor. "Here's the prescription for the painkillers, he shouldn't take too many of them, because they're heavy painkillers and make sure he gets enough rest. So only give him the pills if it's really extreme and his wound has to be taken care of every day" the doctor tells me, and he gives me the prescription. "And his memories" I ask while I take the prescription. "They will come back, but give him time and you shouldn't push him too much to remember things, you can help him, but not all at once, then it can have negative consequences" he says in a strict voice. "OK, thank you doctor" I walk to the room where Andy is waiting for me. He looks tired and I can see that he is still in pain. "Are you okay?" I ask him. "Yeah, sure," and he gets up. "Shall we leave?" I ask him with a smile, "please" he says a little annoyed. We walk out of the hospital to my car. We get in the car. "I have to take the painkillers first" I say to Andy. "No problem, I'm glad I'm out of that hospital" he says.

We arrive at the pharmacist and I get out to get the painkillers. "I'll be right back" I say. "All right" Andy answers. I close the door and walk into the pharmacy. After a few minutes, I come back with the painkillers. I get into the car "I have..." I want to say, but I see that Andy is asleep. I start the car and drive to the flat.

After about ten minutes we arrived at the flat. I park the car. I'm so sorry to wake Andy. "Hey Andy, we're here" I say. His eyes open, but he looks very tired. "What?" he says in a morning voice. "We're home" I say. "Ow" he unbuckles his belt and gets out. I get out too and we walk in together. When we walk into the kitchen, Brook and Jack come up to Andy and hug him. "You're back" says Brook happy. "Guys, Andy needs to rest," I say. "Oh yeah" says Jack and Brook, and they let Andy go. Andy smiles at them and then walks up to the bed. "Do you need another painkiller?" "No," he says. "Oh yeah, Blair wants to come by later, but if you're not feeling well, I'll tell him to come by later." I say. "No, no, it's okay" he says. "All right, rest now." He nods and closes his eyes. I put myself in my bed and get a book and Jack and Brook put themselves on the couch and watch a film.

After a while Jack pauses the film. "What did the doctor say?" he asked. "He said he needs to rest enough," I say. "And his memories?" Brook asks. "They'll come back, but we can't push him, we can help him remember, but gradually" I say. "If we go too fast it'll only have negative consequences". "But no one really knows what happened, even Max and Rye don't know everything" says Brook. "Where is Rye anyway?" I ask. "He's here, but he's with Amy again" says Brook annoyed. "I'm going to have a look" I say and I'll put my book aside and walk to Rye's room. I don't get it. He had said he was going to take care of Andy, but since we've been home he hasn't asked about Andy once, and he's just hanging out with Amy. I come to his room and knock on the door. "Come on in," he says. I open the door, but Rye's alone. Amy isn't there and Rye sits on his bed with his head down. "Rye?" I ask and he looks up. His eyes are red probably from crying. "What's Rye?" I ask worriedly. "Mickey, it's all my fault. How can I face you now? I've ruined everything. I dropped Andy and it's my fault they almost kidnapped him. If I'd just followed him, then nothing would have happened. I hate myself Mickey, I should have been there for him, but I was too cowardly. I'm so sorry" again he starts to cry. I pull him into a hug and try to calm him down. "It's not too late, you can still be there for him" I say as I rub his back. "But you have to do it now" I say. We separate and he wipes his tears away. "How is he?" he asks sobbing. "He has a slight concussion and needs to rest enough, but for the rest, he has nothing serious" I reassure him. "So he doesn't remember anything?" asks Rye. "Only from the day of the kidnapping" I say. "And is he going to remember?" Rye asks. "Yes, but it takes time, and we can't push him" I say. "But Rye, I think it's better that you tell him about you and Amy before he remembers." He nods. "Where is he now?" he asks. "He's at home, sleeping" I tell him "but I've got to go to get food and I'd rather not leave him alone now, so would you like to stay with him?" I ask him. I knew he'd never ask on his own and maybe they'll get back together. "But Brook and Jack are here" he says. "They're coming with me" I say. "All right then" he finally agrees. We'll walk to the room where Andy, Brook and Jack are. "Come Brook and Jack, we're going to the store" I say. "Why do we have to go with you?" asks Jack in surprise. I gesture to Rye. "Ow OK. Come Brook!". "But what about Andy?" Brook asks. "Rye stays with him" I say. "Is that..." Brook wants to say, but Jack's cutting him off. "Great, come!" and he drags Brook down the hallway. "If there's anything, just call" I say to Rye. "All right" and he nods. We walk out of the room and head for the store. I really hope Andy and Rye get back together, because they can't live without each other. Although they'll never admit it.

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